Get Out’ Is 2017’s Most Profitable Film So Far

How is this even possible?




a good movie and shiet.

Made a good movie that didn't cost hundreds of millions of dollars. It's not rocket science.

one thing that i haven't seen addressed in these get out threads: the movie criticize the kind of white lady who collect bbc, right: these dudes are interchangeable as if they don't really matter. they are trophies to that lady because black is cool these days. as far as i am concerned blacks can keep these problematic mentally unstable ladies...

Why is Sup Forums always wrong when it comes to this type of shit. Not saying these movies are good, but still
>thought Star Wars(both movies) would flop
>thought Wonder Woman would flop
>thought beauty and the beast would flop
>thought civil war would flop
>thought get out would flop
This place did predict Spider-Man flopping and Sup Forums was right so there's that

Those were the only two movies in 2017 that weren't capeshit or spiritually capeshit adjacent.

women love bbc that's how

They had small budgets with worthwhile stories and relied on word of mouth rather than mass marketing.

I thought Sup Forums said SJW race baiting shit doesn't sell tickets?

wtf is wrong with dark-skin niggas eyes? they always look like a milky pussy yellow or some shit

No one outside the U.S saw this.

It had a miniscule budget and a flavor of the month theme.

Appearantly white women dating black guys is really popular in the U.S for some reason. It's a strange country where black athletes are idolized and stuff.

It's simple, you profit most by making a passable movie with little to no special effects and casting relative unknowns. You fail by dumping hundreds of millions into marketing, poor cgi, and casting overpaid actors in sequels no one asked for.

their genetically predisposed to get glaucoma

no idea, it's been such a great movie year so far

This movie was pro-Sup Forums desu

i don't think $650 million worldwide box office constitutes a "flop"

it wasn't as successful as they'd hoped i'm sure, but it wasn't exactly king arthur or valerian

That just makes his victory even more sweet, he didn't have to pander to international audiences to succeed. He profited in the USA and blacked his wife in the same year.

she looks like a man

> black is cool these days.
So young.
Blacks been cool since white girls needed to piss off mommy/daddy/friends/society.

Every woman looks like a man. Usually the one that helped make them, or on rare occasions they look like the man who helped make the man who helped make them.

make a good, semi-original film with a twist that makes people talk about it to their friends
market it online with a trailer that makes black social media influencers relate and share it to their millions of fans
produce it for a small amount of money with competent but not a-list actors and a first time director that will make critics cream

Jews love black cock.

How many months have you guys been crying about this film? Six? Seven?

Wow, two movies from the same company were the best and most profitable according to this guy who is in no way a shill.

Because it's been a bad year for film.

Relative to it's budget, yes it probably is


>thought Star Wars(both movies) would flop
>thought civil war would flop
You're either lying through your teeth or you're mentally ill.

Spiderman didnt flop

>great original horror movies
>universally beloved by critics
>universally beloved by audiences
>shatters records
>most profitable film of the year

T-this can't be happening!

the dude ripped off The Skeleton Key

>>great original horror movies
Once again, the 1960s serve as a race hustler’s vengeful reference point. But when the get-whitey genre was initiated in those blaxploitation movies made after the turmoil of that decade, artists from Melvin Van Peebles and Larry Cohen to Bill Gunn and Gordon Parks toyed with various genres to dramatize American social and economic circumstances. Black political consciousness was being realized on screen for the first time.

Get Out is the recrudescence of Obama-era unconsciousness. Reducing racial politics to trite horror-comedy, it’s an Obama movie for Tarantino fans.

Based on the reactions, I'd say it's a movie for literally everyone on the planet other than perma-triggered Sup Forumstards.

>Spiderman didnt flop

Of course it flopped, it was supposed to make Sony a lot of money this summer, as of yet it has barely broken even, it will take a China miracle for it to become really profitable, and it won't open in China until september 8th, at which time it's old hat and the chinese will have watched it as a rip.

It's so bad that not even Sony themselves have tried making a bullshit statement about how successful it's been.

A lot of people liked the movie, so they paid the fee required to see it. Sometimes they did it multiple times.

Have you seen the movie?

Even Sup Forumstards should love it since it's all about how white liberals are secret racists and the true threat to niggers.

>predict Spider-Man flopping and Sup Forums was right so there's that
We predicted it was going to underperform embarrassingly and we were right about that.


Sup Forums BTFO

>How is this even possible?
It's not, unless by profitable they mean as a percentage of the budget.

Sup Forumstards by their definition are too brain dead to evaluate the quality or message of the film on anything other than the related image

Sup Forumstards don't watch movies, which is why nobody on Sup Forums watches movies, which is why every thread is about superheroes and Star Wars.

Jewish money laundering

same with Wonder Woman

Post your top 10 films of all time :^)

she isn't even white so idk why anyone would be mad about this

>back to back posts calling a spade a spade

Brigade incoming

It needed about $500m to break even, so far it's made $640m without China and Japan. It's not going to break any box office records, but it'll make Sony plenty of money, which they desperately need right now.


Jesus Christ, his face looks like an unmapped texture.

Low budget movie with sjws and alt right cunts doing their viral marketing for free

it was actually a decent film, I expected a anti-white message only to be unpleasantly surprised by a good well written movie with a crazy twist of sorts
Sup Forums was wrong again


BBC-mania is taking over the world, slowly but surely whites will dissapear for good

>It needed about $500m to break even, so far it's made $640m without China and Japan.

$175 million production budget, $140+ million promotion budget

Total cost = $315+ million

Domestic gross = $284 million of which the studio gets 55-60% = $170 million
Foreign gross = $356 million of which the studio gets 35-40% (except China which only returns 25%) = $142 million

Total earnings = $312 million

So it has barely broken even, this means that it needs to do GREAT in China and Japan to make a real profit, but it opens late in Japan (11th of August) and REALLY late in China (8th of september) which will of course have a huge negative effect on the respective box office prospects.

Relatively cheap, and relatively original. Gee I wonder. Oh well, I'm off to see capeshit #32678921442

Not exactly but it took a dig at self proclaimed "progressives"

>costs 5 million to make
>grosses over 100m


More like Glockoma am I right

How do we stop the Jews?

Does that mean more indie studios like Blumhouse and A24 will be on the rise?

I'm only surprised by Beauty and the Beast not flopping and Get Out being as much of a success as it was.

Not in a "Wake up sheeple this is just (((their))) programming" way, but because it was never advertised as the cheap horror shit that usually brings in the big bucks.

the movie mocks SJWs more than anything tho

Spiderman didn't flop dipshit

deserves an Oscar, movie of the year so far

the goat

>No one outside the U.S saw this.

The movie made 17 times ($76,950,110) its budget overseas, for an indie thriller based on a niche concept it did exceptionally well

>it's a Sup Forums pretends to fucking know anything
>costs 80 million less than amazing spider-man 2 that made money
>made a lot more in america than that movie

wow it's another Sup Forums is wrong post! who would have thought?!?

What? Despicable me 3 probably cost 200m at the absolute most to make and market and made 10x its production budget. If you subtract that from the gross it made 600m profit.

>only 76 million
>most of it came from Europe
>thinks 76 million is a lot for a global release, even if using mental gynmastics to argue about it from an indie point of view
Nice delusion. Only Americans gave a shit about this movie.

Get Out is the best film of 2017 so far.

Only in America

Do a race bait movie with no budget.
Pay a few starbuchino to some WE WUZ who has a good twitter base
Remind slavery to the critics on rotten tomatoes
Have a half decent photography
You make money

Poster cite Armond White critics a L I T T E R A L black guy
>Muh triggered Sup Forumstards
Why are reddit poster so bad at shitposting

You seem triggered