Ghost in the shell

It wasn't that bad. How come it bombed?

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In order for it to be a film that normies wouldn't fall asleep in they had to gut the setting and dumb it down so much that the story became weak.

The visuals were amazing, casting for the most part was amazing but the story was shit since there wasn't much to it.

>story was shit since there wasn't much to it.

But they kept much of what made the original story great though? The blurring line between man and machine, questions on what makes us human, the potential negatives of technological advancement, altering memories, etc?

The way everyone described the story I just assumed it was going to be an action flick and nothing else.

It looks too highbrow for normalfaggots and too lowbrow for fans of Oshii. Oshii is one of my favourite living directors and while I didn't mind it I think they could have done much better. The trouble is that they didn't have the balls to completely do their own thing. The director clearly wanted to make something distinct to Oshii's version but was for some reason shackled to forcing in several of the same scenes and plot-points where they didn't quite fit. The movie was at its best when it was 95% original and at its worst when they were doing live-action Oshii. I'd probably watch another, they clearly tried hard.

didn't do the source material justice

I think it tried more than people give it credit for.

>It wasn't that bad.

it was tho

>The blurring line between man and machine
No it didn't. How can you even come to that conclusion?
>questions on what makes us human
No it didn't.
>the potential negatives of technological advancement
>altering memories
This is the same topic in the movie and you shouldn't try to separate them to make it seem there's more to it than there actually was.

They could have just as well done away with the cyborg aspect, replaced Motoko with Jason Bourne and it would pretty much be the exact same shit.

ScarJo's acting was fucking laughable and totally took me out of the movie. Now I like SJ as an actor and I was totally fine with the whole "not asian" thing because she seemed like she would be right for the role.

But she plays the role with such a grim, monotone, ultra serious attitude that doesn't fit with the characters or the world. Yeah the Major is an android, but she still had a sort of wide-eyed curiosity about the world and her place in it, she asked a lot of questions and kept an open mind. ScarJo Major just comes off like an angsty teenage girl who just wants to shoot people.

That alone broke the whole movie for me, it was a clear indication that the director didn't know what they were doing or what made GotS so great in the first place.

disney/marvel anti-marketing campaign

because they didnt cast a proper hot actress as main character

>But they kept much of what made the original story great though?
If you think that then you don't understand what made the original story great.


actress was 3dpd

cyberpunk is dated and scarjo is past her prime

Oshii's movie or the manga? Either way you're probably right.

Johanssen was easily the worst part of the movie. I don't dislike her but she was simply shit.

Not enough like the original for old fans, not accessible enough for normies

Stuck in the middle being somewhat mediocre for both sides.

Because idiots can't do story telling
>the entire plot was Hanka removing her identity
they literally tried to erase her entire being, physical and mental, but the point of the story was that they wouldn't erase her soul. A ghost is a synthetic shell.

A white woman was cast to play an Asian character.

>No it didn't. How can you even come to that conclusion?
>No it didn't.
What does this question even mean? "No it didn't." There are scenes that are about the line between man and machine, many scenes in fact! And you say "No it didn't have these scenes?" This is like saying "No, the Lord of The Rings movies didn't feature the One Ring." It did. Maybe you don't agree with the interpretation but it is still there.

>If you think that then you don't understand what made the original story great.
Enlighten me.

Fans of the GitS series were turned off by how extensively they rewrote the plot and characters. I know many people who resolved not to see it simply from the fact that it was no longer set in Japan, which right off the bat shows they completely rewrote the entire setting and threw out all the world building.

Then they change the Major's backstory and her core character attributes for absolutely no reason. And this is all topped off by having ScarJo portray her as some ultra serious robot.

I can't even imagine how some normie would see this movie cause I can't get over how disappointing it is as somebody who likes the original movie and TV anime.

Because the advertising was incomprehensible. Because it was the same exact shit we had already seen.

It was full of shot for shot recreations. Just watch the original movie.

Only thing I liked was it cut down on the long winded monologues and exposition that plagued the anime and original movie.

Financial success has shit all to do with artistic merits. It's not just movies where this applies.

It did not have a single scene that made you question where the line separating man from machine ended and began. It didn't even make you question what was and wasn't human. It just hamfisted a none-philosophy down your throat and dragged the """"plot"""" forward with no regard for the setting

i dont want a not bad gits adaption
call it future girl robot cop instead fuckers

Scarlett was a horrible choice.

Long-time weeb and fan of the original manga and anime films, and I'd still easily recommend this adaptation to all my friends over the other stuff. This, at least, will make sense to them. The original source material is far too stylized and dense for normies. Take that as you will.

The opening scene, the multiple flat out discussions on what makes someone a man or a machine, the scenes where people change a part of their body to be made of technology with both benefits and setbacks while looking less and less human and more like a machine, etc etc?

What movie did you watch?

>The visuals were amazing
Why do people say this? Outside of a few scenes the visuals were awful.
The robogeisha sequence in the restuarant and the major diving in the harbor scene being some of the only memorable parts.
In particular, they absolutely ruined the visuals of the final battle between the major and the spider tank.

>Enlighten me.
You just spouted a bunch of broad themes that thousands of sci-fi series have, none of those are unique to GitS. What makes GitS memorable is how it deals with these themes, not the themes themselves. The wrong way to do it is to take the whole "difference between man and machine" thing then turn the focus inward and backward, making it about one person's past and determining if it was real or not, which is pretty much irrelevant in the GitS world since memories are ephemeral. They can be easily faked. The Major across various incarnations long ago realized the possibility that her entire personality could be constructed with fake data, she might not even be a person. Yet this doesn't really stop her from living how she wants to live because she has for most of her life lived as a digital entity without concrete human identity. This is the main difference between Hollywood Major and every other version of her: Hollywood Major is trapped looking in the past, every other Major looks forward. Hollywood Major can't get over "muh past muh memories" because the people writing her fundamentally don't understand her transhumanist perspective.

Overall, the result was a loftier sci-fi plot shackled to a genre action film, which both constantly batted heads. I'd put this down to studio fucking around.

The part where Batou gets his new eyes was surprisingly emotional and sad though, I really liked that casting.

The 1995 GITS is not set in Japan either, all those street signs are in chinese. And in that movie Major doesn't even have a backstory.
>ultra serious robot
1995 Major is by far the most robotic and stoic iteration of the character.

For what it's worth I've never been a fan of SAC, I mean it's a tv production so it already the worst looking GITS out there. It's just not very interesting when you have something like Innocence, SAC is very straightforward and naive and much of it doesn't stand up to repeat viewings.

Live-action Batou is excellent casting.

because it was actually that bad

her hunched over "tuff boy" walk she does in the movie annoyed the hell out of me
i was really looking forward to this. it's sad how mediocre it turned out. really flat performances and dumbed down plot.

You don't like Sci Fi so your opinion is shit.

Nice bait.

this so much

I forgot this movie the day after I watched it
The story was so bland

Most boring movie ever made. Not to mention they completely wasted Beat Takeshi in it.

>The 1995 GITS is not set in Japan either
>all those street signs are in chinese

dude are you for real?

Cause fans hate it

This reminds me of how I was watching the movie with my sister who can read japanese and she was like wait, that's not kanji.

I try to judge this movie on its own and not to compare it with the franchise.

1. So how big is the corporation and how big is the government. What's the international relation.
2. Is the Major all confident strong independent female or a Rambo type wounded soldier? She seems to be the latter but fails to act like it
3. What's Araki's power level? If it's really that high in the third act how come he is played like a fool by Hanka in the first act
4. The outdoor scene of the city looks like the fake Hong Kong in transformers 4. I understand it's expensive but maybe you shouldn't shoot in Hong Kong
5. So they just let the garbage collector kill himself like that
6. The tech should be updated with wifi
7. How do law enforcement and government and economy work ? Hanka sending SWATs to kill Araki means that they don't give a shit about government right?
8. The other problem I have with it is the location. In my impression government should have more space in upper class district and poor people in crowded lower class district. I don't think this is really...I don't know.
9. The city and the holograms just look dumb and cheap.

It's a bad movie, even if you disregard the source material. Characterization was lackluster and limited and everything that made GitS great was replaced with bland hollywood tropes.

animufags didn't watched it because 3Dpiggu
SJWs didn't watched it because whitepiggu
critics didn't liked it because it's just robocop with tits
normalfags didn't watched it because japcapeshit

Because it WAS that bad.

Completely ruined the original intent of the movie, and in the case for normies, I think it was just a janky feeling storyline in general.

> potential negatives of technological advancement

Actually the original GITS ended with something more of a positive view on technological advancement and AI, that's why Makoto fused with the AI at the end of the original.


It would have been better if it's really Robocop with tits but she is a normie living in an apartment.

It wasn't CapeShit

>it wasnt that bad
it really WAS

It was worst then bad, it was boring.

Because she's white and its not as simple as other things

>they wanted to adapt an anime movie that normies don't give a shit about
>they decided to dumb it down

So fucking stupid.

>it's just robocop with tits

I wish. I would watch the shit out of that.

your past isnt important:the movie


Most of it its set in Hong Kong.

That shot of her thigh never fails to harden me

Watch Ghost in shell online (Direct stream):

It failed to grasp the spirit of the original it was supposed to emulate.

I dunno why they let her play the role without losing weight, do they even understand the audience that were going to watch this?


garbage source material

>her hunched over "tuff boy" walk she does in the movie annoyed the hell out of me
Yes, felt the same here.

The scene with the captured hacked garbage-man were the only well acted and emotional scene in the whole movie for me.
He was the only one who showed some acting skills.

Also something that ruined the movie for me:
The major in the movie is one (1) year old! The timeskip from creation to badass "Major" in charge of the unit were one year.

The movie is bad on many levels.
Embarrassingly so if you hold it up to the source material.

My opinion is that western live action remakes of anime and manga is a terrible idea.
The fans of the original will abhor any western version and they will avoid watching it.
They may even give it bad reviews just out of spite.
The rest of the audience ignores the existence of the IP so it it's improbable they will go to the theater.
Anime movies are doomed.

das nasty

Which begs the question, why is the end game to have everything *movieified*? Just throw on the damn cartoon.

The original grabbed early western anime fans who were ALREADY familiar with dorky sci-fi concepts. If it's not completely alienating to normies, it's not GitS.

Because when you market your movie as "based on popular manga" normies instantly disregard it as nerd shit for neckbeards.Rightfuly so

Bad word of mouth only put the last nail to the coffin.

>movie aimed at neckbeards who like anime
>these people have half naked anime posters all over their walls
>anime fans want sexy females
>give them a big fatty
"what happened guys?!"

Anime from that era is such a specific cultural niche thing and I think it's about time they realized that any attempt to translate it to live action is always going to be camp.

Happy for someone to prove me wrong though.

>Now I like SJ as an actor
I don't, I think she's ok eye-candy at best, but she is ATROCIOUS at acting

>How come it bombed?
It's a low value IP that some middle-aged weeb hyped would come back in a big way.
See, GitS was a huge thing for weebs back in the mid-90s. Cyberpunk was hip and the Oshii movie was making all kinds of waves worldwide. I believe a few dedicated weeb jews pitched this hard enough to bring the rights out of development hell.

Same thing happened with Aeon Flux. Worthless IP thought valuable by GenXer that delivered way below expectation.

It shows the power of the feminist lobby, there would be zero chance of any man being allowed to be fat in a role like this.

Even Hugh Jackman said one of the reasons he wanted to quit the role of Wolverine was because he was sick of working out and not being able to eat what he wanted.

Marvel didn't let him get chub to keep him, because they knew it would not be accepted by the audience.

You can come up with all the well thought out reasons you want but the actual reason was she looked like a disgusting pig in the promotional material and people didn't want to spend money to go see it.

I can download this movie for free right now and I still don't want to see it, I loved all the anime. GitS was the first anime film I ever saw and the first blueray I bought.

It's a movie targeted to weebs, and the weebs hated it. Just visit every Sup Forums thread in the archive about this movie.

Honestly nobody actually cared. An asian cast can't make it as a worldwide feature film. The problem was ScarJo, she sucks and didn't even bother watching the original anime. It was just another high paying job.