Study: Female Stars Paid Significantly Less After Age 34

Why is Hollywood so sexist?

>Report finds women earn more than men in 20s, but ratio reverses after they hit their mid-30s

>Female movie stars make the most money on average per film at age 34, while male stars earn the most at 51. And while women’s salaries see a dramatic plunge over time, the dropoff after an earnings peak is much less for men

>“Hollywood is, in a sense, a window to society,” Judge said. “The trends we see in Hollywood are only more dramatic trends that we see more generally in the population.”

>Meryl Streep, one of the most outspoken female advocates in Hollywood, recently slammed Walt Disney for being a “gender bigot” at an awards gala before reading a letter sent to a female animator in 1938 that included the line: “Women do not do any of the creative work in connection with preparing the cartoons for the screen, as that task is performed entirely by young men.”

>And at an awards show in 2012, she blasted the industry for not making more movies about women. “Why? Why? Why? Don’t they want the money?” she asked rhetorically.

>Streep, 64, reportedly commands $7 million-$8 million per movie.

>a window to society
Women starts getting paid less as they grow older?

So you're saying that as a 34yo NEET I now have a chance with Maggie?

>be medicore actress
>in movies because you look decent and have connections
>hit the wall
>start to look like shit
>there are thousands of better looking ones every day
>still get roles ocasionally
>still get millions / role
>bitch and cry

Every hollywood actor / actress who ever moans should get shot in the head.

sounds more like ageist than sexist 2bh


piggie gyllenhaal

Shut the FUCK up.

A large number of female roles involve attraction between men and women.
Fertility is the driving force of attraction between men and women.
Female fertility falls off a cliff at 35.
Ergo, actresses lose importance after 35.

Did she refuse roles when she was younger?
Did she say: "Please give this role to an older, less attractive woman." ?
No. She was happy to benefit from her youth and beauty when she had those things.
Only now that she doesn't does it become a problem. Hmm.
Hypocrisy basically.

I also like how nothing is being said about equality for younger actors. I guess it's perfectly alright if men are paid less than women, but not the other way around.

People take career literally based on how they look.

Discover when their looks change, their career changes.

>stars are paid based on their star power
Gee! Who would've thought!?

Pretty much this. Being an actor is to do job where your looks matter as much or even more at times than your skills.

They get jobs based on how they look, and are fine with that so long as they look good, but when they stop looking good they get surprised they don't get jobs.

>millionaire crying about something
boo hoo

Nothing more disgusting than a 30+ woman.


Wait until she takes than wig off and removes make-up.

>Nothing more disgusting than a 30+ woman.
But 26-29 year olds are A-OK?

More for me

Well, hello, beautiful.
And you are beautiful.

Boo hoo, actors
Booooo hoooo

>February 7, 2014
praise kek

I don't get it. Women don't bring anything to the movies but their looks. Any female role can be easily played by a more qualified man.

look at the remake of Ocean 11 with female cast - they weren't even able to put together eleven half decent actresses, so it will just be Ocean 8. Laughable.

Heath won his posthumous oscar solely because of that line.

pretty much

>jews think their propaganda machine is a microcosm of society

Only the future has value. Wombs are access to the future. When they signal fertility they are valuable because they represent access to the future. Men are valuable because they are beasts of burden to provide for the future. There is nothing else.

Jewish degeneracy is a social and market failure.

t. virgin

>average plebs pay same $amount for movie tickets
>(((producers, directors, etc))) determine actress salaries

Bad young female actors get work purely due to tits n ass.

Its called Karma

Women get free shit until their mid 30s for simply existing. Not my problem that only a very few realize this and make better life choices according to it

>trying to use a lack of sexual activity as an insult to a person who just promoted reproduction as the ultimate goal
eat a lot of chips of lead-based paint as a kid, I see better luck next time kid

Im 24 and my gf is 37

who was in the wrong here?


>whaaa several million dollars isn't enough

Who gives a shit?

women get treated like men after theyre 35
no wait, they still get treated a little better than that

Quote in OP's pic doesn't seem to add up. Maggie isn't terribly attractive, not getting the role probably had little to do with age.

>bitter virgins outliving their revenge fantasies

I have an actual explanation here as an actor and all the acting agencies know this too. The reason why actresses get paid less is as they age near thirty five is because of this:

There are more young talented female actresses than males. As a result, Hollywood can go through the newest hot piece of ass with actresses, while male actors that are actually talented and masculine, like Tom Hardy, are becoming a rarity. In compensation, studios hang on to them afterwards, keeping them as a star and paying more so they can keep using them. That's why male actors near their thirties are getting paid more -- because talented male actors that are manly are practically dying out.

Now women actresses do get paid less, too. BUT...that's for the ones that are already old and forgotten. Other than that, they make bank on other things.

So yeah, the main reason isn't because "WE HATE GURLZ >:(" but rather that there's more actresses available then manly, burly actors that are young.

>can't deny it
Every time.

Pretty funny considering she only got her career because of nepotism with her family being high up in Hollywood.


It's affordable to be choosey with actresses, but not with manly actors as they're harder to find with each passing year, so they keep older actors, and then those actors start bringing in more bank.

>everything I needed to know about posting on Sup Forums I learned from tumblr

>cornered virgin projecting ever harder

>Nothing more disgusting than a 30+ woman.

>I don't know what projection is

>Manlet Hardy


It's misogyny the same way Hollywood refuses to fund and commission more female movies outside of thevtken ones. Females accounted for what, a mere third of all speaking roles in movies according to the latest research?

>baggie gyllenhaal

This is society in a nutshell. Women's value is based on their looks and youth. Once that starts to fade and she's still single, she's in big trouble and risks being forever alone.

They are less disgusting than 30+. Can you read?


I'm asking what makes you believe a girl's appearance literally changes overnight when the first digit of her age changes, you fucking imbecile

What makes you think anyone is implying that? Quit being autistic.

It's not even implied, it's stated.

hollywood a window to society?
they are a warped fantasyland that has nothing to do with reality.

when your industry is based on looks, older rugged men are universally liked and young, tight women are the preference

work a normal job, maggie, and you'll be like every other shlub and make more money as you get experience

>baww i'm not making enough money
find a different job then, fuck face. god damn I hate women. you're not even GOOD at acting, men just let you do it or you'll bitch more.

it's three fucking sentences god damn what is "too long; didn't read" to you?

young women in hollywood make millions of dollars just by being born with the right genes (they are so young with good genes you don't even have to work out hard to look good as a woman). i don't see many guys that manage to pull that off

every coin has 2 sides

>women make more than men before 35
>men make more than women after 41
>this means that men are making more money than women at some point
>women aren't ALWAYS the top earners
>how do we fix this?
I'm baffled how somebody can write so much about something and still not have it click that men should be equal and paid as much as women actors when they're younger. A herp derp women are paid more for a while, but that's not an issue, except when the situation is reversed

Older hollywood women act like there are not 20 something year olds that actually have a preference (fetish) for milfs/older women. Hell i would bang Sigourney Weaver or Susan Sarandon than most stuck up looking young celebs today.

>saggie gyllenhaal

Let the market fix it.

Oh wait.

>a letter sent to a female animator in 1938
Uh... Meryl, this isn't the 30's anymore

30 yr old white women are my fetish

>women get a ramping stipend as they age
wow why did you just have me predict the future

no, see, it happened once, therefore it can be applied to anything in the future. it doesn't matter that women have been equals in society for 60 years, or that some blacks were slaves once, all that matter is ONCE they were marginalized. That means we have to pay for it infinitely, forever, never forgetting that time they weren't, and their parents weren't, but their great grandparents might have sort of had a "hard time" in America.

>>the same way Hollywood refuses to fund and commission more female movies outside of thevtken ones

By which you mean the men.

Because God forbid women fund anything themselves. That would take work.

>be an attractive but mediocre/bad actress who gets inserted into movies to add to the sex appeal factor
>become an older actress who doesn't have sex appeal anymore and your acting still sucks
>expect to be paid the same

This is the case with 99.9% of actresses. They're all fucking terrible at acting.

male actors don't have the problem, because they have to work their asses off to out play the competition in the field, while female actresses mostly get "worked" in their asses for the role.

>Because God forbid women fund anything themselves

But they do. They just can't afford big productions.

probably because they don't produce anything good that would give them enough revenue to fund something bigger

gotta work harder, men can afford big productions, women are equal to men, women can do it, I believe in them.

What other demographics are paid more/less after/before a certain age?

Why are some steaks more expensive?

>brain surgery level learning curve for Sup Forums

the only actresses who have managed to maintain their careers into old age are actually good actors. Jodie Foster and Robin Wright, for example.
God I would still do Jodie Foster even today

>Uhh women are paid than men in their 20s.... BUT THEN IT REVERSES AND MEN MAKE MORE LATER HOW UNFAIR IS THAT?
Fucking children

Eric Andre really let himself go.

well I have a solution. women should make their own production company and make their own movies. so they can pay each other what ever they want and pay men less.

this is just like when wealthy black actors chimped out over not getting any oscar nominations. their argument boiled down to "whitey needs to give us more and better roles."

tyler perry can't act, direct, or write a good movie. though at least he owns his own movie production company. so if he wants to make an oscar bait movie about the life of Obama. Then he can, because he isn't dependent on white people.

One way their movies could make more is to hire prettier actors. Maybe girls below 34....

>Beautiful young woman ages
>Becomes neither young or beautiful
>Bitterly resents next batch of beautiful young women
Many such cases. Sad!


All you had to say was supply and demand.

Yep. The real mystery though is WHY there's a serious lack of masculine men, though. Like, you have plenty of these prissy male actors who do theatre, but aren't really "talented" nor are they charismatic. There is no stronk male actors that studios want to risk themselves with.

maybe they should start working regular jobs in which case they would get paid the same and wouldn't have to complain anymore

that pizza is still salvageable

I love women in their 30s. They can still have banging bodies if they take care of themselves, they can cook, they can fuck, and on top of the regular stuff they have that motherly kind of love and care, it's amazing.

You would, italian fatty

Top kek. She's a monkey being paid to dance for audience's amusement. Goys who get too uppity will often discover that Mr. Goldstein has no more roles for them.

Milk also sells for less when it is near expiry

Because women Always lose value as they age, Most men don't want to fuck an over 40 Woman and of you don't wanna fuck whats the Point of listening to her nonsense

Haggy Gyllenhaal

I will fucking find you, AND THEN...

And then?

I will make you apologize and call her beautiful, you're fucking dead kiddo.

Women are born rich and die poor and men are born poor and die rich. Men start with no value and gain it. Women start with all the value in the world and lose it. It has always been thus. Nature's way of evening things out.

Old people have no value, they are nothing but wastes of money that can't give anything back.

Do it for science and attach the taggy Gyllenhaal.

Well we're obviously not hiring them for the talent, so what's their worth once you can replace them with someone younger and prettier?

Why would he apologize to Slaggy Gyllenhall?