
>tfw everyone's arguing over kirk and picard and you know you're secretly better than both

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come on be my baby tonight

Why eat the gumbo when you could have some Janeway Pi?

>tfw everyone's criticizing Shatner's delivery when yours is even more bizarre

You be-TRAYED your U-ni-FORM, Edd-ing-TON!

Top 5 TNG episodes?

>First Contact
>Remember Me
>Conspiracy (unironically)

The Neutral Zone
Data's Day
A Matter of Honor + Sins of the Father
Star Trek: Enterprise

shater and brooks doing a duo spoken word rap live would be god-teir

I have confirmed Plato's Stepchildren is the worst Star Trek episode...even worse than Spock's Brain.

thats fucking stupid, its great, the dwarf the whole set up, the conclusion when they get superpowers, wtf is wrong with you?

The plot makes no sense. The characterizations make no sense. I mean Spock has resisted mental control before. Kirk never did offer to sacrifice himself like he usually does so he acted out of Character. The first two acts go very slow with Kirk and Spock's torture by an alien where all they had to do was cut the alien to stop him.

Hey let's have aliens who lived among the Greeks meet the crew, and lets give them telekinetic powers and throw in a dwarf for the kids. We've had an alien who admires 16th Century Earth, a society based on Nazis, 20th Century Rome, lets have telekinetic Greeks

>lets have telekenetic greeks
yes that was the point, it was fun, the whole torture thing was to convice mccoy to stay willingly they needed a doctor, I don't think you remember it very well, they try and counteract the metaphorical ambrosia and it fails they buy for time in a really fucked up way and then they work on it the dwarf helps it works, the plot makes total sense, more then can be said for a lot of s3 episodes

After watching every episode of Voyager, S3 of TOS isn't that bad.

So, tell the truth, is this okay with you?
Why did this design change happen?

I haven't re watched voy in a long time, tried about a year ago got 1/2 through s1 and quit, i'll try again soon, I suspect i'll be skipping lots of shit

That's not the episode where five brats and the jolly green lawyer commandeer the Enterprise and Kirk leaves behind two of his men on Triacus.

no its not ok, if they don't say their like million year old Klingons its fucking stupid, molar age klingons don't look like that

i'm rewatching DS9 now. I'm up to S3 and knowing now that he's genuinely insane its actually really obvious even in the early stuff. His scenes alone with Jake make me uncomfortable.

Ok, that one is worse

>So, tell the truth, is this okay with you?

No, but not because it's inherently bad. This is set between ENT and TOS, meaning Klingons at this time have no ridges. And this guy clearly has fucking ridges.

Avery Brooks is perfectly sane. Highly educated man and trained actor. Oh, you fell for the "he's insane in The Captains" meme? You must have a low IQ. Why are you even watching Star Trek? Do you understand even the slightest subtleties?

>Oh, you fell for the "he's insane in The Captains" meme?

No, he is just a very odd individual and his delivery of lines comes across like he is restraining himself from storming off set and striking the director

I've never watched anything called The Captains

Man S3 was weird

Actually he;s a textbook Shakesperean ham , just like the two captains before him and even the one after him. Trek used to rely on stage presence and overacting to cover up the lack of good effects.

avery is a completely sane and rational individual, and definitely did not believe that he was in fact the emissary of the prophets come to save bajor

I didn't really appreciate how overtly sexual Major Kira was the first time I watched this show.

Her movements are so fluid and intentional, like a sexy tiger

you really need to have sex


The Bell Riots happen AFTER the Eugenics Wars, but BEFORE World War 3?

Seems odd that good old fashioned racism is such a big issue less than 20 years after super-human warlords took over half the world

Not sure how the show will turn out but I'm hyped for Discovery's theme.
>inb4 they go the modern TV route and the opening is just a five second title card

>Captain, what is it they've sent us?


The Maquis cold open wrote a check that Voyager was never able to cash




Well the first 25 minutes were great. But this lemonade and sugar cookies shit has brought the momentum to a screeching, horrible halt

>Ferenginar has made giant sweeping changes that go against everything the Ferengi believe
>This was such a non-issue that no one outside Ferenginar even knew, and it all went smoothly



Was he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

>Reading the early TNG comics by DC
>It's a Christmas episode with Santa entity and Grinch aliens
>It's a Deanna can mind meld and orgasms when she does so episode
>It's a Mr. Rapegangs himself comes back for Tasha episode
>It's a writer doesn't know the difference between the words incapacitated and decapitated episode
>It's a Q throws a bitchfit and threatens to obliterate everyone episode
>It's a Picard punched Q before Sisko episode
>It's a season 1 Data goes full tard rage on mortalized Q for killing Geordi episode
>It's a all Q look like John De Lancie episode

Holy shit this is epic!

The Caretaker's world sounds comfy as fuck.


I'm not sure that's a word

Iirc its because of a deal where they can't use stuff from the main universe

You know what I mean.

>Discovery still totally not JJverse apparently
>can't use stuff from the main universe


But it's set in the main universe

So, was Dr. Crusher hot?

No, but her dancer's body was amazing

Just what I've seen in previous threads; i don't know much about it myself but i've seen a lot of talk about this supposed deal.

Hopefully another user knows more about it.

Dancer's body?


Those legs are compensating for a lot. Kind of a Taylor Swift situation.

Oh, God... you libtards and your pet niggers. So over-protective of them it's way past cringe worthy... it's absolutely sickening. You are the most racist people on the planet.

Name a greater hero

>Letting your son hang out with a kid called Nog

>hating based Nig & Nog

What a faggot. I would have handled my business. Not that faggot though. In reality though, Miles would have handled his business.

Will he ever recover?

t. Kate Mulgrew

Michael Westmore retired

"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."

I loved him playing the piano, then I seen him live in 2012 and he played it again and sang. The man is high energy.

I've got something better, friendo:


Don't we all

Literally the worst captain.

>Top 5 TNG episodes?

Yesterday's Enterprise
Inner Light
Cause and Effect
All Good Things...

Honorable mention: The Best of Both Worlds.

What a random as fuck cameo

There's no mention of the E or Picard anywhere in ST:O. Not even a USS PICARD.

Childhood is Idolizing Gul Dukat

Adulthood is realizing that Damar makes more sense.

>Niles, did I ever tell you about the time I joined Starfleet?