Books that would make good movies

I'll start

>Ice Station



Directed by John Hillcoat and Christopher Nolan helping

100% filmed on IMAX 70mm film stock

6 hours long

exact adaptation. No change in dialogue, every detail talked about in the environment and characters must be in-shot during that sequence

Shot on location

100% Practical effects exceot for stuff like removing safety wires

Clancy Brown as The Judge

I'm literally working on a screenplay in my spare time. And echopraxia as well but I haven't got to it yet.

ah, blood meridian, monsieur?

that novel is the sark and chaparral of literature, the filament whereon rode the remuda of highbrow, corraled out of some destitute hacienda upon the arroya, quirting and splurting with main and with pyrolatrous coagulate of lobated grandiloquence. our eyes rode over the pages, monsieur, of that slatribed azotea like argonauts of suttee, juzgados of swole, bights and systoles of walleyed and tyrolean and carbolic and tectite and scurvid and querent and creosote and scapular malpais and shellalagh. we scalped, monsieur, the gantlet of its esker and led our naked bodies into the rebozos of its mennonite and siliceous fauna, wallowing in the jasper and the carnelian like archimandrites, teamsters, combers of cassinette scoria, centroids of holothurian chancre, with pizzles of enfiladed indigo panic grass in the saltbush of our vigas, true commodores of the written page, rebuses, monsieur, we were the mygale spiders too and the devonian and debouched pulque that settled on the frizzen studebakers, listening the wolves howling in the desert while we saw the judge rise out of a thicket of corbelled arches, whinstone, cairn, cholla, lemurs, femurs, leantos, moonblanched nacre, uncottered fistulas of groaning osnaburg and kelp, isomers of fluepipe and halms awap of griddle, guisado, pelancillo.

>medieval euro fantasy setting
>has built in black characters stock standard

jew proof

whats the book about lad?

2bh I'd enjoy a Jack West Jr series, I enjoy the cool historical/religious stuff

>Jack West Jr

Is he a better character than shane schofield?

I'm currently reading area 7

Matthew Reilly really should have become a Hollywood screenwriter immediately after his first couple of books did okay. He's got a solid niche right now as an Australian writer who isn't a numale or a womeme but I feel like he's not playing to his strengths by writing novels. It seems obvious reading his books that he puts all of this stuff together in his head as really cool movies and then writes them down because it's easier than working in Hollywood.

Mel Gibson as the ex-priest, Vince Vaughn as Glanton Colin Farrel as Toadvine and you've got kino.

fellow /sffg/ poster. Haven't read that but I'm aware of its middling meme-status. I'm a big fan of A Voyage to Arcturus, which Blindsight is supposedly kind of like. An Arcturus movie would be awesome, apparently it's been tried but I can't imagine it working with no budget independently.

First contact, but the deeper ideas and meanings it explores are all about consciousness, how it works, how we perceive things, and ultimately if it is even a beneficial thing.

I'm more of a /lit/ guy, and I tend to find scifi and fantasy to be absolutely abhorrently written 99% of the time, however blindsight was, despite its flaws, a fantastic book.

Watts builds a very interesting world as well.

>because it's easier than working in Hollywood.

I heard with ice station he would only accept tom cruise as the main character thats why it never got off the ground as a movie.

this isn't going to be another movie where they draw circles and then leave and nothing is solve

I wouldn't say better character, but there's deeper development and relationship stuff in the Jack West JR series than the Schofield

Jack West JR feels like Indiana Jones with cool action and conspiracies, while Schofield series is more pure action

Schofield actually appears in a Jack West JR book and plays a big part, that was cool to see

That's an absurd demand for a kind of successful Australian thriller writer to make but at the same time if he had pulled it off he probably would have created the best fucking action movie ever made. And Tom Cruise probably would have agreed had the project been brought to his attention, anything to remind people of how virile and cool he is. And every Reilly protagonist is just every big Hollywood action hero put together, Cruise would have loved that.

I'm pretty sure a movie deal was made years ago. But it's been stuck in production hell. No idea why, action movies about US soldiers doing badass shit while there's hints of possible supernatural elements and complex political in-fighting are always popular. I'm not even being sarcastic, it's basically a perfect script for a dumb (but not too dumb) Hollywood blockbuster.

> The Israeli intelligence guy with octogenarian Nazi's kept alive in human fish tanks in his basement

Sup Forums would have a field day with that

I met Matt Reilly at a book signing once, really nice and swell guy considering what happened to him

It's been ages since I read it, but is Ice Station the one where you had soldiers embedded inside units from special agencies that would kill the rest of the soldiers if they stumbled upon secrets? Or was that Temple?

boggles the mind why ice station hasn't been made yet

with all the cool action and seeing different "allies" as enemies and shit like that

was a super fun book to read i can't imagine why it wouldn't make a great movie

I've met Reilly too. He seems like a really cool guy who never expected to become successful and is super-grateful for it. It's horrible what happened with his wife.

And yes, Ice Station is the one where the letter agency (DARPA I think?) has guys all over the place killing anybody who discovers particularly important military secrets.

It's probably just never been the right time and place, also Reilly doesn't seem like the type who's able to be forceful and really get people moving until he gets what he wants. I imagine that you have to be at least a bit of a pushy asshole to get anything done in Hollywood.

>considering what happened to him

what happened to him?

I heard he walks around with like 5 body guards at all times or some crazy shit?

Their was a recent pic of him in the U.S. at Nakatomi Tower aka the die hard tower.

So i thought maybe he was in the U.S. trying to get one of his books produced.

The ending to blindsight is definitely acceptable in the book, but for my adaptation I'm going to make it more concrete. Watts sometimes has trouble describing the dynamics of a situation - how people and things are moving or what they're doing in relation to other people and things, and this can sometimes be a bit confusing. I'm going to give it a more solid ending but still keeping the spirit and the majority of the actual sense of what is happening.

Echopraxia's ending was... difficult. The book was overall disappointing compared to blindsight, although still a decent book if you ignore the burden of excellence that it inherited from blindsight. Unfortunately I don't think I can keep it as is for the most part, I'll have to change it for the big screen.

care to share a page of the screen play

theirs also a screenplay thread

his wife Natalie(?) committed suicide

Never heard anything about bodyguards, and I've met him on his own. If you really want to know his wife used to work as a Councillor or something with mentally ill people. The strain of the job and seeing how shit these people have it got to her and after being depressed as fuck for a long time she overdosed on pills and killed herself.

Are you serious about trying to adapt this for screen? What do you consider to be important in screen adaptions and what do you consider to be good adapted-kino? You aren't just writing the novel down in screenplay format I hope. It's best when filmmakers really try and get the same points across using the strengths of their new medium.

Haven't read the book but I recently saw an incredible Polish science-fiction film called 'On the Silver Globe'. Plot seemed almost manic in how it moved and how unconcerned it was with coherency but it was amazingly powerful stuff.

Nah, I'm a complete amateur doing this for fun, I'm not confident enough in the slightest to post it here.

Serious as a hobby. Obviously The Godfather is probably the single best adaptation ever made, but I also like American Psycho, Apocalypse Now and No Country For Old Men. Pretty basic but they're great adaptations.
I'm making a very concerted effort to NOT simply write down the novel in screenplay format. I've had to cut entire sections of dialogue, add in some small one myself, speed up segments that would other take up the entire movie themselves etc.

What I don't get is theirs tons of great books out their and they hardly adapt any in hollywood.

Instead its
>rehash some comic book premise
>remake a film from the 70's with tired action star
>rehash sci-fi movie series thats been going on since the 80's

I mean fuck me just read a few books and adapt them for a change.

It's all about what they think will make money. You could make the best adaptation ever put to paper from the best novel ever written, but if they don't predict profits then it ain't getting made, simple as.

Yeah but this whole if it aint tried and trusted gets boring after a while

Their making another 3 avatar movies how do they expect to make money off that shit when its fern gully live action.

James Cameron can make money off of anything, I don't think there's anybody left in Hollywood with the balls to challenge him.

Scarecrow directed by Michael Bay and staring Tom Cruise would of been the greatest early 2000s action flick of all time.

As it stands i reckon David Leitch would be a good match for adapting Ice Station.


pfft bay could still do it

Bay needs to be an fx consultant not a director, or just do comedies, he know how to get good improve from his leads

Heh, this is the first english book I've ever read (english isn't my native language) and I always thought the same. This book reads like an action movie.

Would be nice to see how a director tackles the sleep deprived insanity.