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James was always _____ Edition



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First for UGLY


best donna


Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder recorded a song that plays during the Twin Peaks finale. It confirms Agent Cooper never gets his mind back. (Pic is evil Cooper)
Listen youtu.be/pXth84G7dkM



david lunch lol

friendly reminder Morguefu is a QT

you got her nudes?



Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that friendly reminder recorded a friendly reminder that plays during the friendly reminder finale. It confirms friendly never gets his reminder back. (Pic is unfriendly reminder)
Friendly: youtube.com/watch?v=ncdg3NAjaMs

Go on...

what the fuck was his problem?

Yeah right here

it is my other pc

I believe you trick me fucka


He nutted but she still suckin'.

Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Jota recorded a song that plays during the Twin Peaks finale. It confirms Agent Cooper never gets his mind back


>que puedo hacer
>si despues de tanto tiempo no te dejo de querer

>he pasado por tu casa 20 veces
>siempre voy al amador por si apareces

>pero nunca nunca mas, estoy harto de esperar (this pretty much confirms that coop never returns)

I agree my dood, can't find are rare Moira's unfortunately.

I just get hard again; I can go back to back, no problem.

These 'Cum one time and then done for six hour' guys are fucking Delta males.



I thought this was a meme then did some research and found out that it's true. Was I Lynched?


explain me this

Leak from Part 13, it's what happens after frogmoth hatches from girl's womb

CUTE nipples!

and who is the girl?


What if Eddie Vedder does appear but his song is unrelated to the story? Not all the songs from the roadhouse seem to be related.

Avellino orihula

he is Phillip Jeffries

His song plays at the end of the series during the credits. It's about Cooper never getting his mind back. We've been over this.


Very disrespectful.


pic is evil Jefries



You joke, but Eraserhead and Mulholland Dr are so set in the same cosmology
>Man In The Planet and Evil Hobo, both gnarly-faced spirit entities manipulating the psychic world of a mortal character who made a mistake they deeply regret


Mr. Jeffries, where de jew go?

this ((hobo)) from wikies


Friendly reminder that its been confirmed that Abraham Lincoln never frees the slaves. (pic is evil Abe)


Why? I said they're CUTE nipples!



Can't climb to heaven on the cross...

made of sycamore trees

"Who I was, I will never know or be again"

the Turkey Jerk is because she is noticing the alternate reality shifting
Bing yelled for Billy on end of eisode 7 remember? Also the reality sfift on this scene with the customers changing
all those name dropping is because they are in the other reality
(the guy was credited as Bing and yelled Billy,the torrent subtitle is wrong)

RR = 2 realities

Shelly and Norma are in both
that is why the book tells that Annie does not exist and Norma had other parents, Annie gave birth to Ella
Audrey died at birth one reality

so the Jade key is red herring that TP and Las Vegas is in same universe
The key was in Cooper Suit and was duplicated when dopple Cooper was created.

the fact we are seeing many times
same Nadine and Dr Amp
is because it is ALMOST the same thing
but each in different universe

the reused footage is intentional

>In The Secret History character back stories are different and basic real world event dates are incorrect. This suggests a Mandella effect happening in the Twin Peaks universe and there has been small details in the Return that support the theory.



>the Turkey Jerk is because she is noticing the alternate reality shifting
good boy
now I don't have to post about this shit again, to hopefully get some discussion
she also mentions how the room has changed and the book says the inconsistencies are intentional also, meaning that the book is documenting the other universe

>so the Jade key is red herring that TP and Las Vegas is in same universe
I believe that it's Twin Peaks itself that is 'between two worlds' and the shifts are only happening here
I also believe that the key was able to reach there because of the shifts happening in Twin Peaks and an opening to the other world will appear on the day that Garland talked about at Jack's Rabbit Palace
the 'twin peaks' themselves are representative of the two worlds, since the symbols are appearing in the drawing he left
we know that Nadine cut out one eye in this reality, due to wanting to close off her perception or whatever it says in the Secret History as documented by Jacoby/Dr Amp
I'm wondering if this will become important as he wears the 3D glasses for the same reason

kek I think this was all Lynch
just like what he did in Mulholland Drive
except this alt world isn't a dream (maybe)
I think he just likes doing alternate worlds/alternate versions of characters

>implying James was ever cool

totally this

also Dougie storyline not in same universe than rest of s3

Anyone who thinks there's gonna be alternate timelines are gonna be disappointed


You faggots need to stay in your general

what actual proof do you have of this?


the number in the outlet is the world

Booper locked 3 and so he escaped going to world 15

why would Judy do this?

He's dead.

yeah, but I believe Twin Peaks itself is seamlessly shifting between the two universes
the fact that there's another guy who looks exactly like Dougie
the glass box was probably used to send Cooper into this world, where he appears on Television and nobody in the FBI clocks an extremely important Agent
there must be more evidence, but I can't think about it right now
it's basically a theory that's most likely accurate

This isn't Super Mario Bros. You know what Cooper's fate is.

those first 4 parts were kino
I'm gonna watch every part again on the build up to episode 13 now

is the autistic 2003 theory going to make a comeback?

and it implies you never can go back home
(or in meta, lynch could not go back to TP orignial feeling)

because the shifting is his favorite gimick
it happens
in MD and LH

The only thing that is confirmed is David Lynch has songwriting credits on this song and it really seems that Cooper isn't coming back youtu.be/pXth84G7dkM

outlet number is
universe number is better theory than episode number


I think he'll come back, unless the person asking "do you remember who you are?" is just Mike from the Waiting Room and he states that he doesn't
I can imagine it ending with him saying he doesn't remember who he is anymore, when he actually does and he just wants to stay with his new family who need him, as long as the other world is safe

he just fucking loves dubs
doppelgangers and actors playing more than one character

I want to give Sheryl a pearl necklace!

This. I dunno why people are so triggered by that song.


damn audrey looking fine.

and TP and FWWM not in same universe too

if this is a real scene, im gonna fap furiously tonight


it is
but came from other univers

FWWM Donna is daughter of DOC
and TP Donna is daughter of BEN

kek who the fuck even knows anymore
I think they probably are the same universe. since Doppelganger Coop appears at the end of FWWM's Missing Pieces
oh holy fucking shit, I forgot all about this revelation
what if Donna is the mother of Richard
actually no that's retarded
never mind
I wonder if this plotline will just be left buried

they are holding so long
to reveal the mother
Ben does not mention Audrey
Audrey does not mention Ben or Richard

Do you guys have faith in Mark Frost to give this season the closure it so desperately needs?

Go to bed, Mark.


hmm, red curtains though!


I think Audrey's husband's silence on what happened with that Charlie guy makes me think she's definitely the mother
if only due to the fact that it seems as though Richard is the one who killed him, since the only other guy with a truck who ended up never being seen again, after Richard stole his truck and ran down a kid is that guy who looks like Dave Grohl
I think Audrey's husband won't tell her what happened because she'd flip over her son killing the man she loved

checkered floors?

