George RR Martin

>Make a Fantasy series of your fetishes
>have the hack writers at HBO finish your work
Is there a bigger hack than grr martin

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I thought a hack was someone who spewed out work strictly for commercial reasons. How is illustrating your fetishes then stopping at peak popularity when you could sell more books than ever hackwork?

Does hack just mean someone you don't like?

ok but will they fuck?

He's not a hack he just got lazy with the show and will die before he finishes his last book

He's got better things to do

He's got better things to do.

He's Making another one shot
Martin states that he intends to release a new book exploring the history of Westeros, namedFire And Blood, but jokingly referred to as the “GRRMarillion” (a reference to Tolkien’s Silmarillion). Now, this is a fine project for fans of the books who are aching to explore the finer details of Martin’s world, but keep in mind that Tolkien putThe Silmarillionon hold until after he completed his magnum opus,Lord of the Rings.

Hes making a silmarillion before he finishes the books he'll he can at least finish winds of winter

who cares the only memorable thing he did was write about a blonde purple eyed white girl get fucked by a barbarian nigga

so degenerate

valyrians arent white

HBO's Game of Thrones is the completion of his opus (magnum is a little strong). Now he can move on to his History of Westeros and maybe, just maybe sell the rights to that too before he's done

So who finishes the books after this fat dwarf dies?

anita sarkessian.

Dany dies sacrificing herself to kill the night king
Cersei chokes in a fire that destroys the Iron Throne
Jon is crippled and blind becomes hermit lives among the wildings beyond the wall renounces the throne
Tyrion becomes king and marries sansa they transition westeros to a type of democracy
That's the end of GoT

Tyrion isn't a quipping retard in the books so why would he ever think democracy is a good idea?

Because he's George's favorite character

Because it's a happy ending George called it the most satisfying ending since lord of the rings


reminder that grrm's fetishes are
>8-13 year old girls
in that order

Has anyone in literature history sold out as much as this man?

lmao this man is a complete embarrassment.

hey don't forget all the descriptions we get of Danaerys shitting

You know I think the sexual angle might be relevant, he was clearly writing a fapfic for good chunks of the books, and he's too old and diabetic now to be getting regular boners. If fetishes are a major part of his writing process then it stands to reason it would be difficult for him now since he probably hasn't heard anything from the lower half of his body since Bush was in office.

>connosseur of chocolate pucci
He is martin /ourguy/?

GRRM could write a non-Ice&Fire novel in all this time he's goofing off

Even JK Rowling finished her series before finishing the movies

i'm a girl btw

>Is there a bigger hack than grr martin
Probably only George Lucas.


imagine being his publishers

he hasnt put out a new book in YEARS

tits or gtfo

ok but WILL they???

>Make a Fantasy series of your fetishes

in fairness this is standard procedure for writing fantasy

>Tyrion becomes king and marries sansa they transition westeros to a type of democracy

but he's already married to her

All of my main characters are authors from Maine. No pic, you know who I'm talking about.

Wheel of Time faggot detected. Go back to your containment thread.

Kentaro Muira literally fucks off for months every time a new idolmaster game comes out

Fucking based

fuck off, I never even made it thru Eye of the World.

and I was also thinking of Goodkind, Piers Anthony, Robert Howard, and pretty much every fantasy author besides Tolkien.

Objectivism is not a fetish, it's a politico-philosophy.
>Piers Anthony
Proven non-pedophile
>Robert Howard
Normal male, not even sure what you're trying to say here.
>besides Tolkien
Now I think you must have just baited me. Well done, Wheel of Time faggot. Now leave and go back to your containment thread.

>white men aided by short simpletons and a literal angel save the world from niggers and the industrial revolution

tolkien was literally about jerking himself off

>Objectivism is not a fetish, it's a politico-philosophy.

tell that to Ayn Rand and her rape fantasies

What's there to finish anyhow? Jon becomes Azor whatever, kills the nightking, and vanishes into the north after refusing to be king. Dany dies along with her dragons and reunites with Khal Drogo in the afterlife. Then Gendry marries Arya and becomes a benovolent king who leads the realms into the future. The last chapters are just describing the aftermath of the winter.

I get he might want to incorporate some gimmick twists but if you're not retarded it's not that difficult to bring this to an end.

Normal female sexuality is not a fetish.

>Then Gendry marries Arya and becomes a benovolent king who leads the realms into the future.

exactly what I wanted from when Ned told Arya that she'd marry a prince and become a queen and Arya said, "No, that's *Sansa*!"

too bad the show changed it to "No, that's not me."

It's far more difficult than it sounds, at least for the fatman. He has awful habits like over describing, very long and unnecessary buildups and shoving foreshadowing and references all around.

All of that wouldn't be a problem if he hadn't also bloated the cast to Jordanian proportions. I remember being shocked when I went back to A Game of Thrones and saw that every POV character was either Dany, Tyrion, or a Stark.

Why doesn't he just create an outline or something? He doesn't even have to reinvent the wheel he just has to tie up what's already there.

>Objectivism is not a fetish, it's a politico-philosophy.

Nah, Goodkind had some serious bondage fetishes, and haram shit going on before he went full on Rand nutjob.

That was just an artifact of him copypasting wheel of time in true objectivist fashion. He's really pretty vanilla irl. He used to be an artifacts trader, he's well known in the artifact trading community.

It's hard to do an outline. Just the complicated economics and tax policies of Westeros alone need a 1000 page thesis with appendices.

Yes in season 7

How can black men even compete?

Didn't danaerys rant about how she was raped by Khal Drogo

in season 7 she did
never happened in gurmverse



truly /ourguy/

>Yezzan has yellow eyes and is so morbidly obese he can no longer stand, and is described as being large enough to make four of Illyrio Mopatis. He is sickly and cannot hold his water so always smells of urine that even perfume cannot hide. He wears Yellow silk tokars with gold fringe. He is obsessed with grotesques and often purchases slaves with physical deformities to add to his "collection". While overweight he is still shrewd and intelligent, a trait some of the other Wise Masters don't share.

Arya will die and warg into Nymeria.
Book 1: "Before the spring thaw comes, they will find your frozen body with a needle clasped into your hands"

Do you think he jerks off to the sex scenes in the show?

Miura is a nip
He can't control his own autism


Of course, if he could reach.

Reminder he already finished last two books, but has to wait till HBO allows him to publish it.


does anybody else think bran looks like robin shou?

the order isn't the best, but I can get behind that

>Writes his fetishes
>Stops short
>This makes him a hack

How do you know climax denial isn't his ultimate fetish?

Bran is a cuter girl than Arya.


who gives a shit, I hope he dies he's so boring

Cmon now. You know he hasn't even started that shit.

Damn he knows his shit.

In the book, she was into it

Women like to be raped

was bran jerking of to sansa rape scene here?

Should we meme the SJWs into fucking their nephews? Will they blindly follow anything that Dany does?

>praised Ready Player One
No, there isn't.

does he have any kids? because from everything i've seen and heard he seems primarily concerned with selling off his properties, rather than finishing them

You guys are forgetting the most fetishistic part of the books, when he describes all the food at every feast in the books. There's no way he wasn't masturbating while writing Joffrey's wedding where they described different courses for like 6 full pages.

fuck this fat jewish hack

why are all jews so talentless? hollywood produces nothing of worth anymore and neither does (((tv series))) companies
GoT is shit

Stop trying to get in bed with your aunt

I think he has one

>finally new chapters, last one in June
in 2019 its gonna be 30 years

at least hes just 50 and in good shape

He has no kids when he dies his estate is fucked the corporate vultures will take his work probably make the tax policy