Holy shit how do you deviate from the source material this bad?

Holy shit how do you deviate from the source material this bad?

Let some blackwashing racists change everything in the script to push a racial agenda, even though the source material already had significant racial content that was important to the plot, they just removed it to change everything to be the opposite. Racists are ruining good movies.

Dude Elba was fine. It's literally everything else that's the issue

He wasn't fine because they had to change the source material to fit him in. One of the main characters in the books hates Roland because he's white. It's important to the story. You can't just remove that and think it'll be fine.

They couldn't even film this movie today

>roland is a hardass
>opening scene is "water for your crops," normies can't into this
>roland fucks a roastie, massacres a whole town
>befriends a shota
>lets the shota die
>catches up the MiB so he can read his tarot

i think it would be kino but normies would be like wat

>casting was the problem
>not cramming entire series of books into 90 minutes

the racebending was a good indication of where the filmmaker's priorities were

are you high?

You can just change it to make him being hated for being black

It's the same thing

Wouldn't McConaughy have been a better choice as the gunman?

its literally not the same thing in this year of our lord 2017

Should have cast Scott Eastwood and kept his dialogue minimal

You do understand that the overarching plot of the series has to do with the very fabric of reality being corrupted and coming apart, time itself doesn't even flow consistently.

The series also ends with a timeloop, but the next iteration is shown to be different because Roland has the horn of eld now, and there are instances where characters travel back to their own worlds and times throughout the series and even in those times the details of their lives and their environment are different.

Susannah may have never had her accident and developed split personalities and Eddie may have never gotten hooked on drugs or perhaps his brother lived this time, Roland's mother could be someone completely different.

The ending of the series (and its subject matter) allows all of these relationships and details to be changed and recontextualised in following works without any retcons.

When in the Tower, Roland sees Eddie, Jake and Susannah together in New York. It's not the same Jake or Eddie but they are similar is appearance and it is surmised they found happiness together, no longer being a part of Roland's ka-tet.

Casting Elba was a major red flag, user. Not giving a shit about the race of your main character in an established series often means you don't give a shit about the rest of the lore, and when you don't even care about the source material than you're going to fuck up the movie in a very big way.

This. Roland didn't talk much anyway.

because the source material was shit to begin with

Early rumors said McConaughey was offered Roland's role but he wanted to be the Man in Black instead. Still could have worked if they'd had a better script and cast a Clint Eastwood clone for Roland.

thats another complaint i heard from people who've seen this already

they all say roland is a cut and dry and action hero

whereas the books show that Roland's quest is selfish and everyone in his path ends up dead

>One of the main characters in the books hates Roland because he's white
For half a book
>It's important to the story.
It literally isn't
>You can't just remove that and think it'll be fine.
Yes you can.

>cast a Clint Eastwood clone for Roland
Scott Eastwood


>for half a book
>it's not important
It's the entire backstory of one character and ties directly into Jake's backstory. Most of that book revolves around fixing the problem of Detta Walker. Removing that is like removing the whole character. And clearly if you do that, you're making a shit adaptation because this movie sucked donkey balls.

And then it's fixed and is no longer important for the rest of the story. Face it, you just have a hard on for racism.

It's her backstory. You can't just get rid of it. Are you going to make a Harry Potter movie and just remove the whole bit about how his parents died and where the scar came from? It was only one chapter out of seven books, clearly it's not important.

It's the backstory of a character who literally gets written out of existence within that book. It's not important.

Only after the first movie.

any camrips available yet

>inb4 implications, I ain't paying for 18% RT

>I didn't read the books

I clearly red it and paid more attention than you did.

it bombed because they cast a nigger lol, suck that shit forever you bitch, everyone hates you and how you think

I bet king didn't put up much of a fuss, probably encouraged it

>You can't just get rid of it.
You don't have to, she hates Eddie for being a white boi and hates roland for being whitewashed and trying to protect him.

Boom, done.

I can tell this guy never read the books.

King likes money, he doesn't care what people do to his work. He writes five books a year and they all suck, he doesn't care.

get raped

i got this


Because King is a hack worse than Rowling.

That character isn't even in the movie.

Mads is best Roland

king is a turbo liberal dipshit, and he doesn't write books, his wife is a ghost writer and stephen makes appearances.

no worse than race bait trash like get out getting global praise becuase dindus

what do you think idris alba cock taste like?

(asking for a friend)



every time

No it isn't. Not with the current year social and political zeitgeist

I mean, the empire from 4-6 took obvious inspiration from nazi germany, at least aesthetically. Officers have nice uniforms and their weapons are black metal, just like the mp-40 and mg-42. I know there were others but hitler's buzz saw is notorious and the kar-98 is just a bolt action rifle

I'm kind of surprised from what I'm hearing that the story doesn't center around the little boy (Jake?) who got run over by a car and then was transported to the gunslinger's world somehow. When I read the books I think I treated Jake as the main character. From what I remember of the books many of the conflicts didn't directly involve the devil or whatever but Roland had to deal with all kinds of problems other than chasing the bad guy. It's been a long while since I read the books, though.

It takes a special snowflake to get mad that Idris was cast as Roland. These to me are the same people who get mad that there are women in leading roles in action movies (star wars, anyone?) and throw a fit if white men aren't everywhere. They will throw a movie under the bus if it isn't exactly how they want it. I mean, people threw such a huge fit when they found out the ghostbusters remake was an all female cast and decided it was shit way before watching the movie. The movie ended up being bad not because it had an all female cast but because it was simply shit. They are just as bad as the snowflakes that get mad that every movie isn't stuffed to the brim with people who sexually identify as apache attack helicopters

Not really, since the character that hated him for being white was a black schizo lady.

>The series also ends with a timeloop, but the next iteration is shown to be different because Roland has the horn of eld now
I saw the movie and the horn wasn't even mentioned. The "ackschually it's a sequel" bullshit is such an obvious fucking copout and I'm sick of hearing it.

Does the movie start with Tull?

They were handed the perfect way to start a Western Horror

No. Mid-World is a dull forest. Roland isn't the main character and he doesn't give a shit about the Dark Tower. At the end he becomes Jake's new dad and they live together happily ever after.

please tell me youre lying

T-Thanks Sony


The DUDE ETHNIC REPRESENTATION LMAO meme on both sides has to stop

You mean mudbathing


It was all on purpose!!! They'll reboot it in a couple of years with a white Roland, blonde Jake and true to the source material story!!! It will all be alright!

It's not a bad thing it itself. Carpenter's Vampires ia good movie based on the really good book Vampire$ but with only the name of 2 characters and nothing else at all in common.

A good movie is a good movie, no matter what.

DT wasn't good. That's all. It was a YA Capeshit kid in a DT shirt too big for it's size.

He's not lying. Roland kills the MiB and says fuck it to the Tower. They leave it open that he can go back to Mid-World if he wants to someday.

Dear Lord!

I guess I'll have to content myself with Haven as the closests thing to a DT adaptation.

I went to see this movie tonight and was disappointed of course. I wanted to see Dunkirk but I went with family and didn't have a choice. So I said fuck it. I haven't been to a theater since I saw The Bourne Legacy in 2012. I don't think I'll go anymore. I'll stay home with my projector and watch movies alone with headphones. I have given up.

Name a single movie with a nigger lead that as ever been good.

he is lying, Mid-World has forests, deserts and waste lands

the movie ends with both of them leaving our world and going to Mid World to keep going after the Dark Tower

Him not being the MC or caring about the tower is true though

No gunslingers or mid-world, but a lot of SK/DT mythos and references. They even use Thinnies in the show.

I, Robot

how many of the books did they try to fit into a single film?

Oh fuck off Reddit.

Men in Black

god that movie was shit


Who is Sidney Poitier?

What about NOTLD? Prime Eddie Murphy?

Tommy Lee Jones is the only good about that series. Smith just goes on with his nigger self.

whoops wrong reply

Let my close my eyes while I applaud your post.

black dynamite

Attack the Block

Denzel made a lot of great movies (but many more shitty ones).

Jennifer Beals. She was hot stuff in the 80s and he rmovies were a garanteed success.

I was born ready motherfucker

>RT score of 19%

do we praise Kek or Ka for this?

ameritard "adaptation"


Black Dynamite
Last King of Scotland
Jackie Brown

Space Jam

>Michal Jordan
Pick one

Ghost Dog

All of them

well i guess laughing at americans for being cucked SJW paradise and not realizing this will ruin the movie industry was a mistake

Only Hollywood though.
They've been producing nothing but rehashed/ripped-off cancer for last decade anyhow.

To find experienced actors who could play the role? Not just some white guy?

Elba not being able to play Roland doesn't have much to do with race though. He's just a completely different type.

They just needed some cash and to push the mainstream narrative so Stephen Cuck was the man for the job, giving his story away to be butchered.

I'll have to take your word for it as I haven't read the books. I do know that Elba is a solid but often overrated actor.

the source material is basically just the teen version of a tween phenomenon, i fail to see why people are upset if the movie sucks

linkin park were shit too

Hollywood will ALWAYS deviate from the source material.

Doing such allows them to copyright and wholly own what they made as their exclusive property.

Then you have to change the character who hates him from black to white, whereupon you will get blacklisted for being a racist.

Imagine being THIS assblasted by niggers

>take some shit books
>mangle them in the hollywood grinder
>film turns out shit

was anyone not expecting this?

The answer is: Akiva Goldsman + Sony

Some other gems he have written the script for:

Batman and Robin
I, Robot
Da Vinci Code
Angels and Demons
The 5th Wave
Transformers Last Knight

Yeah, fuck this movie. I read the series. Let everyone involved with the cluster fuck cry about "muh racism" when it fails, eventually maybe Hollywood will get the idea and drop the sjw shit.

How does a dude do so much shit and STILL be a big named Hollywood writer?

Is a beautiful mind that good

Does the Goldsman surname really not ring any bells for you?