What a fucking cunt

What a fucking cunt.

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>ywn have an OG McDonald's burger

Most people who have made a ton of money are complete pieces of shit. Morals and scruples are just a competitive disadvantage.

Moral is real estate people are faggots


Kroc is right by there are no nice guys who get rich and successful. Persistence and cut throat attitude does.

The brother fault for having poor business sense

Capitalism is a great system if you were born without morals, or the ability to feel empathy, any humanity, or a soul. And I think we all know there's only one group that fits that (((description))).

This. In fucking spades.

mcdonalds could have at least hyped this shit with happy meals and toys to support it

I read somewhere that most high level execs and CEOs show a lot of traits of sociopathy, which makes sense.

Literally the most "it was okay" movie of all time

He literally did nothing wrong tho

Why do you think your government is so fucked up? Sociopathy is considered a positive trait when selecting candidates. This is the absolute reason that governments collapse. They starve themselves of value.

I'm not American, so that's something. THough our government is more fucked up cos they're just retarded, rather than ruthless.

The wealthy in America pick all the candidates that people are allowed to choose from. Those candidates are vetted for their lack of principle and ability to be purchased. No American politician is worth a shit since the early 90s.

Most people have traits of sociopathy and psycopathy. The concepts are basically irrelevant to modern psychology.

Wasn't Clinton decent? And Obama wasn't that bad from what I gather, least in his first term.

They absolutely do. And I believe that it is necessary to do that job.
I believe that Obama, while definitely an ideologue, was not a sociopath, and that is why he aged 25 years just in his two terms.
I guess it takes a toll out of someone who was previously just a community advisor when a CIA guy leans to him and whispers that if he wants the US to continue being prosperous, two ME countries and millions of people have to die.


t. capitalist pig

How? Because he insisted on powdered milk which at a time was a great idea? Because he went for a married woman even though they were extremely compatible? Because he left his wife even though they were extremely incompatible? Because he started to buy land?

Seriously though he did nothing wrong, he gave brothers shitton of money even if he jewed them out of profit percent. In the business world the way keaton portrayed his character he is one of extremely good guys.

There come the california commies.

christ almighty. the figurehead candidates aren't the people who control shit. It's every other person from senator to congressman, to governor to state's senator on down.

Hasn't anyone told you this shit? Don't you know where the Koch money is going? How ignorant of your own legislature are you?

It was wrong to built that McDonald's next to their last remaining restaurant. The rest was fine. They were holding him back constantly.

Pretty ignorant of American Legislation, since I'm not American, friendo.

at least you commented on something you don't have a fucking clue about, we're all grateful for that.

>feel empathy, any humanity, or a soul

Weird, such description usually fits socialist and communist swines, since they usually do nothing else but butcher the people they claim to champion.
Perhaps if they had any of those three qualities, their ideology wouldn't be an infantile drivel clearly made by inhuman vermin who were never in their lives a part of the class they supposedly '''''''''''''''''''''fight for'''''''''''''''''

Mate, I just asked a question, chill out buddy.

This is a thread about a movie anyway, why not go to Sup Forums to talk about politics?

yeah those vile socialists in the netherlands, denmark, sweden, finland, france, germany, where their economies are embarrassing America in the working and middle classes.

>Hello, fellow Sup Forumsacks! Did you know that with this one weird trick Marx came up with you can both save the white race AND end the eternal Jew's control over white countries forever?

I know, I need to chill out, watch a bunch of idiots talk.. like they do and just wince and ignore it. You don't disgust people in a vacuum, you actually end up making people sick when you talk.

If they ever be allowed to do whatever they want with the economy. All socialist ideas lead to disaster.
Those countries became rich thanks to capitalism but now in many ways they engage in mixed economy which is not very effective at all.

you fucking idiots are hopeless. I can't wait till you morons end up losing your jobs to robots and then you'll say " OH OH, a "mixed" economy might help me out"..

Fucking idiot. You literally deserve everything that's coming for you.

Again with this shit? Did they teach you that somewhere in your 15k social sciences classes?
Stop fucking insulting one of the most capitalist economies in the world. Disgusting. I can just smell your ignorant Americunt flag.


There's that famous JonTron quote "the richest black man will steal more than the poorest white man" and all I can respond to that with is "no fucking shit, the richest white man probably steals more than anyone combined because that's how people get rich"

He did nothing wrong honestly.

He offered them a deal, they accepted and
then he made every single thing about their business grow exponentially.

The brother's were retarded by denying their most hardworking man literally anything he asked for, so he can further better the company

Plus they were stupid enough to accept a handshake deal with no proper witness and recording, that's not written in fine print of any kind.

Big deal, hamburgers will cost $0.25. Automation will massively drop the prices for consumables across the economy.

Gotta love depopulation and aging demographics.

none of those countries are socialist, they are market economies with welfare states

Socialism would never work outside of those (small) countries.

Give a big country like America single-payer healthcare (like Canada!) and it all goes down the toilet (like Canada!) because now you have to schedule literally anything at least 8 months in advance.

Oh, growth spot on your brain? Might be cancer? Come back in a year and we'll do A FUCKING X-RAY to see what's up.

Just like the cost of cars, right? Every car company let new cars rot in fields rather than drop their prices. Don't be a fucking stooge and think value controls price.

he should have got an oscar for this role

Canada is a small country, you moron. They're shitty because their system is shitty. France is bigger and more efficient than Canada. God you people just look for your confirmation bias and lap it up like cunts.

Reduced cost is not the same as reduced price. Why would companies willingly decrease their profits?

you're addressing literal monkeys on this board.

This type of strategy might work in the short to medium term, but will collapse in the long term. Automation and parts segmentation means that the ability for disruptors to inflict pain on incumbents significant, we have already seen this with Tesla.

> le 1% keeping me down brahs
> my sociology degree with a focus on marxist indonesian tribes should be making me a billionaire!!!

tesla is a fucking black swan. that's a bullshit analogy. You need magic to change the economic status quo and it happens one in ten thousand times.

Because they are in competition with other companies and lower costs mean lower barriers to entry for new companies to enter the market. Also optimal profits don't come at maximum costs.

right, because leftards have shown how intelligent they are when it comes to economics. Too bad about Venezuela, maybe next time you will get the real version...

I'm german and do i really need to say how it isn't good. We have an unbelievably high tax rate if you have any sort of success, which is dysgenic. Then the social security system has brought the country to rock bottom in terms of crime, demographics and education. We're only still alive because of feeding off other eu countries.

Have you looked at the number of small car companies popping up in the US over the last decade? We have magic today, it is called the accumulation of incremental improvements and hedge funds. Yes hedge funds.

your jibberish would make most economists snicker. It's boilerplate simple business. That doesn't exist in this world anymore, just so you know. Krugman would laugh in your face, Reich would laugh at your crotch.

>jobs to robots

'How to spot a retard who never saw an inside of a factory 101'
Every single time you cocksuckers open your mouth, you just give more and more evidence that you are coddled, iPhone waving trash.

>Krugman would laugh in your face



Just stop. Jesus wept.

He's not a fan of the broken window theory, you idiot. never realized how little you people actually know.

Well Reich is that short, but you are delusional if you think that does not exist in the world anymore. Small companies are making a killing in engineering and IT world right now, yes these companies often ends up getting acquired but not without making significant impact in the market.

yeah, like all shipping jobs aren't going away, all taxi drivers can go to hell. They figure 10s of millions of jobs are going to be obsolete in 5 years. What could you possibly be talking about?

>mfw liberals actually think Krugman is a respected economist

You do realize we have scandal after scandal of police not reporting crimes or publishing data? Second to that i never made a comparison to the US, the US had the issue of being highly multi-ethnic from the first day. You can chart germany's and also any other western european nation's own crime statistics as they rise in correlation to further left wing policies and social structure. It's demonstrably unhealthy and dysgenic for a society and has never worked, stupid teenagers will always support it but the natural way is to grow out of it in your early twenties.

Yes, they exist, are absorbed, and die. That's wonderful for the few people that work for them in the interim. Then it gets shipped to India.

Not who you're arguing with but:
> we should drag down all of humanity in the face of resisting progress and evolution because i'm just not capable of measuring up
Bravo. I hope we have a new thatcher to rip you a new one and then smack you down again as you cant argue against economic success.

Krugman's a fucking meme that - like most of the economists I'm sure you'll cite - completely failed to predict the 2008 Financial Crisis


Economists are possibly the only profession on Earth that can be so consistently wrong, yet not suffer any tangible consequences for doing so
>Welp, looks like the models were wrong. Oh well, better luck next time!

You probably think Arthur Laffer is the brain trust of an economy. Look to Kansas.

How many other people 'failed' to predict the 2008 collapse? I think one guy actually did predict it, right? Fascinating that you mentioned that like it was meaningful. Seems like you're just playing a game.

It is absolutely meaningful, most economists have no idea what they are talking about. It's such a multi-variable system that it plainly doesn't fit into nice ideological summaries like a freshman political philosophy student might believe.

No one can "meansure up" when productivity goes through the roof. You really don't understand how this shit works, do you? Complete productivity means you'll never find a job no matter how unique you are. Understand?

Also if anything economists and their fanboys should be lauding the ignorance of the wider public - if the public didn't just defer to any opinion from a person with ", Economist" after their surname they'd get called out for their shit much more often

>How many other people 'failed' to predict the 2008 collapse?

Questions like that aren't really selling people on the whole "economists are our superiors whose opinions we must always defer to" argument

>"Yeah, so what if practically everyone in a profession ostensibly based on anticipating economic behaviour failed to predict the greatest financial crisis in recent history, so what?"

Most economists can't predict a flash crash, does that make them all idiots. That's what you're saying. None of your economists know anything.

how about, "they know more about the micro and macro economy that we do" is that good enough for you? Instead of your retarded absolutism.

Tried watching this on the plane and I couldn't do it, is it any good or is just a formulaic bio pic? From what I saw (him driving to the restaurant in Arizona and then his discussion with his wife) it seemed like it was going to really fucking boring and melodramatic.

Well im a doctor so i think ill actually do just fine. I'll likely direct my kids towards tech so that they're on the vital end of robotics if need be. There is no indication that robots would ever achieve sentience meaning there are swathes of jobs that they simply cannot do and even doing most average jobs is over a century away.

You're just a barista singing the sky is falling because your menial work is being automated, no different to field workers being usurped by tractors. Get a useful skill or get lost, this world isn't here to babysit you.

It wasn't a flash crash at all - the writing was on the wall for years and several accordingly predicted it. Not being able to predict such events might not make them idiots, it makes them stupid economists though.

Just like when all jobs went away during industrial revolution? Perhaps if you would not focus on import of inbred retards from brown shitholes, you could focus on education of populous on more demanding jobs, instead of teaching them pseudo philosophical marxist wankery propagated by dipshit who never worked a day in their lives.

>anti-capitalists lecturing capitalists on how they have no morals


top kek but well said

They already have medical algorithms that diagnose illness better than you jokers at a 30 percentile increment. The surgical robots will end up making you people worthless in 10 years. But yeah, you'll do fine, put your kids in tech because writing code isn't already worthless like a factory labourer.

It's pretty good.

It was so 'on the wall' that everyone in finance already reacted to it, right?

>capitalists prioritizing wealth and growth above all even pretending to care about morals

Anti-capitalists are just selfish low skill, low intelligence people who are happy to frustrate human society, promote total collapse and dysgenics and parasite off hard workers just to have what they dont work for.

It's absolutely sickening.

Not him, but do you have autism?

So you admit that most in finance have no idea what they're saying? Good, thanks for coming around.

you really think this productivity jump is like the industrial revolution? that's like saying the printing press is just like the mobile phone in productivity shifting.

you people are so lacking..

>anti capitalists saying we just need to kill more people to have another system work

you now realize itt is a gay user who truly believes gay space communism is a real possibility

> diagnosis is all i do
> diagnosis is made on investigations and data not history
I'm not a gp im afraid, diagnosis takes up about two hours of my week.

The brothers were retards who did't want to be rich. If they hadn't been so antagonistic with Ray from the beginning, maybe he would have cut them a better deal. They simply couldn't think big, the world has no place for weak cunts like them.

I got up to that same part too and gave up. I can't watch this garbage.


when was that a big secret? You're living in a world where "economists have no idea about anything" and I'm saying they know more than we do, and you're still playing in that pond like a child. Jesus Christ dude, stop being a worthless sophist.

The point being is that your job and surgical jobs are heading for the hills, bro. You sitting around writing charts doesn't matter to a machine.

I would trust bankers and lawyers with financial predictions much more than an "economist" seen as they are the ones getting stuck in and having an impact.

of course you would.

>There is no indication that robots would ever achieve sentience meaning there are swathes of jobs

You are very right. If the communist swines actually knew something about the state of robotics or factory work, they would know that the robots are only useful for repetitive, high count jobs usually in automotive industry, and they STILL manage to fuck up enough things to employ a team of five people who do nothing but fix the ruined products. To properly calibrate a single robotic arm can take years, and only if there won't be any major variants of product.
Everything else is still a ridiculous amount of hand craft and it always will be.

You realize that's like trusting a gambling addict with your chances of winning, right?

I didn't even read that far down into his stupid jibberish. Barista.. lol LOVE IT.

I don't sit around writing any charts either, it appears you have very little knowledge of what my job involves and i suspect the same of any other professional job. The reality as always with leftists is a lack of imagination: being stupid gives you as myopic worldview and you cant imagine what anyone else does and so what they might do differently. Everyone else must just be like you: their jobs must be pen pushing and button pressing menial work. They must work only 40 hour weeks and lazily. Therefore any difference in success or wealth is unfair.

I think a good practice would be let any leftist work a normal week in an investment bank and see how they crash out by wednesday a nervous,exhausted wreck.

It's like trusting a winning poker player or trusting the neet who sits at home watching world tournament poker.