Where did it all go so wrong for him after LOTR?

Where did it all go so wrong for him after LOTR?

WB gave him six months to plan every aspect three multi million dollar films and threatened to give the property to Brett Ratner if he refused

Probably in 2005 when he filed a lawsuit against New Line, claiming he had lost revenue from merchandising and video games related to Fellowship.

The amazing thing about The Hobbit is how corny and fake the effects looked.

Even more amazing considering they actually had a larger budget than LOTR and they're supposedly using the same WETA guys to do the effects.

LOTR actually looked epic. The Hobbit looked like a computer game.

King Kong was not bad

King Kong was quite bad.

He showed his shit direction in two towers and return of the king.

>earns millions of dollar he will never be able to spend in his entire life
>butthurt becuase he wants more fucking money
>literally everything he makes afterwards is shit, including Hobbit
>starts making excuses how the entire production was doomed from the start
>tfw I sit here and look at what Coppola faced when filming Apocalypse Now
he can go fuck himself, he is a hack-artist who was lucky with LOTR

They gave him too much money, too many people and computers for cgi, and little by little he went Insane.

fucking typos

King kong was decent

He was basically forced into doing the Hobbit movies

I wouldnt call him a complete hack, LOTR was a passion project for him and since then hes been decent with studio meddling bringing him down

GDT suppose to direct the hobbit then he leave the movie.
Jackson had little time to prepare.
Studio wanted to do 3 part while in production and that fucked all the structure.
Bad color grading.


i like this movie, Stanley Tucci was great in it.

Guilermororo Del Toro fucked off (as he always does) after 2 years of pre prod. Then he stepped in and had a few months before shooting started. Which fucked up EVERYTHING.

After that he took a long deserved break.

Now he's deep in pre production for a steampunk franchise.

Also, fuck Del Toro.


Eh, I get that but if he was owed the money contractually why let the kike corporation take it?
Principals, lad.

Kong 2005 was great my dude

It was fun as fuck.

Fuck off sersha.

For some reason they made all of The Hobbit look like it had some sort of CGI mask over it. On everything.

So much bloom

But WHY?

No idea. The worst looking scene in the hobbit must be the one where Legolas is riding on that bridge from Laketown. Looks ridiculously bad, films 20 years ago looked better that that

lotr was a fluke, did you see what he made before lotr?


meet the feebles is pure kino

He forgot moderation. King Kong was already evidence about that, it being far too bloated for what it needed to be.

He has basically fallen too much in love with CGI, which allows him to show everything, but the problem with that is, that he falls too much in love what he's created and he fails to edit as he thinks the audience does so as well.

Losing his weight.

Skinny Peter Jackson was a mistake.

I though Heavenly Creatures was decent

He did some pretty great splatters, some of the finest ever made. And Forgotten Silver is a great mockumentary.