*"Why is there no cloth over this armor" ftfy

*"Why is there no cloth over this armor" ftfy

Every aspect of the costumes in this show are so black, dark and dull. I wish it was more colorful

How will he die anons?

Is Littlefinger a greenseer?

Aryia kills him with her faggy needle after sansa calls him out.

No one wears hoods or any kind of head wear despite ass freezing temperature and blizzards.

I think it is right now like that, it changed to better fit the narration of incoming winter, dark times. Their costumes weren't that early in the show

>Unsullied get BTFO by the masked fuckers because they're supposedly trained to fight in formation on a battlefield
>They easily take Casterly Rock by scrambling through it like it's a fucking bar brawl

Sansa is hands down the most infuriatingly annoying character in the show and an awful actress to boot. Would love to watch Cersie kill her in as excruciating a way as possible.

In fact the ideal conclusion to the show would be Cersie bringing Ramsay back to life like The Mountain and locking Sansa in a cell with him for eternity.

user, i think you missed the part where the Gold hand said that it was almost abandoned.

That's not the point.
The point is that they were supposedly unable to deal with the situation with the masked fuckers because they weren't trained to fight on their own, which is shown by their fighting style there being rigid and clearly meant for a formation, but when they're besieging the castle their fighting style has changed to an unorganized mess.

Ah, yes. Shit writing.

that's dumb, you could easily use bright colors as a contrast. Fucking Monty Python British "humour" got it better than these schlubs with their Shredder Uniforms despite Lannisters going broke.

isn't it fairly easy to defend a castle with even a small garrison?

Yeah, but Tyrion conveniently happened to have built a plot hole into it which they used to cut down on expensive fight scenes.

why didn't they just push down the ladders?

what about high garden?

Our diverse group of protagonists will kill him, of course!

and get shot with arrows?

What arrows?

did you even watch the scene?

It had no defences to protect its riches for some reason. Also Jamie built the sewers there.

le vengeful assassin will kill him while keeping an emo face

By not flying so good.

plane crash

A big guy

He won't die, not until Stannis shows up and burns him alive

all of them are better than this retarded shit

Bran will call him out and Sansa will order Brienne or Arya to kill him,it will most likely be a beheading.

If Brienne kills him I'm fucking done with the show, NOT TWICE, SHE WON'T A CHARACTER I LOVE FROM ME TWICE...

is brienne even still in the show

yes,she's just not important right now.

please don't die please don't die please don't die please don't fucking DIE!

You're the only character I still like

I got bad news for you kiddo

Are you Rated to manufacture the m3 tactical plate Rico?


do they have electric shavers in westeros? how does CIA maintain that stubble at all times?

That's as much as he can grow..

But Ramsay's dog poop long turned to soil. How can she ressurect?

Then why did you order your man to make armor during a live winter exercise?

>Also Jamie built the sewers there.

Was she ever really...?


He actually said leather.

Accidently falls down the stairs mid speech about how he's going to sit on the iron throne and outsmart everyone.


How do you push down chaos?

why do you want every show to do things the same? the outfits reflect the mood and the grim reality of the got world. its fitting and i personally like it

For you

Can we talk about Sansa, a vapid girl who was raised to rear children and nothing else, is apparently this great leader who knows more about being a blacksmith during winter than every blacksmith in Winterfell. Even though they live in a place called fucking Winterfell and the blacksmiths would know to put cloth and leather on armor with winter approaching. It's like they made them purposefully inept to make Sansa seem smarter or something.