Its been 5 years since it came out. Are you ready to admit that it didnt age well?

Its been 5 years since it came out. Are you ready to admit that it didnt age well?

It got better with age

It aged fine. Too bad Urban can't catch a break, both this and that Almost Human show were top tier.


I watched it for the first time last week.
>didn't age well
It works for whenever it's set, so I disagree.
Also I did enjoy it.
Dunno why Anderson had superpowers though.

That would imply that it ever looked good.

Good film, mediocre effects but they're not overly flashy besides the slo mo stuff, it's fine.

Fuck off, I watch this movie at least once a month.

think of it more as a videogame than a movie in terms of aging

Got better. Rewatched only two weeks ago.

It got better with age.

Are you shitting me? This has so much replay value because it's literally an 80's action thriller made in the 2010's. It's a throwback to when protagonists were brutal as fuck and didn't give a second thought over slaughtering scumbags.

Eh, it's still alright. The digital blood always gets on my nerves though, but that's relatively low-budget action for 'ya I guess. Should've skipped the slow-mo crap and put more effort into the fights.

even shit like Rambo 3 is millions times better than this /trash/

yer still good

that sex scene is still great

>post-apocalyptic sci-fi
Has anything from the 1970s aged well? Dredd has been retro sci-fi for literally decades.

It was rather light on sci-fi. It was mainly concrete and pipes.

He's inarguably the best character in the new Trek movies though

>thought OP was memeing
>it actually did come out 5 years ago
Jesus Christ on a bicycle, where does the fucking time go

She's a mutant from a shitty slum somewhere in the city, lots of pollution and toxic shit

(((They))) don't want him to succeed for some reason.


Exceptional movie, few can even come close

Dredd is a fucking fantastic film. Best comic book movie since Spiderman 2.

literally any xmen is better

I have no idea if people are talking about Dredd or Judge Dredd.

I even liked him in the Doom movie

Dredd was fucking great. Watched it maybe a week ago and coincidentally appeared on TV on the same day as well. It was really really enjoyable.

It's really not that good, there's not a single action scene in this I'm interested in revisiting. Give me a truly great setpiece or firefight like the club shootout in collateral or the climax of a johnnie to film.

it was fucking brilliant you pleb. gtfo

How is it possible to have this shit taste mate?

It cant age if its timeless

Oooooh, them's fightin' words, son.

C'mon, it was great and Urban kicks ass in everything he's in. Yes, even Xena.
Anderson is psychic and she's learning allll of Dread's little nuances and general code of conduct/ethics.
That's not what made it great, but it's a part of it.

giv rookie gf

It's going to hold up for a very long time. The performances are top tier. The effects aren't over the top, except the slomo sequences, but that's by design. The plot is straight forward without being overly simple.

Wish it was actually Olivia Thirlby

Still jerk off regularly to it though

Just watched it a few months ago.

Still perfect.

I saw some video saying the CGI doesn't hold up but I don't see it. Great film. Small day in the life story. Best super hero movie.

It has the Snuff Box theme song in it. It is blessed.

He's got his Trek money. Easier paycheck than doing TV.