Anyone else feel really angry or depressed when a sex scene comes on in a movie?

Anyone else feel really angry or depressed when a sex scene comes on in a movie?

Mostly bored because almost every director is too afraid to do anything creative with it. It's something I've seen 1000 times already

No. But I feel awkward as fuck when I'm watching it with my parents.

Yes i usually skip them.

No one ever crams a finger in the guy's ass so it's utterly unrealistic.

I skip them.

because you're an angry woman hating kissless virgin that blames everyone but yourself for your problems?

>angry or depressed
No, why would I?

Angry only if they are kissing passionately.
I'm fine when they fuck like rabbits, cum flying offscreen in every direction

Anyone get uncontrollably horny and have to turn on your favorite POV pornos to jerk off before returning to your movie/tv show?

Only mad at bj scenes bc my gf refuses to give head

never angry and not really depressed, just lonely and touch-starved.


I started skipping them when I lost my virginity. Sex scenes in movies are just so different from what sex is really like that it instantly destroys any suspension of disbelief i had.

>No one ever fingers the girl
>Girls always lying on their hair
>One round and we're done

Honestly, I'd show them kissing on the bed and fade to naked people under the sheets bathing in the afterglow.

haha you told him bro

I've recently watched Breakfast at tiffany's and I was honestly surprised at how they handled a whore in a classy manner. Not showing any nude scenes but just putting in the implications. I think that was what made people love Hepburn more to be quite honest cause it showed more of her personality rather than her body. Films should do that more often IMO or at least actresses needs to.

Sometimes when her tits are huge and round (and obviously fake) because I never got to experience that and I always thought that's what it was going to be like when I was a kid but then I remind myself most tits aren't like that

>no asseating
>no foreplay
>they orgasm at the same time
>the girls becomes immediately shy after sex, and tries to cover up her tits

>male and a female character look at each other
>cuts to them having sex


I do skip them though, there's literally 0 point to sex scenes.

i cringe every time when the woman still has her bra on

Do you know sex scenes in movies that are well made (no porn movies)

Try Irreversible.

Blue is the Warmest color

>virgins understanding of cinema

I mostly look away


You can do dialogue and action a million different ways but sex is always just two partially closed actors kissing and grinding until it fades to black. It's fucking boring and has never added anything to any movie ever.

Then enlighten me my patrician friend.

I can't even think of a movie in which a sex scene added anything to the plot. Just show them laying in bed after theyre done would have the same effect.
And to be honest realistic sex would be even more cringeworthy if youre watching it with someone else.

Sex scenes are utter trash and serve no purpose.

If you'd ever actually had sex in your life you wouldn't be entertained by two strangers tamely reenacting it while obscured by bed-sheets and creative camera work.


this right here. most sex scenes are nothing but boring filler shit. if you're not going to do it right, it's simply better to imply they'll fuck and then just cut to the next day.

Back in the day of strict decency laws they would put in "sex" scenes as a way to draw more people to see the movie.

Today however, porn is widespread and acceptable and people looking for wank material just go online.

The only reason to have a sex scene in a film nowdays is if it shows us something new about the characters in question.

And of course for the horny chinese men

i remember watching a movie about a woman who uses another woman to take revange on a man who killed her mother.

At the end it turns out that she and the girlfreind on the woman she used for the revange are sisters.

I think the sex scenes where not bad

Only if I find out later that the people used standies.

i remember watching a movie about a woman who uses another woman to take revange on a man who killed her mother.

At the end it turns out that she and the girlfreind on the woman she used for the revenge are sisters.

I think the lesbian sex scenes where not bad

I think that's a bit of a broad statement. I've had sex and I don't mind sex scenes if they're well shot and the actors actually have chemistry.

I think a lot of what's involved in good filmmaking is knowing how to build up various kinds of tension. Whether it be anticipation, dread, or even sexual tension. Knowing when to increase, and when to release that tension in a way that is satisfying to the viewer.

>watch movie
>sex scene comes on
>mom walks in
>move out
>watch movie
>sex scene comes on
>neighbors think I'm watching porn


here you go friends

holy shit those crazy asians

You don't need to be a kissless virgin to hate women

Only you, Jason.

Did she died

The lion is roped up. Nothing can happen.

I don't get angry or depressed but I don't see the point of showing much of it. I prefer it to fade to black or whatever after a second. If i want to watch sex I'll find some porn, i usually skip it in movies or television unless something other than sex happens during the sex for plot or something.

how do you know if something happens unless you watch it though

Sometimes I flick through it quickly, sometimes I just miss out I guess. It's not often it happens.

Lower lifeforms like niggers still get really exicted by the prospect of nudity despite the myriad of pornography both hard and soft available on the internet


Only if a nigger is fucking a white girl


What bothers me the most is that they never show exactly how the guy got the girl in the sack. They generally show them talking about something or providing exposition, then there's a cut or dissolve and we see them hump. I have already figured out how to talk to girls (at least in a work environment) but I want to know how I can get to the part where they are nakes and my penis is inside.


Women are shallow and retarded, if they actually showed what led to them spread their legs, there'd be an uproar.

Hi Jason.

Men are 1000x more shallow when it comes to wanting to fuck a girl though

Who cares, master key


it's about equal I think. men want a quick nut, woman want spending money and social status. neither gender gives a fuck about the actual person they use to get what they want.

A quick nut is more pure. It's honest and simple.

>i cringe every time when the woman still has her bra on
Clothed sex > naked sex

>woman is clearly focused only on preventing her nipples from showing

Why have the sex scene at all

this sex scene is still better than many sex scenes in Hollywood movies


Agent Carter

Yes, for exactly the reason you think.

poor kitty :(


Pillars of the earth, the actress is Hayley Atwell (plays agent carter in marvel capeshit)


I'm married, so yes.

No. Quit spending your times on Sup Forums, talking about how popular and beloved movies/shows are actually terrible, and actually go out and socialize with people. You're never gonna get a girl to even glance at you by sitting at your PC all day.

Depends on the scene. Gratituous GoT-type sex scenes don't add anything and I don't appreciate crude eye candy. Blue Velvet's sex scenes however were great because they actually informed us of the characters and the plot in a meaningful way.

is this NTR

that's a big cat


It's usually just
>characters start making out passionately
>literally 10 seconds later she's wet enough for entry
>another 15 seconds pass and the dude cums
maybe everyone in hollywood is sexually inept or something

Used to, even when ads for sex toys came up in commercials.

But then I lost my wizard status.

Now: Sex is pretty great, but you have to deal with women to get it. So not really worth it tbqh senpai.

>ads for sex toys came up in commercials
where does this happen?

That's hot


>guitar riff to a shaky-cam slow-mo


>cue in rimshot


Pola X has the most kino sex scene



>Chip-chip-chip-chip cheep cheep

But bras are uncomfortable.

They make me uncomfortable. They almost always feel unnatural, or like it's a waste of screen time. Implied sex scenes do the same job.

Intimacy ranking:
1. Hold hands or touch hands.
2. Genuine, actual-chemistry kiss, with gay ass cranked up sound effects.
3. Long, teary-eyed hug.
9. Any kind of sex scene.

Here's a true challenge for Sup Forums, share a film with a sex scene that actually comes across as passionate and mutual, and not just le porn kino or fucking dead boring.

You can't do it. Not even falsely pushed Euroshitflicks can do it.

clothed sex with tits out, yes
completely clothed sex with bra and everything sucks dick

He's still right. Feel more sorry for the black guy than the horse faced white woman.

>Here's a true challenge for Sup Forums, share a film with a sex scene that actually comes across as passionate and mutual
The sex scene in Blue Velvet was pretty passionate until the girl started getting weird and Agent Cooper started beating her up

It's made me furious ever since I was a child.

and you enjoy these scenes because you're a cuck who likes to watch other people (not you) having sex?

>mfw he posts dennis and asseating
why am i not surprised faggot

>I can't even think of a movie in which a sex scene added anything to the plot.

In Inventing the Abbotts, when Joaquin Phoenix walks in on Jennifer Connelly having sex and she says "Hi Doug."

I haven't seen the movie, because that's the only scene I watch, (alongwith Phoenix going under a table in a library and seeing her panties and her showing a note under the table that says Hi Doug), but I'm pretty sure those are important to the plot.

The point is not seeing ANY woman naked. It's seeing high quality women who have too much dignity to do porn get naked. Celebrities.

That's like asking "Why do you want to see her boobs, if you've already seen one pair of boobs before?"

"Once you've seen one pair of boobs, you pretty much wanna see 'em all."

Not at all. Men will fuck nearly anything with a vagina. That's not shallow, that's [ ] Vagina. Check.

And since women have vaginas, they can be choosy, and shallow. Flip through 1,000 offers and pick one.

Men may take the very first thing that comes their way. Which is also why men are more likely to pay for sex, you dumb cunt.

it's not always what you can see, it's what you can't see.

the best part of presents is unwrapping them.

that's also why people get bored at nudist colonies.

>Sex is pretty great, but you have to deal with women to get it. So not really worth it
