/tpg/ Twin Peaks General

It is Audrey in the coffee
now in 3d


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>Cooper's dream in the first episode of this season had an aged Laura and Leland. Does this signify that they are still alive in another reality?

also she says, she is and she is not Laura

Threadly reminder that the opening scene is a flash-foward.

The linear events are as following:

>1990 Cooper stuck in red room
>25 years pass
>Mike "Is it future, or is it past?"
>"You can go now"
>Cooper is sent through the zone before he leaves
>loses badge and shoes in the process
>Dougie spawns
>Cooper regains consciousness
>premiere scene happens


but in the last minute


Wow, the missing FBI pin really seals the deal on this. Can't wait.

dOUGley Jorens



Cooper had a hard life.

nth for I liked episode 12.


jumping back will come man

this, the giant scene is going to bookend everything

what was the point of this character?

2 rides

Dougie Jones




Someone manufactured him.
For a purpose...
but I think now that's been fulfilled

>Someone manufactured him.

The only people who didn't like it are members of David Bowie's estate who are mad at the confirmation that we're finally going to talk about Judy.

She doesn’t deserve it she has suffered enough we will never mend her pain feels awful right but at least it’s not death inducing David Lynch hit me baby mommy wants to fuck holy shit that’s true let’s rock this boat around get the party started Mortal Kombat over the seas nursing home Sheryl Lee nurturing fanatically thinking detective Mackley when cyberpunk becomes Twin Peaks haha what a guy digivolution convolution the King and I study your hand right now mister or you’re not getting anything to eat with your newly washed hands Laura Palmer Leland wash your Missoula two times a week gotta eat no not hungry instrumental music the ending of Heat good film Sheryl Lee films Follow the River based on real events beautiful smile soothing angelic voice Sheryl Lee raining sunshine all over me you us everyone gotta love Sheryl Lee hold on a sec there Judy this is not AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH the shit mister Jeffries is not Sheryl Lee Judy monkey I’ve got a bone to pick with you suicide mission to find Sheryl’s mailbox order your own fucking breakfast you punk do you know why it’s called Jesus on the cross Ahab Adam fucking birds that’s gross don’t fuck birds you goddamn paedophile if you don’t vote for us you’re a paedophile get a grip getting on the train adverts for across the country cross-country trekking with Sheryl Lee but is it 90’s Sheryl or today’s Sheryl does it matter she is always lovely has always been like James but CUTE not cool though the water was cold when she as Laura was wrapped in car speed limit David Lynch cares not running over midgets it was an accident only did nothing wrong speeding ticket in the ground lived a hobbit his name was George McCarthy just like you loving Sheryl Lee sweaty hands should wash my hands and grab some soda it’s Friday gotta relax with a cold soda imagine sodas Maddy Ferguson hates glasses was it autism no it was big Muzzy just like you in the dreams

u early


>tfw thought this week was going to drag on forever after Part 12 but it's gone surprisingly quickly

>tfw it's already Friday

What's the current Audreyfag suicide bodycount? Must be in the triple figures by now.

that new picture of the old hot tit
made her a ressurgence

>the next episode is even an hour closer than usual

someone say Audrey?

dugpa jones


oh I get it she'll turn up haha

White lodge, black lodge?
What's the big deal?





I loved it except for repeating the Jacobi stuff and Audrey's 10 minutes of nagging her manlet husband. I'm a little heated at Lynch for going too far in ruining our waifus, honestly.

He just had a deadline, cut him some slack.

when somebody eat your muffin

I have spent the last week watching Twin Peaks for the first time. Have w2atched everything including the original seasons, the new season's episodes as well as FWWM and Missing Pieces.

Can someone explain to me the point of this new season? It's not going anywhere.

It's obviously going towards everyone converging at the coordinates, Dougie waking up and stopping whatever Bad Coop is trying to do other than collecting garmonbozia. Are you dense ? This is the sort of shit I would expect to find on Facebook from normies

What do you mean the point? Cooper was stuck in the Lodge. Laura said she would see him again in 25 years. Fast-forward 25 years Cooper is freed from the Lodge and Bob is on the loose still.

What the hell were these three doing in the waiting room?


They wanted to get in on the action of eating out Laura.

Is there a good FAQ of some sort anywhere? I have too many questions to ask here.

Ask a few of them at least so we know what sort of questions you have.


When Eddie Vedder plays during the season finale, will Cooper finally get his mind back?

>waiting room

It's FK in the coffee...


Can someone please post a YouTube video, gif, or webm of this scene? I can't find it anywhere. Specifically where he's dancing and it shows his mouth close up. Please

When Vedder plays in the finale, Cooper will recover the brain of JFK.

Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Sheryl Lee recorded a scene that plays during the Twin Peaks finale. It confirms Laura Palmer never stops having fun on a Ferris wheel. (Pic is funtime Laura)

Who was that seductive woman in season 2 that the old man thought was evil? What happened to the man she married who got killed? Did she have some super power and why did she want to win the contest so badly? Was she just filler matierla?

Who is Judy?

She was a succubus. She fucked her husbands to death. Her superpower was being attractive and extraordinarily sexually proficient. And yes, she was just filler material.

this is from FFWM
his not shown dancing much in missing pieces

Why did they replace the dwarf with a tree? Especially when the dwarf actor is still alive?

Just got done with season 2.

That went on way too long with no clear motivation. After a certain point I started skipping every scene involving Lucy, Andy, the other guy involved with those two, the Rockefeller guy, Norma, Ed, the one eyed woman, etc, etc.

And I missed NOTHING of value when the finale came.

DUDE this guy from Logposting.

The admins there are fucking lame, get trriggered overr nothing.

I'm constantly shocked at how quickly time passes while waiting for the next TP

Episode 12 feels like it was 2 days ago at most

Kirby: The Movie when??????

What was that you said? Something about the log?

Here is your YOU

He knew too much.

fuck off to Sup Forums


Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder recorded a song that plays during part 15. It confirms Agent Cooper gets his mind back in part 15. (Pic is proof)
Listen: youtu.be/AYOXAhd-HQQ

I'm new to this trhead. Will someone explain the Judy meme?

Sorry but I'm not trolling.

What is your personal opinion on the matter? Did season 2 go on too long and was their too many useless romantic and comedic stories going on during it?


You don't ever want to know

Watch FWWM you dip


he started listening to dr jacoby

I agree, Season 2 should've ended at EP 9. I especially hated the Billy Zane shit.

If they weren't forced to produce so many episodes then maybe Lynch & co. couldnt spent more time coming up with better material for S3.

tremayne & civil war are ultimate kino and pleb filter

>Dick Tremayne
>Windom Earle


the conservation, fashion show and Miss Twin Peaks subplots were great too.


Is this the logical conclusion to Vedderposting?

I loved the Civil War stuff, never said I skipped that

When did I say that Windom Earle was useless?

The Tremayne/Andy/Lucy stuff would have made me stop watching if I didn't have the option to skip over it.

I liked the Audrey scene and although the Jacoby rerun was a little drawn out, I think it was just supposed to further solidify the fact that he's basically a cynical business man pretending to still be part of the counter-culture (i.e. too lazy to continually come up with new material, just repeating the same shit over and over like a commercial to get more sales).

He learned about the off screen crimes of David Lynch. He's lucky everyone thinks he's crazy or he'd get Nanced.

go back to riddit

how did he receive enough nutrition from eating Black Lodge Pussy (BLP) to stay alive for 25 years?

needs more degraded image quality

those blue roses piss me off

Can't show nipples in a Christian imageboard

>every week the Vedderfags are closer to being right

leave Coopkino to me.

Two and a half weeks till cooper gets his mind park

if thats your way of watching TP then you might as well skip the whole show retard. i watch it to sink in with the ecletic lynchian weird vibe it gives me, actually nothing needs to happen and its still better than 70% of television today

Why is David Bowie pointing at Dale and asking who that is? Is he implying that it could be evil Dale?

Also it still doesn't explain the meme.