Why do Americans do this?

>White Hispanic actress in Hollywood
>Speaks fluent Spanish
>Typecasted entirely into Anglo roles

>Brown Hispanic actress in Hollywood
>Born in America, can't speak Spanish
>Typecasted entirely into stereotypical "latino" characters

And don't even get me started on what happents to Asian Latinos or Black Latinos

Why do Americans do this?
No wonder you think we are all brown...

Other urls found in this thread:


movies are made for the simpleton masses

well most latinos in the US are brown, mostly peasants from rural Mexico or Nicaraguans/Guatemalans/Salvadoreans, whiter latinos are richer and have no need to emigrate

id like to dip my tortilla into her guac bowl if you catch my drift

>White Hispanic

"Hispanic" is not a race.
"Hispanics" can be of any race.

Also nobody uses this term outside of the USA.

There are Spanish-speaking countries that are whiter than the USA.

White girl. Typecast as a white girl.

Fuck this thread.

Why is OP always typecast as a faggot?


post more white hispanic girls

it entirely depends on how brown they are.


giv mexico gf

come home white man


>Hispanic is not a race
200 BC was a simpler time.




I wanna jizz on her teeth

chubby knees, would not bang

wtf i hate trump now

thats a different kind of alien

>Why do Americans do this?
Its very simple, if you look white then you are white

None of these is Mexican



>No wonder you think we are all brown...

Nice pic of America

>the utter state of US miscegenation, destroying Spanish and Portuguese culture to such an extent

Q: What makes someone American?

A: Completely destroying European heritage while still pretending anyone over here even considers you human

qt ayyylmao

I like her argie accent


>watch Preacher
>British lad playing a Southern lad
>Black Irish girl playing a Southern girl
>British lad playing an Irish lad

fucking mental

That's Los Angeles, not America.

Why are white people & arab people one ethnicity? Some bullshit.

Ana de Armas isn't white.

American census bureau lumps them together

>No wonder you think we are all brown...

That's because the only Mexicans who immigrate to the US are peasant mestizo trash you dumb spic.

>No wonder you think we are all brown...
Not an American here
This goes beyond Latinos, this applies to anyone that can "pass"
Israelis come to mind for starters.
I mean, shit, I'm not even racist, I'm a filthy lefty, but Hollywood is one of the most racist, whether it be anti-white or anti-non-white, places on Earth. Anything for a buck.

>hollywood is racist
you're fucking retarded.

Glory to Mexico my comrade

>come here and fuck me-stance
what did he mean by this

>casting on the basis of skin colour
>not racist
Are you retarded?

How is that racist you dumb fucking monkey?

>water isn't wet
>it's literally wet
Fuck off nigger

It uses race as an excuse to hire or not.


Basically this

To the lowest common denominator(e,g hilibilies) all countries in the americas except USA lack white people when in fact most countries have similar racial distribution than USA.

So if you show a latino girl than is not brown skinned and brunnete they have a brain fart.

Are you literally retarded? If the character is white. They hire a white. The fact that they speak spanish or german or icelandic makes literally no fucking difference.

I wonder how you people even function.

They hire browns for mexicans because 99% of mexicans in the US are fucking mestizo. If they hired a white person it wouldn't be fucking accurate. the guy mowing my yard isnt fucking white.

t. 90iq

I can't understand your ebonics shitskin

>OP crying about American perception of latinos being shitskins
>pic of American city flooded with latinos shitskins

>Nice pic of America


Because they are both Caucasoid.

White hispanics are GOAT tier women

Pale skin pink nips and pussy lips but with the passion and sensuality of latinas

Fuck of reddit.

The reason why Latin America is so shit is because of their culture

>They hire browns for mexicans because 99% of mexicans in the US are fucking mestizo. If they hired a white person it wouldn't be fucking accurate. the guy mowing my yard isnt fucking white.

Most Hispanics in the USA are brown Mexicans and Central Americans. Most illegals are impoverished Mexican farmers crossing the border, not some blonde Argie or Spaniard student overstaying her visa.

This has colored our perception of Latinos as most of them come from the mixed-race majority nations.

>100% Spanish European
>Not White

Mexican isn't an ethnicity.

>Ethnic groups
>lists off nationalities.

This graph is retarded, did a liberal make it?

That's true. You know what I meant though. It's not the White Mexicans immigrating either.

>beaners have their entire multiple film and TV industries from Mexico on through South America, Spain, and Portugal

>they feel no need for "diversity, representaiton, and inclusion" to shoe-horn in others not their kind


Fuck off, Pedro.

The absolute states of United.

Why couldn't the spanish just drown, fry or kill all the indians before they racemixed with them?
Why couldn't they just bring over enslaved europeans instead of niggers from Africa

Dumb fucking spaniards ruined a continent with indio mongrels and niggers.

>television show shot in the united states
>need someone for a minor spanish speaking role
>cast someone who clearly cannot speak spanish fluently despite there being millions of hispanic americans

Did you quote the wrong person you backwards mongoloid?

Let me guess, you identify as Italian, or Irish. Pathetic. Fuck off, no one here wants you, you watered down plebeian degenerate knock-off.

That's what you get when you invade a country with horny 20something dudes instead of boring puritan families

The majority of Mexicans look like Canelo


It is all about target demographics and finding mix of people that don't drive away any major demographic group. It is business, not racism.

Pete won Mad Men.

>white european
Maybe when they were colonized by the visgoths, but alambrah fucked it up. Even culturally wise, the cornerstones of spanish culture has its roots in muslim influence, that why it has its 'exotic' flavor.

i guess jewish hollywood is just that much racist towards latinos and latino culture

No. Is this a new form of trolling?

Wrong. Genetic testing shows that Arab and African admixture in Spain is no more than 10% of the population.

>combination of white, hispanic and black genes
>genetic mutt
>end up with qt ayy lmao/
remind me why Sup Forums wants to ban race-mixing?

She's part black?

If you werent retarded you would know that there is a caste system where white europeans in hispania are above shitskin natives.

One of her mother's parents was African

I just looked up a picture of her mom and she looks more mestizo than black
Is she one of those 1/64th blacks?

Because americans unironically think everyone is brown in South America.
I blame the mexicans for inventing the whole "latino culture" thing, which is a thing only in the US, anyway.

>he thinks that all africans are niggers

This is a 100% African

You're the one who said she has black genes, not African genes.

>Alexis Bledel
>Ethnicity: Danish, Scottish, English, Irish, distant German, possibly French

This is Hispanic to you?

That's wrong dumbshit.
This is her mom.
Where is the African admixture?

Her mother is of English ancestry, she is "African" in the colonial sense. Her father is Argentine of Scottish descent.

>Her father is Argentine
Oh so it's her father that's black


It is according to the US census.


>Hispanic is an ethnicity

>hispanic isn't an ethnicity or a race
So it is literally nothing then? Just a random title people arbitrarily apply to themselves and others.
Makes sense given how fucking schizophrenic the US is about identities.

>identity is only linked to race
You sound more American than the Americans you're bashing.

> a random title people arbitrarily apply to themselves and others.
It's related to geographic features

Fucking beaners and their race shame. You're the result of midget natives getting raped by conquistador dick get over it already.

>geographic features
>Even though apparently is supposed to be wrong in claiming those nations are not "hispanic"
Okay. Tell us what is hispanic then.

For fucks sake you dumbass, ever heard of Caucasian?

White is a phenotype, not a race.

>identity is only linked to race

>I have no argument and I must post



Having spanish as native/birth language is also a factor, there's also heritage

It's complicated, and this is Sup Forums so sorry but not gonna start talking about it here