Webm thread

webm thread

old one reached limit

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well that was mean


>cowering from nerf bullets

No wonder we whupped the japs on Okinawa



>last thread

>fully clothed
>nice bum tho



she is very small and cute my dick would be like a fortress to her



She reminds me of monica belluci

Yes, the movie was 1000x better then I expected





My favorite Simpsons episode ever

she doesnt look black

Actress is half-Mexican.

classic Simpsons



One of my favourite episodes.
Somebody post homer on treadmill?




The set was so cold you can see the actors' breath frosting




Man the "OOOH!" look on his face at the beginning makes this seem like vintage gay porn


Gotta love that old school bright red paint for blood.


You can really date a movie from the type of fake blood they use

Apparently Dracula's death was considered too gruesome at the time and was heavily cut, but some years back they found the lost scenes and the recent Bluray restored them


Glad it got restored. This is a great quality print. Is this a Hammer horror?


>Is this a Hammer horror?
One of their classics, user
I'm planning on doing the sequels next

Nice job user. Went on a rampage looking for old flicks like this the other day. Now just need to find time to watch and webm them.

slick as shit son

Did anyone know Biel had a new tv show?





why the fuck are they wearing gloves when they're kicking each other in the head? is it stuck in their hands?

>Television and Film board
>Audiovisual medium
>Have no sound in webms

when is this going to change?


Because Sup Forums is an imageboard, not video sharing service. On some boards it makes more sense because they focus on short videos.

Don't know the movie/show sorry user but that is of course Ryan Newman

>Ryan Newman
goddamn I'm getting old

but if it's on other boards anyway then why not have it here too? it's not like the videos here have to be any longer


>pol enters the thread

because Sup Forums is an awful board that doesn't deserve anything.


dat Sheryl

I'm going to make a supercut of him giving him fucking thumbs up to efucking everyone.

what movie is this?

I think it's Cloverfield Lane?



Doesn't look like it. I don't remember any convenience store scene.

Perhaps her recent appearance on S3 of Fargo, then

Actually just figured it out, "Smashed"

>Actually just figured it out, "Smashed"
Good work user

Have you never seen MMA user


more please

Are you fucking retarded?

>Michael Moore has come closer to fucking MEW than you ever will

that's assault brotha

would you?


no one passes up the brides of Dracula, the only problem is that as you're about to get your dick wet Dracula cockblocks you

whatd I miss?

fuck that guy

>biel will never give your junk a hand shake

that's a hard yes

wait so she made a wee or a poo ?

How old is Carey Elwes?

That's actually quite funny.

When was I banned? Has it been 3 days?


Well, that escalated rather quickly.

Lost my virginity to a mulatto.

Not sure what that jabronys problem is they're fun.



This whole movie was such a phoned-in moneygrab

OG Jewfu

He's insecure, he probably went back home and post about white genocide on reddit.

Is that Mike Pence?

MOAR for the love of god