Katherine Heigl

I don't get it

>Very talented
>great body
>funny in funny roles
>serious in serious roles
>likeable screen present
>gets given poor writing on Gray's anatomy which stunts her awards options
>speaks the truth
>speaks out against narcissistic unfunny roegan and McKay
>gets chastised

She literally did nothing wrong

Other urls found in this thread:

femalefirst.co.uk/celebrity/Katherine Heigl-10105.html

>is a massive fucking cuntish bitch

There you go OP.

I remember her from Roswell

>adopted an asian kid even though she's fertile

only good thing about that show

aged like milk

she reminds me of my ex

Proof it

>14 years old

First saw her in a Disney bodyswap movie called Wish Upon a Star or something like that.
Hot as fuck.
Turned up in a Chucky movie and Under Siege 2. Never saw her apart from that cos medical dramas are for women and fags.

>"I was a very good, pure girl when I was at high school."In fact it wasn't until about a year ago that it all went to s**t. I didn't lose my virginity until I was 22!"

femalefirst.co.uk/celebrity/Katherine Heigl-10105.html

she was a virgin at 22, how fucking good do you think that felt


>bites the hand that feeds
>talks back to the jews
Everyone in Hollywood knows to NEVER burn your bridges. She fucked up and those things and now is paying for it. Same with Josh Trank

>pissing of the Judd Apatow and Shonda Rhimes

what did she expect


Yet, she is as narcissistic as Roegan and McKay. As bonus she is apparently almost impossible to work with.

too much ass

Nah the sheriff was based af

Watch any 5 interviews with her while she was an A lister and you'll be guaranteed to hear her shit on somebody she's worked or is currently working with. Or just look at her soapboxing during the writers strike.

Kevin Smith with all his charisma and industry friends has no career after shitting on Bruce Willis you think this twat has a chance?

she crossed the chosen people. she, like all you disgusting goyim, had to learn.

It's a known fact now. Same as Mike Myers


She fucked up cause she talked shit before she truly became big. Once you truly make it big them you can talk a little shit

>character portrayed in a sexist light
>KH says character was portrayed "a little sexist"
>rogan gets butthurt
>thought he had a chance with her
>actually he's just an unfunny cunt

What did Smith do?

Everyone has gone off Bruce anyway so what's the deal.
Smith is dead as his films are shit

Didn't she apologize to him and judd and basically beg them she'd do a sequel?

She was a bitch to everyone, so she doesn't have a career anymore.

She seems to be regretful about it now, but the Jews won't let her back in. I think she should get another chance.

What took her so long?

>Proof it

You mean PROVE it? She has been reportedly been a massive cunt on many sets. It single handedly ruined her career. No one wanted to hire her because she would because of this behavior. She even said she regrets how she acted because it fucked her over. Only now is she starting to slowly get work again.


She didn't say her character was a little sexist, she said the people involved with the movie were. As in the cast and crew. The reason why Rogen got butthurt is because he worked with her and had a great time, said he'd love to work with her again only to find out she not only didn't have fun but she basically insulted him and everyone on set behind their backs. It's like she was pretending on set on and off camera. He had a good reason to be upset about it.

classic case of actor/actress getting a bit of stardom, then start to act like a dvia and her career collapsed as a result.

If she had a more professional attitude she'd be an A lister at the moment, instead her career is practically dead.

I want to skeet on uer face and tits.

Her mother was also a huge control freak on movie sets. She now hocks kitty litter.


Is this Seagal-thread now?

She must've looked hideous

doesnt she do cat food commercials now? or is it cat litter?

He basically just shat on him for a bit, I don't know that it had anything to do with his lack of a career though, he's terrible all by himself


Muh dik

Look out he's snatching that motherfucker birthday!

imagine someone going to usa and make fun of their tradi-

>wears a hockey tent everywhere

Was it autism?

>14 year old
>too much ass

Nice hands.

calm down irish.

>looks practically sublimating

There you go.

>Refuse to debase yourself for your Jew overlords
>"This actress is a total bitch! No one wants to work with her because she won't (((play ball)))"
Good for her; she lost her career because she didn't do any degenerate, anti-white BLACKED shit.
Just like how Emma Watson was a ""stuck up bitch""" on the set of This Is The End because she didn't join in with a bunch of kikes filming some homosexual BDSM scene.

>"...she's a super bitch,super bitch, she's super cuntyyyy, yeah..."

Poor man's Charlize Theron

Directed by Dan Schneider

didn't she shit talk some people and she's basically blacklisted now with the odd exception of when she has bills to pay and she gives great head for roles?

dude what

That's a standard ass for a 14 year old girl


Pretty underwhelming ass if I'm honest lads

Of course it's a 14 year old ass

She just exudes "punch me"

mai bad skin fu

I would piss so much cum into that anus.

she was a massive cunt on set the entire time she was filming that apatow movie she did.

>she pulled that diva cunt shit on an apatow set when he was on top in hollywood
>she pulled that diva cunt shit on a set with actors who're (at least publicly perceived to be) good boys who dindu nuffin
>shes a woman in hollywood

I mean I don't know what the fuck she expected to happen here tbqh.

women are just used up in Hollywood very quick, because the camera doesn't hide anything and cunts don't have enough charisma to carry a role without getting dicks hard

She's a colossal asshole that burns bridges left and right.

The last thing I saw her in was a commercial for cat food or lunesta or something


I mean, when you think about it, she had a pretty good run. She was basically a child star, turned that into "hot teenager with huge tits" roles, then turned that into Grey's Anatomy and a few movies. More successful career than like 99% of wannabe actresses.

yeah and women donot min anal& oral before vaginal

Go to bed Seth, you're stoned.

She could have had a lifelong career if she wasn't a bitch

don't think so
willis career got in a downward spiral too. not like he's an A-lister anymore that attracts millions of viewers

Literally peaked after Wish Upon a Star and the girl who played her sister in it. That movie is kino by the way

wut? Are you having an aneurysm user?

The dumb mobileposter stroked out.

Ha! I was thinking the same.

Her (adopted) sister is korean, that's why. Not the same as the trend of "looking how saintly I am for adopting a POC poor baby, praise me".

She'd a biological child later.

Moth catching world record right there. Man is a legend.

Hit the wall hard. There's hotter and cheaper talent that is willing to suck more Hollywood jew producer cock to get ahead.

>Is a stuck up diva cunt
>Bit the hands that fed her


>No ass

He insulted him a little bit.