ITT: 10/10

Post your personal 10/10's.



The Thing


Watched this for the first time the other day. Man Carpenter has this weird time capsule style I just love. Roddy and Keiths fight scene was GOAT too. Had me dying every time they'd do a big finisher and stop fighting for thirty seconds so you think it's over only for one of them to run over and sucker punch the other to restart it

It's the camera angles and bizarre actor choices. He just makes them work.

fuck feathers








my man

this, fellow DChad

>dat sci-fi setting
>dat 90's feel
>first crush, mila jovavavovich
>dat gary oldman

Surely there's nostalgia here, but still.

jovovich has dozens of nude/topless shoots of when she was in her prime
just letting you know

Not even kidding, shit is so comfy.

nothing wrong with liking arnold kino

The best capekino

It's a trash film. But an excellent one.

I am not gay but I really wanted Ethan Hawke and Jude Law to fuck each other at the end.

Probably the most mainstream Nazi movie ever made but good choice anyway.

>it was HER TURN!

Not even the best Batman film


this movie is kino

I like giant punchmen


hey /m/an. No judgement here I liked it too. Too bad the sequel is gonna be trash

More Carpenter-kino. Dark Star is absolutely fantastic.

has carpenter made a single bad movie

escape from la


oh yeah

also this one

The eternal heartbreak
this flick moved me in many ways
Also Jon Brion


As a kid I wanted to be a marine biologist and vacationed a lot in Italy so it's really nostalgic for me.

I have to agree with this one. Klaus, especially.

As a 30+ yo man that watched this for the first time this summer with a loud "meh," what is the actual appeal of this movie? Except the retro NYC feel, which is cool.

>be a huge fan of Arnold
>my gf at the time hates him for no other reason than "goofy accent" "muh muscles
>take her to the theatre
>thinks we going to see Footloose or some shit
>it's actually terminator
>"fuck you user I aint watching that shit"
>still comes and sees it with me
>mfw she actually loved it
She begged for me to take her out to see Predator 3 years later
and now she's my wife
great memories

Holy shit, that's an awesome story. Big, if true.

Was this in the 80s or did you find some retro cinema that shows awesome action movies?

The style and simplicity. 10/10 costumes with a basic story told well and without pretension. Just appeals to me, the cinematography is to a very good standard too.

that was in 1984, man
I'm this old

Criminally underrated

fuck that movie

Two things:
1) The most mainstream is schindler's list
2) If hating snake people is a crime, lock me up

what? it's one of the funniest movies ever created

Thanks, makes sense! I appreciate the storytelling in it too. Always like a well-contained story. It was mostly the characters I couldn't get into, I think.


>that was in 1984, man
The year of my birth! Whaddaya know. Nice story, anyway. I hope to get a future wife that appreciates good action movies too sometime.



It's always nice to tell the tale
>Born in 1984
still no girl of yours? go out more user


yeah I should... it sucks, but at least I'm not /r9k/ material yet, there is still hope.

still i hate michael bay

show something better then

underappreciated funny action movie, pic related is another one

>The big Hit

I love you like a brother man, I unironically think it's better than 90% of John woo's movies that he directed

A great deal of cognitive dissonance comes with this film. A part of me wants to write it off for Nick Cage staring and the director being the same one on The Host. But other than the pacing, this is Kino.

>show something better then



What can I say, I'm a gigantic faggot

I agree completely. I actually don't like any other John Woo movie. They all suck, except for The Big Hit, and it's a lot thanks to Marky Mark himself.

God I love Chris Farley. Almost heroes is pretty universally hated but it's my personal 10/10 comedy. Chris Farley was truly a master of slapstick.

Mein neger!


not sure why did i like it so much, but i guess it's kinda comfy

>Starship Troopers
>Galaxy Quest


So had to be sarcastic or obscure or it's reddit? Got it

MI 2's climax is really good but the slog to get there is ridiculous


Complaining is as reddit as it gets

>The 5th Element


Man, Sup Forums elitists are so cool. I wish I could be as cool as you.



Exactly. It's like the gay thing. You know how people who call other people gay always turn out later to be gay themselves? Same thing. People who call other people 'reddit' are always later revealed to be from reddit.

Don't ask me why, I don't know why. Probably just one of those natural laws of the universe, like gravity or taxes.

Pretty sure the Reddit meme is the most Reddit since it's projecting

Ghosts of Mars


He was literally Agent 47 in that movie
>barbed wire noose



My niggas. Also he was one of the best things in Billy Madison.

This one too. Nothing beats some fine Cruisekino.


The absolute best for me.


y-you too

Baron can't be your "personal" 10/10. It's the greatest movie of all time. It belongs to everyone equally.

Muh nygguh

I was expecting something like Scarface 2 but instead I got a massive amount of feels.

Sir, you are my nigger.

Which Watchmen are we talking here?

