Dark Matter

Looks like Two and Android are getting a kid genetically engineered together

Other urls found in this thread:



>wearing clothes

Getting upset

But the Android doesn't even have genes

She's just a bunch of titanium wrapped in rubber


Degenerate filth
Josef Mozilla finally has his degenerates

>Zoie Palmer lives with her wife, Alex Lalonde, and her wife's son Luca


>her wife's son
/ourgirl/ confirmed

>wife's son

doesn't her character in Lost Girl constantly get cucked too?

Do they trib?


Degenerate filth



Honestly, she could do better

>her wife's son
But that's how lesbians reproduce. Either artificial insemination or a lesbian convert a married woman with children


stop spoiling upcoming episodes please, felow comfy scifi watcher

Zoie's down with the thiccness, nothing wrong with that

Yeah the other blonde had a kid with succubus's family and essentially became her kid, thus eternally cucking her.

Every word unveils a bastion of pure hatred.

She gets in a relationship with an actual literal succubus, an inhuman monster that can only survive by existing in a constant tornado of pussies and dicks

I don't know what she expected

i want to pet her

Degenerate trash. We need a return to traditional values.

>arguing for traditional values
>on Sup Forums

you're lost my friend

There is literally nothing wrong with homosexuality as long as they're both cute girls

>her wife's son Luca
Literally no one is safe...

>artificail insemination
>one woman leaves
>the other tracks down the biological father and sues and gets child support.

Humanity was a mistake.

Could you imagine if one day your parents got divorced and then this was your new stepdad

I hated most everything about Lost Girl after the first couple of seasons...that said, the ending with Bo's little half sister, that was sired by Hades/Eric Roberts masquerading himself as Bo, literally ending the series like Bo started it was goat.


I am death, destroyer of worlds or even worse according to the fags and their enablers. But per your observation, I am where I need to be. For traditionalist has become the anomaly, and all of us are the ones on the outside.

There is everything wrong with scum.

To save the organism you sometimes have to scour out living tissue. They dare call this perversion, normal.

You came to worst place to proselytize your ideas.Though I do agree, you are indeed an outsider now.

Once people gain freedom, they will fight to death to not give it up. Traditionalism represents shackles to most people.

Get laid you retarded cuck faggot.

Is season 3 out yet?

Also any decent Dark Matter thread is a stealth loli thread.

We're like 9 episodes in to Season 3

And we had Groundhog Day and Crew Goes Back in Time to Regular 21st Century Earth episodes that were highlights of the series


I find it hilarious that they would throw shackles upon us all the while screaming of how we are trying to enslave them. The saying goes, the filth cries out in pain as it assaults you.

I would much rather be an ember that aides in a revolution and a push back to a more moral and traditional time.

Disgusting filth.

>I would much rather be an ember that aides in a revolution and a push back to a more moral and traditional time.

>23 year old playing a 15 year old
i think none of those are 'loli'

That's the beautiful thing about an ember, most of the time they fizzle out, their encouragement falls on deaf ears. But you see with each successive call to action.....but first a disclaimer "this is Sup Forums, only a fool would take any words mentioned here seriously," 'per guidelines communicated by forum managers.' Now that the pleasantries are out of the way: with every call to act, a floating ember is released. Sooner or later you'll get a firestorm.


>genetic engineering will allow gays to have children together
>it also makes is possible to choose if your kid is gay or not
>this makes gays go extinct

>he wouldn't breed an army of hyperstrong, injury-resistant TayTays and Klossies to conquer the northern hemisphere and usher in a 10,000 year reign of terror

If you can't win here, why would you win anywhere else? Your target audience is white men, who are more than a majority of this site.

The last thing I want to do is get married in the current system where the state takes half your shit and then forces you to pay for said woman if they get a stray wind up their ass and decide to divorce you.

Your values only work in a system that won't fuck you, which is why women were legal children, and minorities couldn't become citizens. Since 1960s/1904, asians can become citizens, majority of immigration isn't from white countries and women are given absurd control over children in the legal system to detriment of fathers. The only way you can win is by legally getting the woman to be seen as crazy. Not just a bad mother but crazy. That is how high bar is against fathers.

What possible incentive, with your values could you offer men to participate in that system? Remind yourself that we're not black and going to prison or running out on said children, so we adhere to responsibility of having to deal with our mistakes unlike other people.

Your entire diatribe is outmoded by a system that is long past relevancy and has no incentive to participate. Which is why first time marriage is now in early 30s for majority of people that manage to get a decent job.

You're an idiot.

Man up you literal bitch.

By allowing myself to be fucked thrice? No thank you. No subsidizing some bitches alternate life while I slave away, no giving my children chance to be stuck bouncing relationship to relationship behind the mother and no to endorsing your shitty ideas that don't fix anything.

Fuck you.

A great many people hate this nonsense, and a great many more has simply given up. But would happen if a network emerged where there's a guarantee that you don't have to suffer this disgusting filth that's practiced by no more than 2% of anyone. The pander this garbage off as normal and yet dykes account for 27% of abuses against their partners. Normal relationships and the men in them account for the other 70% but dykes are less than 2% of the population. Gay men are five times more likely to have a VD, and they account for most of the new HIV/AIDS cases. And they're less than 2% of the population. And yet on television they're passed around as the hip thing to try. Disgusting filth.

An ember need only find a favorable powder keg. You think everyone is okay with this garbage and that's why when a viable option is given, fag free TV, you will be alarmed to see millions of viewers simply stop watching your subhuman trash.

Even for Sup Forums the faggot shitposting here is sad af...what a sad cuck.

The least watched things on TV are the religious channels. The things that promote actual values have been slowly stripped out. You used to be able to learn actual shit on discovery channel and history channel.

Go check them out. Anything to do with values of any kind has been removed for instant gratification and mind numbing reality tv/soap garbage.

Game of thrones has had tons of fag shit and has only grown in viewership.

how do you go from most hated character on a show to most loved on another show?

You're terrified that after all this time you're no where near where you want to be. Imagine traditional programming. Men are encouraged to be men, to slave and sacrifice for their wives and children up to their very lives if need be. Where wives are encouraged to love honor and respect their husbands and to encourage him to be the best man he could be to suffer anything for the benefit of their children. And the children are taught traditional values. The programming is reminiscent of a more family orientated time, before the Marxist poisoning took over. There are many classical traditional film makers dying for a chance to right all the wrongs the cultural Marxist dogs created.

>dykes account for 27% of abuses against their partners
This is probably an inflated statistic seeing how they're both women in a relationship and women are more likely to file a false accusation.

It's like saying every third woman is raped on campus.

Anyway, you're going extinct one way or the other because tradcucks were the ones to allow this to happen in the first place.

she was never most hated character on lost girl. The scruffy haired dude was always most annoying. He was least enjoyable male protagonist to ever be on an ensemble cast.

Were not talking about religious, you silly billy. One time ago television aided our fundamental values. Now you have gay every day every which way. It's disgusting. A return to degenerate and fag free programming. To a safer homelier time.

Normies are okay with gays. Being homophobic is a social death sentence these days. And you really have no arguments other than "d-degeneracy!" which makes it harder for you to remain relevant.

>Groundhog Day and Crew Goes Back in Time to Regular 21st Century Earth episodes
Have they already run out of budget with over half the season still to go?

That doesn't seem so at all, some of the biggest conservatives in the U.S, right now are zionist jews. They're the ones supporting a conservative israel. They're the biggest backers of donald fucking trump. Adelstein out of Nevada?

You seem to think traditionalism doesn't have adherents, the problem is you have an entire media apparatus against your ideas.

Not only that but true capitalism is a market place and why would anyone buy what you're selling when men have to do less to get the same thing? It doesn't make any sense.

It's entire reason they wanted pre-marital sex to be banned in the first place. Not just for religious reasons but it incentives you to get married in the first place.

You'll run through fire if that's only way you can get laid.

That's gone now, name a single reason to get married. I would love to see how you're going to sell that.

Women have displaced a lot of traditional male dominated jobs, they get paid less which creates an exodus in that job market and study after study has shown that. Female participation in the market will only grow, not lessen. They're the cheaper, more educated alternative and will take less, so corporations will trip over themselves trying to scoop them up.

Inflated nothing. Dykes are abusive, and alarmingly so. They're filth of the lowest kind. You people because of your fetish sees these animals as normal? They're roaches boy!

Regret sex isn't rape, boy.


Hello Sup Forums

>her wife's son

don't think canadians are into football manager desu

How come you're a le ebin hardcore redpilled man yet you don't know about false accusations among women? Or do you just desperately want to believe your narrative? If you're willing to believe them then every third woman on campus is also raped.

How many of them actually get convicted? Fetch that info and come back.

You're frightened aren't you. And look at you strawmanning, "all conservatives supports Israel." Asked them all did you? Which male dominated jobs has women displaced again? And don't you dare say capitalized entertainment when the dogs has outrightly hired only fellow Marxist and they do business with fellow Marxist and they only rent and offer services too, other Marxist. Its literally a mafia, a secret order you're invited to join. Technology is changing all that.

Sup Forumsposters get out

This is the lesbian robot thread

Do bitches lie? Do dogs has fleas? Is it not ironic the bitch who lied on Sir Bill Cosby will suffer no I'll effect? And yet on the television we were encouraged to despise the great Statesman, Sir Bill Cosby. But the lying accuser gets a free pass?

>Dark Matter androids need air to live but can hold their breath for three hours
Kind of interesting

Several medical fields, law, almost anything to do with corporations from human resources to management. Academia in general from secretaries to adjuncts. Stem is probably the only place women aren't making major inroads, that is literally it.

4 fields are so, all math related. They'd like to make in roads i'm sure but even heavily dominated sociological fields do studies at least once every ten years to coincide with census to figure out societal trends and all numbers point to it and it has nothing to do with fear.

It's math. Fear would be if I was supporting marxism and their ideas of multiculturalism and globalism in general. None of which I do nor do I think a return to traditional values is possible.

Or even preferable. It would be like inviting muslims to take over, I just don't think so.

and I'm aware of hollywood cabal, my point was in all normal fields, open to normal people, except for jobs dealing directly with strength based performance or math, women are literally increasing in every other field.

So outside of construction and stem, it's going all women, by leaps and bounds. Males are dropping out of the workforce and not even applying for governmental aid. Those are huge problems that aren't being addressed which is why labor report numbers are largely a lie. A lot of people still are not participating directly in the economy and they cannot account for that darkman data since they have no reliable way of gauging if they don't apply for governmental aid of some kind. They just stopped showing up for help.

You and other skinhead idiots speak of values but you have no solutions. You're not that much better than government that we have now that can't get it's shit together.

You're one in the same really. You think you know but you don't and I haven't seen an intelligent response in this thread yet.

Well male teachers in elementary schools are basically nonexistent now. They were never a majority sure but now women completely dominate the schools and are medicating boys when they're misbehaving.

She can't play dota, whats the point

She can make you suck her dick while you play dota

can the gynoid experience suffering? this is v. important please respond

I see the animal who canceled SGA because test audiences don't want dykes in their family programming finally has a dyke centric show?

Law, adding and book keeping. But the top of the top remains masculine I see. Women need to become better engineers. After all we're equal in a lot of ways and disparaging in others. Its why women can't crack the top 1%, its because of the way they think. Its just different. Many women walk away because they don't know how to pull together their way of thinking. Most CS courses by the third year almost have no women left. Women can do it, they have to find a way that works.

What happened to this thread, I just wanted an excuse to post my waifu

Motherly positions should be female.

She basically spergs out and goes full kill-all-humans mode because for years she's had no choice but to cook, clean and "dunk men's donuts"


That isn't my point user to your bottom point. They're cheaper to employ, their disadvantage in wages and the fact that they tend to fight less for raises and leave market place often because they have kids, is an inherent advantage for corporations. Same reason companies that deal in produce help fund open borders shit, fight systems that would keep illegals from being employed like blue chip system.

They're winning in market place because it's cheaper to hire them and after a certain point they generally leave the workforce, making room for more WOMEN.

You're not getting what i'm saying.

This is an android who's desperately afraid that she's about to be replaced by a more advanced model, tell me she isn't suffering


She was used as a secret assassin and it has nothing to do with free will or whatever liberal shit canadian machine was brining up. The story line, she was a plant by their former employer to eliminate them.

At least be honest in your shitposting.

She's angrily ranting the entire time she's trying to kill them, all the virus did was disable her inhibitors to allow her to do what she's been contemplating all along

>Boone's zombie waifu on the left
I always forget there's only like twenty people in Canada

Trivia: that's Melissa's doggo irl

how else would they keep getting work up there.

Well Is awful here but I loved her on The Strain

That might have been because she was a creepy child eating vampire

But one is a robot

how can a fatty become so QTAF?

Life... finds a way

She was always perfect


Yep. That woman looks like she should be Zoie's mom.



Zoie looks like she should be my mom

>her wife's son

Alright does that shit worth a watch?

Start with season 3, If you like it go ahead