How do I improve my life? mind you I am indian/paki so i'm playing on extra hard mode

how do I improve my life? mind you I am indian/paki so i'm playing on extra hard mode

let me fuck your ass

no thanks

let him put his dong in you bum, also stop posting.

Heres a tip for better larping
No Indian/Pakistani refers to himself as Indian OR Pakistani. If for whatever reason, he wishes to refer to the subcontinet as a whole, he uses "Desi" or "South Asian" or "Brown"

I'm indian/paki, both parents are from punjab both met in canada

abcd/desi/brown/indian/paki it's all the same

He's already built a name for himself as 'paki/currycel', it's too late to go back now that his larping game has improved.

meant for

I'm not larping tho, I've replied in urdu/to indians/pakis speaking in hindi/urdu dumbnuts

now get out if you dont have advice

come find me and we will make a suicide paki

aghar punjabi ho punjabi boltho

my punjabi is weak I can speak urdu alright but I'll reply in english, i refuse to speak a subhuman language

Just dedicate the time you spend shitposting to getting fit, preferably in a social environment like a gym. It will make you look better, manlier and more confident, if your whole thing is wanting to actually get laid this is it.

then there's no way to confirm or deny your heritage without posting your face timestamped. Just censor the eyes out if you're really unable to speak urdu or punjabi.

I am getting fit, it's cope. I've seen chad indians and chad pakis who are fit as fuck still get nothing, the best they can get are fat girls that are 5-6/10 at best

I've confirmed my heritage multiple times idk even how people are accusing me of being some chink

fking newfags

bro try swimming, least amount of effort and time and max rewards. You just have to swim for literally an hour 4 times a week and you'll be shredded in a few months.
replying to languages isn't a valid confirmation
I didn't say you were asian.

also I said I can speak urdu alright, punjabi is a lot harder for me though

some fcking triggered pajeets are accusing me of being some hapa or whatever

and yes it is confirmation, I'm not going to post my picture but I'm an objective 7/10, 180 cm tall, my flaw is i am skinny and have a weak frame/narrow shoulders

>Claims to not be a larper

>Wont post picture
>Wont speak any Indian language

Really activates my almonds

Why would I post my picture? this isnt facebook.

I've spoken in urdu/hindi before dumb ass and if I didn't know them I wouldnt be able to reply to pakis and indians speaking it to me before

this isn't a thread about my authenticity, this is a thread about me asking for help on how to improve myself and my mentality given the limitations of being bornr indian/poaki/desi/south asian whatever the fuck


>this is a thread about me asking for help on how to improve myself
If this were the case you wouldn't make double digit posts on the topic in one day. Be genuine if you are genuine.

I'm extra bored today, can you fuck off now?

fucking curries ffs

>Makes the same thread literally everyday
>Claims to be "asking for help"

You're either mentally ill or a serial shitposter like that "Indian race troll" guy on the bodybuilding forums. Im tired of seeing your shitposts. Fuck off.

like I said, there are many indians that are black pilled out there, search it up, you will get black pilled too