How bad do you honestly think everyone would respond to James Bond being black or a woman?

How bad do you honestly think everyone would respond to James Bond being black or a woman?

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I would love to see a female bond desu. It's fresh and new and women make better spies anyway.

It doesn't matter the movie will fail or win based on the quality of the script, the action scenes, the car.

Bond movies have lost their way since Brosnan era. They need to be lower budget and less bloated big budget garbage.

Bond will always make money but that's what you do to make another really great Bond movie.

Who plays Bond matters very little. Its everything around him.

It would definitely be another Sony success, like the Dark Tower.

Exactly! She could even tour cool locations of Africa and seduce the local BBC before saving the day.

It'd be worth it just to see Sup Forums and Sup Forums rip their hair out in hysterics.

What are you on about, the last bond films have been consistently amazing.

The identity of the character is a white British boi spreading British imperialism worldwide with wits, huge sexual appetites and style. If you throw all that out you might as well just make a completely different superspy franchise, but you won't because you want that brand name recognition.

Basically a movie about Idris Elba as a cool spy would've been 10/10. A movie about Idris Elba as James Bond would be gutter shit.

keep giving niggers what they want, nothing bad will hapen

>it's a Sup Forums imagines things that didn't even happen and spergs out about them episode

But 007 is a job title for elite operations - only competence matters. Everything else is variable.

Tips Fedora

Either way it was cast, Jezebel articles/trending tweets would be written saying white men are upset and trying to boycott it.

Try again.

Never heard of that film and it sounds shit anyway.

James Bond has a fucking backstory though. It's not like Dr.Who where there's a good reason the character could be played by any actor. James bond is half swiss-half scots.

Doesn't mean he can't be a descendant of kangz though.

For a film that has succeeded and relied entirely for the last half a century upon repeating the same formula over and over they really should no better than to mess up with the dynamic by casting a woman in the role. It would completely change the feeling of the film.

>women make better spies anyway.
unironically this

Cast your female bond.

>does better than spiderman but worse than a comedy a cash grab and a war movie
pretty standard for an action movie

I wouldn't mind a black Bond, but a female Bond doesn't work for me.

British Blacks aren't like American Blacks. It's not like he's gonna come out and be like "IT'S YA BOI J.B. FUCK WHAT YA HEARD." He'd just be James Bond, but black.

"Jane" Bond, however, just wouldn't work. Even if they avoided yet another STRONG WOMAN cliche, she'd still be doing all the things James Bond does, and it still wouldn't work.

Women want to see James Bond be handsome and suave. Men want to pretend they're James Bond. Make him into her and you completely disassemble what the audience is there for.

Peraonally, if I had to go full progressive with the series, I'd make Bond black and change Felix to Felicia (and give her a little more action).

It would be unwatchable. Imagine James Bond movies with dubstep and hip-hop.

>the Dark Tower's failure is due to a black lead

Dark Tower has many problems and a black Roland is the fucking least of them

Bond movies aren't Bond movies anymore. They're "gritty" and "realistic" while Bond is still technically superhuman but he's "flawed" and "tormented" so he's so "humanized". Bond is a Jason Bourne's wannabe these days

Only alt right babbys would care


This is legitimately true though. If you were a military operative and met two strangers a large muscular athletic man and a sexy women who would you be more trusting and interested in?

Franchise is dead anyway. There hasn't been a good Bond movie since Royal and before that Goldeneye.

It was confirmed, wasnt it?

Yeah we are gonna have to wait two years and then some for a mediocre Bond movie.

I'm surprised they haven't latched on to the "cinematic universe" idea already for Bond.
They've got 001-009 to go at, could easily pump out a movie a year with the black agent, the woman, the muslim, etc.

No, she want to but she's such a box office poison that this time not even her father's money may be enough.

>I'm surprised they haven't latched on to the "cinematic universe" idea already for Bond.
What for? Bond had been going on for years. And since they are struggling recently with the official Bond films, making spin offs right now would be suicide.

You only make spinoffs when the main film is successful and has a good reputation. Bond is still struggling to recapture mainstream success of the past.

I think him playing Roland is much worse than him playing Bond tee bee aych

By not watching it. I haven't watched a Bond movie since they had that invisible car tbqh, they might as well have a nigger bond at this point.

>Bond movies aren't Bond movies anymore. They're "gritty" and "realistic" while Bond is still technically superhuman but he's "flawed" and "tormented" so he's so "humanized". Bond is a Jason Bourne's wannabe these days
That's the main reason I stopped watching Bond films.

I know everyone has preferences, but I watch Bond to watch a skilled spy charming his way through multiple women, live in luxury, and save the day using clever gadgets inventively. I am not actually interested in things like politics or social topics. I watch Bond Films for escapism, fuck reality.
Let me know when I get more stuff like the invisible car, that is my kind of Bond film.

>Bond is still struggling to recapture mainstream success of the past.

Royale made just shy of $600m globally, Solace did slightly worse at $586m, Skyfall hit $1.1b, and Spectre dropped to $880m.
It is a mainstream success, it's least successful entry performed as well as Iron Man 1 and Marvel spun that in to a $12b monster.

it's already starting

ah, another supreme patrician demigod I see

To be honest, I wouldn't be too pissed off if Idris Elba was cast as Bond. At least he's not American or Ir*sh.

>Royale made just shy of $600m globally, Solace did slightly worse at $586m, Skyfall hit $1.1b, and Spectre dropped to $880m.
>It is a mainstream success, it's least successful entry performed as well as Iron Man 1 and Marvel spun that in to a $12b monster.
I did some digging, and apparently in order to keep the rights for making James Bond, Sony (under Amy Pascal) only earned 57 million dollars out of Spectre from 1.1b box office. This is apparently revealed in the hacked documents, or we would have never heard of it.

It seems Sony basically gave up a lot of money to keep the rights, and with Rothman in charge he probably don't want to do this anymore.
>Sony and MGM split the production-cost funding 50/50 and then MGM takes 75% of the profit and Sony 25%,

So, Sony paid for half the movie but only get paid 1/4th of the profits. Talk about a sucker deal.

The movie itself wouldn't be bad but the libshits would use it to try and justify bullshit irl and that's what we can't allow

They rebooted the whole franchise since Die another day. There's not even gadget watches in bond any more, let alone invisible cars. Craig bond is made for people like you

Aside from the usual snowflakes, no one would care if the actor/actress were reputable.

>james bond
>a woman

I actually think this could be kino. I know Sup Forums hates women, but imagine a bull dyke lesbian going around drinking, fucking foreign women, shooting enemy agents and generally being a surly cunt on missions.

The only reason I think this could actually happen is that England is so irredeemably cucked at this point.

next bond needs to be Caville or Fassbender

You could make such a movie, but why does it have to be a James Bond one?

yeah because the general public have a say in who gets cast in multi million dollar films



How come people wanting black or female Bonds can't think of something original?

>dat damage control

Connery should be classified as "Benchmark" and that picture is perfect.

How about we let Ian Fleming the creator of Bond decide what Bond should look like

Oh wait he already did, and he;s a white guy

shit taste desu

doesnt have to be, but by same token it doesnt matter if it is either. truth is, whatever new james bond will be, will either be pandering shit or accidental kino. I hope for the latter and sketchy dyke bond could be a way that happens

I'm legitimately surprised people enjoyed Dalton. I personally wished he was the Bond of the 80's. If he had been Bond in 1980 or 1981, they could've easily fit 2 or 3 more films instead of only Living Daylights and License to Kill.

Just saw The Dark Tower. The movie was shit, but Idris Elba was literally the best thing about it. He was great in it! I Can't wait for his portrayel of James Bond.


can't wait for the call of cthulhu cast black main protagonist movie adaptation.

The writer clearly would have wanted a black man

>British Blacks aren't like American Blacks.

They are the same niggers just different accent.

all i see is cucks liking this for the sake of taking a shit on a classic to be progressive
burn in hell all of you

I think it's women's turn. Honestly this domination of 007 franchise by men is soft sexism and anti-women... women are objectified as sex objects unapologetically. Blatant misogyny. Having a women Bond (or trans) would be an amazing take on the character. It provide so many new opportunities since women can provide deep and subtle performances that go beyond killing people and having one night stands.

>picks a man
You're a misogynistic pig..!

It could happen, if her family buys Sony's movie division.

A black Bond could work but a female would be a complete disaster. It's a very male character.

haywire was pretty fucking good.

Black = not so badly, especially with a british man. Would be controversial at first but then people would enjoy if the guy's good
Woman = different story. This is James Bond, not some obscure faggy scifi shit show where you can cast a literal who (heh) and people will flock to praise your virtue signalling

Would hate it. Ildris Elba is a black person living in Enlgand , not Enlgish. It would make 007 into a permenantly political thing
>We are the new British
>Accept multiculturalism like us brave londoners
Yeah no let's not do that

>no trigger discipline

>but then people would enjoy if the guy's good
It would start a massive shitshow and anyone right of center would stop watching bond films.
>Inb4 snarky "but who cares what conservashits do" comment

A female in the Bond universe would be fine, but a female Bond simply wouldn't work.

I'm bored of race/gender changes.
At first it was interesting, now it's just pandering to the exact wrong crowd and they're never happy anyway.

>Having British royalty be portrayed as multicultural isn't enough
>A female D*ctor isn't enough
It's almost like feminism is just an incarnation of female compulsive neuroticism...

No one would care, unless he talks like a thug or they play up the fact that he's black and not just a kick-ass secret agent. Idris Elba would actually be a decent Bond. Throughout his entire stay on Luther never once do you go "Huh, he's really black." He's just really articulate, clever and charismatic.

It doesn't work if Bond is a woman. It just doesn't. One of Bond's primary skills is being extremely skilled in wooing women to sleep with him, both for personal fulfillment and to achieve a goal. It requires 0 deception of manipulation for an attractive woman to woo a man into fucking her.

Also, I'm getting sick of Hollywood ignoring basic anatomical differences between men and women for the sake of making women more "badass." Atomic Blonde is full of bullshit physics where she sends men flying with kicks that wouldn't even stagger and would probably just annoy a fully-grown man, plus lots of scenes where baddies conveniently rush her one at a time or give her time to recover.

They should make him a Paki, no joke.

I wouldn't mind so much but it's a British show. The country is 90% white and was probably 99% white back when the show started.

Kek, It would almost be worth it just to read the outrage on Sup Forums

So much misogyny in this thread. I'm literally quaking inside from pure fear

>The country is 90%
Not London lmao it's about 60% white and only 45% English. Pretty soon the whole damn country will be like that as well in the name of neoliberalism , but apparently England being slowly wiped out is fine lmao

This is why I don't want a black bond it would just continue this trend where all media becomes inherently political

Sup Forums is Sup Forums


>London is my country

London is less that 50% white British, but that doesn't mean less than 50% white or 50% British. Some of the whites there are Eastern European, and some of the British there are black.
But yes, taking things that were white and making them black is seen by some as inherently virtuous. It isn't. It's patronising to minorities and corrosive to the native culture that attracted them or their ancestors in the first place.

How is staring a fact being obsessed? Out of most boards on this site, Sup Forums and Sup Forums are the most alike.

A black James Bond wouldn't bother me at all, but a woman Doctor Who still chaps my ass.

Whilst I'd still prefer a male Dr. Who, it doesn't bother me so much since the character, in terms of his traits and attitudes, is pretty gender neutral.

James bond, on the other hand, is masculinity personified. He's a total male icon. Trying to convert it to a female character would be clunky as fuck and would require a lot of unnecessary work, to the point where you might as well just make an all new series

So obsessed you can't even find the right words, and you think your opinion is a "fact"....


>Elba as Bond
You're not exactly Mr. Current Events, are you?

who cares england is a massive shithole that will be african in 30 years

007 yes, James Bond no

here's your (you)

There is no such thing as a British black.

Because correcting a typo automatically invalidates everything I said... sure. Even old time Sup Forums users are aware that Sup Forums has taken over this board's userbase.

So obsessed that you claim perception is fact and push a logical fallacy like argumentum ad populum

Bored with you.

>this much autistic denial and deflection

Bond would be MUCH better as a black woman desu, maybe one with a 70's blaxploitation haircut and extremely sassy. Now THAT would make a reddi/tv/or like me happy.

A black 00 agent would be fine. A film based off of Velvet or Tara Chace would be fine. No need for more Bond just use new stuff

Cool arguments, bros!

At this point what's the difference, my (((fellow white people))) have destroyed everything of value in fiction. They might as well make Bond a warm lump of rice pudding.