Do you like Japan?

Do you like Japan?

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Yes. Can you tell me what's the average undergraduate tution fee in Japan?

1 million yen per year.

Thanks, I am struggling to choose between China and Japan, got scholarship in China but I like Japan more

Are you looking to work in a familymart?

No, maybe in future

I like Bushido and Shinto, but seems no one in Japan know about it.

your animes and mangas made me sick

You made me sad.

I want to FUCK Isabelle.

I want to FUCK you.

yes, i like videogames from japan

Do you like Portugal?

Nah I hate japan just not my thing ya know

No one like Portugal.


Yes, I like Portugal.
Do you like Japan?

super robot wars series for example

Hmmm, You have bad taste, user...

I like Nippon

Keep liking us.

Yes, I do.


>but seems no one in Japan know about it.

Basically, Bushido belongs to a samurai (samurai).
The majority of Japan was farmers and merchants.
Regarding Shintoism, Buddhism was recommended for family register management during the Edo period (the temple went through the management of family register), and the connection with Shinto decreased.
However, even now most Japanese live connected with Shinto.

Yes :3

Thank you, anons!

Isabelle is pure and responsible dog and she is not for lewds


Does Japan love Israel?

I'm a hafu and so is my gf. Can I go to Japan? Do you like ブラジル?




Yes :3

Mayim mayim

I'm nostalgic

I danced Mayim mayim many times in kindergarten!

Thank you!

>Can I go to Japan?
Many Japanese Brazilians live in Japan.

>Do you like ブラジル?

Haha, it's a really old song in Israel, I only ever hear it in movies about the 40s. I wonder how it became popular in Japan.

Do you know what the hebrew lyrics mean?

>I wonder how it became popular in Japan.
Dancing at the sports festival event held in schools and organizations.
I often danced in circles.

> Do you know what the hebrew lyrics mean?
Actually, I do not know the meaning of lyrics.
It is a fun dance song, so I'm sure it must be a fun lyrics. :3


We don't have school sport festivals in Israel :(

The lyrics mean ''water with joy'', it's a short form of a quote from the bible ''With joy you shall draw water from the springs of salvation''. The song was made to celebrate water found in the desert in 1937
Here is the song in Hebrew

Me too

wow you have to be a millionaire just to go to college? nice country!

I do. Please don't ruin your country with immigration.

I do. Please don't immigrate.

>We don't have school sport festivals in Israel :(

Sports festival is a very fun event.
Children who are good at sports will be given a place to play.
There are competitions for children who are not good at sports.
Mimmime can be danced by anyone, so children who are not good at sports can enjoy it. :3

>''With joy you shall draw water from the springs of salvation''

Thank you for the information!
It is a religious lyric singing joy.

>Here is the song in Hebrew

マイム ベッサソン ヾ(´・∀・`)ノ

Yes! This!
When I was a child, I didn't understand the lyrics of Mayim mayim, so I could only sing this part.

School life in Japan seems so fun
We have no clubs, no sport festivals, no cultural festivals, no fancy start and end of year ceremony, no culture of 先輩/後輩...


I think that Israel will also be holding sports festivals and cultural festivals.
Surely Israel will go in a good direction
Let's do our best! ヾ(≧∀≦)ノ

Thank you for your concern.

Israel is bad at sports... we always do poorly in the olympics and the world cup. I'll cheer for Japan instead.

Yes. Please give cute yanderes

>I'll cheer for Japan instead.
Thank you! the world cup
It was rare for former Japan to participate in the World Cup in football.
However, it gradually became stronger.

But now, Japan can now participate in the World Cup constantly.
(There is also good fortune that Japan can fight preliminary in Asia)

I think that efforts will surely be rewarded.

Thank you Please give cute yanderes

.................Please come to Japan

I like the culture but I don't like the racism towards foreigners

>mfw He likes Japan.

I would love to, but I have no money :(

I like japan but i dont like weebs what does that make me?




You're so cute. I like this thread.

I'll be waiting, user! ;3

Why do you like weeb?
They are good people. :3

Thank you!

レイプしちゃだめです!( ̄^ ̄ )

>I like this thread.

Me too. :3

Are you a chef?

bump because I want an answer


I'm honestly just baffled you have to pay to get an education in the first place.