Malick resorted to guerrilla style tactics where the actors were not told who they would be interacting with...

>Malick resorted to guerrilla style tactics where the actors were not told who they would be interacting with, requiring them to improvise entire scenes. Bale said that Malick referred to this as "torpedoing" and that as a result he mistook Teresa Palmer for a real stripper.[23][24] These methods came to a head when the cast and crew entered a Hollywood party without permission.[24] When the production was politely asked to leave, Malick looked the hosts and their security guards straight in the eye and whispered, "Your words are thoughtless, my thoughts are wordless" as a single gust of wind suddenly blew his hat up into the sky.[25][26][27]

Other urls found in this thread:

malick fucking blows, all his 3 hour movies are the same

But each one of his films is different.

Zack Snyder should really be on this list

>Sergio Leone
Of course he's in

Then put him on the list, it's Wikipedia.


Maintainer of the article here. Don't even bother - I would remove the edit promptly and ban editing privileges.

Calling your bluff. I highly doubt some jackass on Sup Forums is a Wikipedia mod.

Based article maintainer.

So you admit he is only not on the list because of bias.

Snyder is an auteur whether you hate him or not

An autist, more like.

Based patrician upholding film standards

That's why Snyder is not an auteur. Else all theatrical versions would have been directed by Alan Smithee.

why is Michael Bay not on the list?

Good question, since he is in the references. Possible vandalism? Edit it back in.

It's odd that Danny Boyle is on the list. I like most of his movies, but I don't see how he would be considered and auteur in any way

Why not? His style is very distinct.

You're just intimidated by his power

I guess I've never noticed what that style is

Is malickposting finally back? About time I can never find any of these fucking stories on google

It's a very distinct one.

Dun dun dun. Hmm. Hmm.


Your mom is puerile.

Is the point of this picture to show what an unoriginal hack Snyder is?

Seriously though, how can you not identify Danny Boyle's style?

Do Snyderfags even know that Kubrick copied that shot from 2001 from another film?