Let's talk about this movie

Let's talk about this movie.

It felt strange at some parts, but for me it's a solid 8/10, and one of the best movies of the year.

Julia pls

It was pretty hot.

she was under 18 when they filmed this

that's an interesting piece of information

that's more of a warning than actual info

oh shut up

>forgets this is Sup Forums and not readit/pol

you gonna call the mods fag?

>tfw no Justine gf


The body horror stuff clashed horribly with the girl issues aspects, like Haute Tension meets Breillat. Awkward.


calm down pls I just wanted to be friendly

I thought it was rather poetic.
But seriously some of the bad points of the movie are the weirdness of it; sometimes it justs feels like it's too much



>you will never be a french lesbian


make one for the waxing scene pls


I just marathoned up to the car crash scene. I'll let you guys know what I think when I finish the movie.

im just reposting those webms, don't have the movie sry

It was kino.

I love gore.
Every movie is different than the rest.
Most overrated genre IMHO.

7/10 good flick

Fuck, I meant to type underrated.

>I'm a gay arab for the sake of diversity
>but I'm also into girls for the sake of plot


>tfw you will never fuck your owner with your big doggo dick
Why live lads?

all women are whores and french people are disgusting

sister was hotter desu

Overall underwhelming. Tamed and dull. The trailers were fucking hype though. 6.5/10


desu it's an ordinary french flick just with more blood.


the pupper and the pusy

Is there a shitty anime/VN that already did this?