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All the best book series of all time to have a sub par film adaptation

Still not all stupid Swype



>doesn't kill him

y tho

If by subpar you mean great. And anyone who has actually read the book realizes it can't translate into a single movie.

He didn't bend so good.

I would've liked to see what Jodorowsky did with it but it wasn't going to be like the books. Shame though that Lynch fucked his version up so badly and the SyFy miniseries was so underfunded. Eventually though I like to think a real director will get ahold of Dune and we'll see something great, it's a long life and Hollywood has been Remake Central for some time now.

>If by subpar you mean great.

is that agent cooper?

>Diane, I have a giant worm

>I would've liked to see what Jodorowsky did with it

no, you wouldn't. unless, like Jodorowsky, you have a shit fetish.



The lynch version was alright and ahead of its time (better CGI would have helped).

The Syfy version sucked horribly and it's sub par because nothing else was made after wards. Could easily have been a series if they can make a series out of the GRRRRRM books

I know he did some weird things but I have trouble imagining the 2,000 shitting soldiers scene making it into the final cut

>All the best book series of all time to have a sub par film adaptation

It's impossible to make a single film adaption of Dune, a big budget tv series would work.

Lynch was insane to even try.



But only first book is good.


Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder recorded a song that plays during the Dune sequel. It confirms Paul Atreides never gets his Spice back. (Pic is evil Paul)

I want to see someone try an animated adaptation. I think half the book being monologue would work a lot better. Just no half cg anime shit. High quality hand drawn.

I know this will not happen for a variety of reasons, cost most especially

Wasn't that more of the producers fault? De Laurentiis wanted to make it one gigantic epic and Lynch was only the hired gun, albeit entirely wrong pick.

>behind the dune
My nigga

Yeah you are probably right, Lynch came directly from the Elephant Man to this, a practically unfilmable space opera.

I've seen the movie, but I just bought the book off Amazon because it was $6. What am I in for?


>Lynch was insane
That's what they all say.

Disappointment in knowing how it was portrayed in film

Lynch's Dune gets way more hate than it deserves.

>You don't get to bring facial abscesses

It's not terrible, but it's a pitifully distant cry from the source material. Just so many weird choices. I have a feeling it would have been far more watchable had I not been so familiar with the books.

I don't know why but that is fucking funny


I want to fuck Paul. Is that bad?

But why a pug dog

Pugs are superior to all doggos


>Eventually though I like to think a real director will get ahold of Dune and we'll see something great
Denis Villeneuve's next project is dune.

Me neither, always makes me smile tho

It resolves the set-up through an unexpected juxtaposition.
Classic joke mechanics.

What's some other games like this one? Really dug the mom scenes.

>mfw videogame did better job then all other movie adaptations


Hopefully it's good. Kind of nervous because the writer who is good has never done sci-fi before...

Well, Blade Runner is coming soon, and he seems to be very enthusiastic about sci-fi, so I'm cautiously optimistic about both projects.


i have some problems with Jodo saying he wanted to make a film of the book before he'd read the book. and that he wanted to "rape it.. with love."

i think he wanted to make another desert epic but he knew nobody'd see it unless it had a big name attached to it, so he latched onto "Dune", much in the same way a parasite will latch onto its host.

It's like I'm back in time.


> brings up four pages of porn sites and two pages of "ublock blocked these attempts to rape your machine"

stay classy, swfchan.

Not the director. Brian Roth is the writer. The guy who wrote the script for Forrest Gump...

Father! Father, the sleeper has awaken!

Dunecat transcends time and space.

Really the only thing his Dune project had going for it was all the real talent he "got" for it. Giger, Moebius, Dali, ...

You can't really make a Dune movie that will sit well with most people because the real story of Paul Muad'Dib is a story of a failure. Yeah, on the surface it's a "boy avenges his father's death" story, but what makes Dune good is what happens under the surface. Paul fails to stop the Jihad, fails to stop Chani's death (because the alternatives are even worse), he can't bring himself to follow The Golden Path he sees. Dune doesn't have a happy ending, even though a lot of readers somehow managed to miss than. I guess that's why Messiah seems to be so disliked, I've seen complaints about it being too dark and miserable, but that just follows logically from the original.

So, I've always wondered if an audience would accept a version of Dune where the cast had soliloquies...

Having characters be able to directly address the audience would allow a film/series to get around just how much of the books are devoted to what everyone is thinking and all the wheels within wheels "I suspect X thinks this because they are Bene Gesserit trained, but perhaps...." stuff.

House of Cards had the protagonist do it, but only him and not all that often... but still it was something done in a main stream successful tv drama.

I personally think with a good cast and writers that wouldn't use it as too much of a crutch it is a potentially fantastic tool for Dune

I think that would be a fantastic idea because Dune has this kind of inherent theatricality due to the juxtaposition of its antiquated nobility in a futuristic setting.

I would watch a Dune theatrical production

A Dune filmed reality show-style. You know, like you see two people have a dialogue and you have cuts to them sitting in some comfy setting-appropriate environment sharing actual their thoughts on it with the camera.

>What's some other games like this one? Really dug the mom scenes.
It's based on the 1992 cryo game. Start with that so you can appreciate Dune II.
Play Dune II so you can truly understand Dune 2000. Only after you've played through all three house missions of Dune2000, should you try playing Emperor: Battle For Dune.
A few playthroughs of E:BfD should be enough of a primer to get started with a tutorial for the Avalon Hill Dune strategy game. It's really important that you master this game before advancing to Dune CCG, because if you're weak on the fundamentals of certain mechanics, you'll regret it when you try playing the next game, Dune: The Dice Must Flow.

I think he was asking for porn, user.

I however very much appreciate those recommendations and will check some of them out.

please make it real

>So, I've always wondered if an audience would accept a version of Dune where the cast had soliloquies...

The Baron did this in the miniseries and was the only character to do so. It worked for some odd reason.



There's a ballet adaptation this weekend in Baltimore.

does that balance the shit he wanted to include as part of his personal mythos? making Leto an eunuch? the intelligent dogs at the start, talking to a crucified robot as some kind of stupid, pointless and entirely unnecessary framing device?

jodo peed into the project so much all he ended up with smelled like jodo pee. he should not have been allowed to call it "Dune".

Jessica a shit
Sardaukar best girl

>because the real story of Paul Muad'Dib is a story of a failure.

> overturns ten thousand years of Corrino rule
> escapes the clutches of the Bene Gesserit
> frees the Fremen
> survived

i'd like to fail that well.

>jodo peed into the project so much all he ended up with smelled like jodo pee. he should not have been allowed to call it "Dune".
to be fair, he was pretty upfront with his intention to diverge wildly from the source material.

Captain Aramsham and several of his knives would like a brief word with you, user.


i'm still very tempted to do an adaptation of his "Madwoman of the Sacred Heart", using sock puppets and high-pitched stupid sounding voices. pretty much the only material i'd keep was the numerous scenes where "Mangel" (thinly disguised jodorowsky) shits everywhere and impregnates crazy women. i'd record it using an old android phone with a scratched lens, i'd have music by Ween (unauthorized) and i would sell it wherever i could, along with the advisory that i only wanted to "rape it.. with love."

did you just ignore the rest of my post or something
>frees the Fremen
the Fremen were free, he was just a catalyst to unleash their energy on the Universe

There's a part I think in the middle of the first book, where he's shown one of their reserviours, and he's thinking about how even if he kills everybody in that chamber, including himself, that would not stop the Jihad because the rumours of him already spread among the tribes.

Hey man, (You) do (You).
Jodo would probably dig it and only get jealous because you didn't cast him personally.

Get it from the creators page, some frogman, that should help.


His son turns into a worm.

To fix his mistakes, too.

>Frank Herbert's 1965 novel, Dune, is widely recognized as the best selling science fiction novel of all time. It’s exploration of politics, religion, sexism and ecology set against an interstellar backdrop allows the reader a reflection on the human condition in the modern era. Herbert’s Fremen of Arrakis provide a counterpoint to a culture consumed by avarice – the desire for melange.

>Join us as we depict Herbert’s illustrative words through the art of ballet. Movement will be on full display in it’s varied definitions as we follow Paul Atreides in his rise to power as both royalty and the prophet of the Fremen.

>Katie Vaught of Vaught Contemporary Ballet has choreographed a piece that follows Paul through his many tribulations. It will feature parts of the soundtrack from David Lynch’s 1984 film adaptation scored by Toto, as well as tracks from 2013 documentary “Jodorowsky’s Dune.” Though it is meant to stand alone as a ballet and to be accessible to anyone.

I just got tickets.
While it sounds artsy-fartsy as fuck, who knows, it might have its moments.


Leto specifically mentions how he has to do it because his father failed to do it.

i disagree, and this film has had as much influence on all sci-fi movies since as much as bladerunner or alien

has jodocowcrap actually made anything of worth

answer: no

>Lynch is not a real director

this fucking meme

great line and great delivery

fucking hate those harkonnens

>this film has had as much influence on all sci-fi movies since as much as bladerunner or alien
Not even close, and not even close to the amount of influence the book had over the popular culture.

I actually like your idea. Fuck, I will personally fund it!

Funniest unironic and non-maymay related thing I've seen on the chans in many a moon.

We thank you for the gift of your folders' lulz.

And, mother mine, there's a thing you don't know and should - we are Harkonnens.

My friend Ryan said I only laughed at nigger and/or cock jokes.

Well it's been eight years but I can finally say that he's wrong since I laughed hard at that joke.

>someone on Sup Forums literally going to the fucking ballet.

I don´t know why you´re here and I think you definitely came to the wrong place but keep it up.

Please make a thread about it once you've seen it.
I won't be able to go, seeing as I live in Italy

It's in Baltimore, so there's a high probability that I never make it home.

Which do you prefer, this?

Or this?

Goat first half. Good middle act. Retardation at the end with the MC and his buddies becoming incredibly overpowered because reasons.
Fourth book is the best in the series. Don't read books 5 and 6.

>Don't read books 5 and 6.
They're good, though.

House Harkonnen has god-tier music

They're ok bit stopping at book 4 is more satisfying because book 5 and 6 leave loose endings.
Also whatever happens, don't ever read the absolute trash released by Frank Herbert's son.

kyle a cute.

Who are the two on the right? Shaddam and a Sardaukar?

>looks younger as an old man than he did in old man makeup back on twin peaks

dem genes

>It will 'sting' Muad'Dib