ITT films pseudo plebs love to praise. Key emphasis pseudo autistic plebs

ITT films pseudo plebs love to praise. Key emphasis pseudo autistic plebs.

You can also add No Country for Old Men.

aka films 14 year old OP is too stupid to understand and appreciate

t. Pseudo pleb right on schedule
You aren't even aware of it, I'm older than you and most anons here.

>Spring Breakers
Is that the one with Selena Gomez? I thought that movie was just some generic fun, raunchy, summer flick. Is it worth a watch? Contrarians need not reply btw.

wow, you are the worst type of pleb

T.14 1/2

No, it's a self-indulgent piece of shit like the rest of Korine's pathetic filmography.

Mulholland Drive
No Country for Old Men

Kill yourself OP

>Mulholland Drive
This. In fact, just add Lynch's entire filmography. Biggest fucking hack ever.

Korine is a genius. delete your stupid thread.

any Godard film
any Fassbinder film

Which Solaris? Clooney edition is pleb filter.



Under The Skin is actually good though,

>pseudo autistic plebs


Agreed, there's not even any african americans or transexuals in those movies which fucking disgusting and problematic

>it's a readit episode


this. except for eraserhead


spiritual masterpiece
don't watch eχpecting generic fun, prepare for a deep, mature movie.

that is a weird fucking film to sandwich there user. korine is an interesting filmmaker, sure, but he's an idiot savant at best. at the the other two mean more than 'my wet dream' the movie

can't decide if this meme is forced harder than milhouse. getting a bit boring

The meme that people like it? Because it actually fits in this thread.

>pseudo plebs
I don't think you know what pseudo means.

People fell for the meme about ironically liking it. Pseuds don't like it, only retards pretending to be pseuds.

Pseuds are people who think Murakami is one of the best writers, retards are ones that think JK Rowling is.

>No Country for Old Men

Yea clooney version is dope

t. Pseudo pleb with shit taste.

let me guess, you find kubrick movies too slow and don't like reading subtitles?

No I love Kubrick and I don't mind subtites