What's their end game?

What's their end game?

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making money on jewtube

Which one is drilling the asian grill?


I like their reaction videos whenever a new capeshit trailer drops

Yea the only one I watch is theirs

to crip or not to crip

Can someone explain to me why people find it entertaining to watch someone react to something?

People lack an opinion of their own. Thanks to social media, and the fear of not being "liked", people form an opinion purely based on other peoples opinions. Watching other people explain their opinion makes it easier to defend the opinion you simply copied. We live in an increasingly sad world.


These guys in particular are pretty animated and have some funny banter. You can tell they really dig this shit.

Well I suppose that is better than the usual shit.

Ironic coming from Sup Forums

Yeah, because Sup Forums is exactly the place where people copy each other and whore for likes instead of arguing over literally ANY thing. Retard.

actually hang out in the discord, the one in the middle is chill, the asian is in there too.

they in it for the white wimmenz

I will never understand the reaction meme.

>entire channels dedicated to only reacting to trailers
Why do people like this shit so much?

Seeing other people get excited and hyped for something you also got excited and hyped for allows you to relive the moments of first excitement seeing it as well as feel more included among others.

They have some of the fakest reactions I've ever seen. It's painfully obvious they watch the clips beforehand.

the skits are improv though, like the stuff they do before watching the video.
its kinda funny actually.

So it's friend simulation?

Yes. People lack real friends today and make up for it through simulated one-way interaction instead. At this point you have to ask yourself whether it really matters, as social needs are still being satisfied.

this combined with loneliness and the need for companionship. there's a reason some anons call reaction videos "friend simulators"

admit it, this one was good