About to marathon this, did I like it? what should i expect?

about to marathon this, did I like it? what should i expect?

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Best stoner comedy of all time imo

Sequel when

good premise. movie has no funny lines.

You can't marathon one movie dispshit

The opening like 45 minutes are pretty good. The rest of the movie drags on and on though. It peaks pretty early.

>about to marathon this
>marathon this
>One movie

The apocalypse can't come soon enough

Welcome Newfriend!

Perfection doesn't need a sequel.

Enjoy your first night on the chan?

>this is the product of baby fucking
>its my cats birthday and every birthday I like to make him his favorite treat
>fuck jeff goldblum

Make yourself at home user and enjoy your stay.

thats not how marathons work you asshole

i just finished the watching the whole thing. didnt quiet live up to how i remembered it....

This movie is almost 10 years old

It's weird how I like James Franco but can't fucking stand Seth Rogen.


Dude bro marathons are for Hella long shows not one movie my dude lmao okay see ya next thread lol good shit bru

>obvious same poster be obvious

Everything Matheson and Budlofsky says is fucking gold.

>OPs falling through time again
Seth Rogen sucks

>I'm gonna be a civil engineer
>I'm gonna build septic tanks for playgrounds
>little kids can take shits

Seth is pretty good at some one liners and I liked Danny McBride's character

Danny McBride's character was probably the best thing in the movie

Craig Robinson is always funny as hell too

Last good stoner movie.

>Wait til Ted get here. He gonna be like, "kill that motherfucker". I'mma kill your ass.

opening scene is the best part of the movie desu


>you just got killed by a daewoo lanos mothafucker, how ya like me now?

dude WEED lmao

i liked your highness more

IMO, watching Pineapple Express is like sitting dead sober in a room with a bunch of stoned people who are laughing uproariously. They're having a great time. You're not.

The chase elements are so intentionally cliched they never take on a life of their own. I can be funny at times, but It's not outrageously funny. Such material needs to be outrageously funny to succeed.


Sometimes realizations like this make me feel like I'm losing my goddamn mind. How can time go by this quickly.

>hey man, how would you feel about pulling the plug on somebody? Like euthanasia?
>...you mean like on her?


You must be a great time at parties

Holy shit you're a faggot


I'm a massive pothead and I don't get "stoner humor" at all. It's all just very terrible comedy to me.


Lammbock is the best stoner comedy of all time

Danny McBride scene is fucking hilarious

watch This Is The End, they make a sequel in that movie

These days the world moves faster and faster every day.

For perspective: In the middle ages, someone could live a full lifetime of 70 or so years, without seeing one single new invention in all their time. Now we go from sustainable energy one week to colonizing Mars the next.

Look into "practicing mindfulness". It's one of those things like tai chi, but the concept is simple. Take a couple seconds every now and then to really think about what you're doing. Every little thing, from stirring your coffee to scratching your eyebrow to looking at the clock, instead of letting it all pass by in the blur of "got ready for work for an hour".

By actually noticing and thinking about everything happening enough to remember it, you won't end up just losing perception of that time period and having it all fly past before you realize how long it's been.

He is right though. "Stoner humour" is literally just "dude WEEED"

I watched it for the first time this weekend, I thought it was good! I think it gets bonus points because I'm a big Seth Rogen fan (which is mostly because I look like him).

I've learned that "stoner humor" movies are just anything that hits most/all of the following checklist:
>"Wacky" comedy
>"Trippy" visuals/scenarios
>Character(s) smoke weed at some point or mention weed references
>Flat jokes and poor delivery covered up with "Dude you gotta be high to enjoy it"

terrible stoner flick. action scenes kill my buzz man


only memorable line in the movie

i miss stoner kino

I agree with this, when I partake in DUDE WEED LMAO I just like to watch regular funny movies much more than "stoner movies". For instance Walk Hard, The Other Guys, Big Lebowski, Dude Where's My Car, or Anchorman are all full of good gags and quotable one-liners. The only bearable stoner movie I've seen is Harold and Kumar 1, stuff like Half Baked or Grandma's Boy is unbelievably shit.


Post some real stonerkino laddies

superbad > knocked up >pineapple express

i got u senpai

those are all lowkey stoner films tho

({female writers})

opposite for me

also Franco is supposed to be fucking handsome, I don't see it

james franco can also play serious dramatic roles, as shown in spring breakers


Somewhat related, but I was surprised by how much I liked The Interview.