Just marathoned this examination of gender, sex, sexuality and social mores

Just marathoned this examination of gender, sex, sexuality and social mores.

What did I think of it?

Nobody gives a shit what you think

You thought it was a high energy spectacle with great editing and direction, but didn't take enough time to develop the characters. Plus the script was pretty generic.

thus why he feels he needs to justify what others think before forming his own

I miss the good old days when men who kind of felt like they should have been a woman were just men who kind of felt like they should have been a woman, instead of men who took hormones to grow breasts and then had their penis surgically altered so it looks like a vagina.

IMO, gender as we define it is somewhat of a social construct: girly shit is for girls, football and beer is for guys, etc. Come on, let's be real, this is something humanity has imposed and is not based at all in nature! I see no problem with men (penis) wanting to be feminine, wear make-up have long hair, etc. If that's what floats their boat, who cares?
But some people take it too far and actually want to become women (vagina, tits). This is sexual dysphoria, and has little to do with gender. They believe they are women trapped in a man's body.

>so it looks like a vagina.
I think you mean:
>so it looks like a mutilated hole surgically entrenched into their groin.

It's not what it was supposed to be

None of those norms was ever called "gender" until those people literally mistook stereotypes from TV for real life.

I think you felt disappointed not to see her massive wang.

>social construct: girly shit is for girls, football and beer is for guys, etc. Come on, let's be real, this is something humanity has imposed and is not based at all in nature!

i forgot girls are physically large and more aggressive and stong and competitive because of their testosterone and want to play football

silly me, i almost thought biology dictated human behaviour, hahaha, im gonna go cut my cock off

the only faggoty cross dressing show that was any good was rupaul drag race. They were at least being honest with the shit too.

Every society does it. Sure football or high heels aren't universal but every society has their athletics and fashion. There is a full spectrum of manliness to femininity and you may very well see no real difference, but that has more to do with where you are on the scale.

What this is about is the sexually ambiguous and confused attempting to coerce and shame the vast majority of society into accepting the marginal as the norm. This is in no way about reality, just reality tv.

That has nothing to do with what i'm saying. There are definitely things in our society today that are unjustly categorized as being for one gender or the other. Like, why are male nurses so scrutinized? Or why shouldn't a man be allowed to be a "homemaker"? I'm not denying that men and women have different sexually defined characteristics but the gender stereotypes are indeed social constructs.

All you're really saying here is "hurr men are le stronger women cant le play football". That is not an argument, buddy.

>thinks Caitlin is meant to be pronounced Katelyn and not closer to Katleen
the state of trannies

Drag queens are great. Most drag queens are real, old-school tough faggots, the ones who know they ain't ya homie. I have more time for them that these psychos. Also, most "transwomen" turn out to be "lesbians" - ie. it's a cuttlefish mating strategy.

You said football isnt inherently male, its a social construct

I agreed, theres no reason why humans with 100x more testosterone than other humans would be interested in competing in full contact sports

Youre a real genius, a real fucking genius

It's only pronounced Katlin by Caitlin Moran, and that's because she'd been using the name for years before she heard anyone else say it aloud.

I liked the episode when she/he came out as Republican. Now THAT was brave

>tfw so many people mispronounced Caitlin it's taken on a totally different pronunciation
fucking hell

who is that semen demon?

So you're saying it's MEANT to be pronounced Catlin? Or Catleen?

you thought "Bruce was a woman all along huh? No wonder he was such a shitty driver"

>unjustly categorized as being for one gender or the other
You realize that those things are categorized that way because that's what works in our society, right?

If you want your son to play with barbie dolls, fine. You don't want him to get picked on? Tough luck. As a parent your job is to nip strange behavior in the bud, because down the line it's going to make your child LESS happy. Grooming your child to fit into society is your job.

I liked the episode where he got in the car and murdered that woman

Yes, it's a Gaelicized name and that is how it is pronounced in Ireland.
>Historically, the name was only anglicized as Cathleen or Kathleen. In the 1970s, however, non-Irish speakers began pronouncing the name as /ˈkeJtlJn/ KAYT-lin, which led to many variations in spelling,[3][4][5] including Kaitlin, Katelyn, Catelyn, Catelin, Kaitlynn, Caitlyn, Kaitlyn etc.

He switched gender to dodge that murder charge

>unjustly categorized
who made you the arbiter of justice and morality?
are you judging other culture's equivalent morays as well?
>I liked the episode where he got in the car and murdered that woman
nature balances the number of womyn in the world, praise allah

There's a difference between dressing as batman and think you are actually batman

That guy identified as a corpse you piece of shit

Who are you to label him living? Just cause he breathes and has a heart beat?

What the fuck is with society and assigning these bullshit social constructs on people.

YES you can be breathing and have a heartbeat but that DOES NOT make you alive, you can absolutely be a corpse, thats your identity, thats who you are at the core


Caitlin is pronounced ~katleen

Thanks. Where did the "th" sound in the old Anglicization come from?

i dunno lol

Humans are dimorphic. The two sexes are biologically different. The social norms surrounding the sexes are you call gender occur naturally even in situations where they are not taught/learned. Although if you think gender's an arbitrary social construct, then it shouldn't be above criticism. Instead of whining about toxic masculinity people should be criticising the female 'social construct' for it's many weaknesses and flaws. The male 'social construct' created the civilized world. If people want to destroy gender roles, they should want to replace them with something similar to the masculine role not the other way around.

Cool, thanks!

What really makes me think is when a person says they don't believe in gender roles, they never randomly still follow their genders role

Like, if gender doesnt exist, using probability and statistics there would be a person who didnt believe in gender roles who still behaved precisely as their gender would have been

But they dont, they always act like the other gender, despite saying they dont believe in genders, 100% of the time they will behave like the other gender

Strange that

that you call*

>i forgot girls are physically large and more aggressive and stong and competitive

I mean my gf is taller thab me and has a stronger sex drive than me. Humans are very different

If a rich white Republican does it, it must be okay.

I look forward tothe transfur movement next when some rich Republican comes out as one.

Oh serious? Does she wanna start boxing because she likes hitting people and being competitive? Maybe she can stop having her period?

the irish got the name name from the french, who got it from the romans, who got it from the greeks

theromans mixed name name up with the greek word katharos, meaning pure, so they changed the spelling from Katerina to Katharina

Women are competitive, they're just not ambitious. Men are both.

So women will compete for something they want, but if it requires to much effort they'll just give up and try to get someone else to do it for them.

Ah, that's interesting, thanks.

they are yes which is why its stupid to rip your dick off, replace it with a gaping wound you have to penetrate daily to maintain, and wear a dress just to feel like you're a woman

I actually like him in South Park
>Buckle up, buckaroo!

traps are and always will be gay



im gay now

I bet she can beat you up too, eh? Does she get violent during sex? Tell me more.

Is it gay to fuck a man in the ass if he wears a wig? Isn't hormone therapy and surgery just a more elaborate wig?

Semen HEmon

A cock and a hairy body is just a wig

Thats a woman underneath that cock