Does anyone honestly give a fuck?

Does anyone honestly give a fuck?

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its so that PETA doesnt start screaming


What if they do? Are people going to boycott a show because it doesn't say the animals were treated right?

No they'll burn down the director's house or kill their kids or something


and then euthanize the animal in the production

>hating animals

want to know how I know you are black?

Just to hide the trail that the Jew producers fuck the animals during their wild underage girl sex parties then kill them and bathe in their blood

they also force their actors to have sex with animals

HBO had to cancel Luck because a few horses fell over.

I´ve heard from a lot of sources that Californians have some sort of social braindead agenda going on, why they´re so fucked up?

>just do it for real man, don’t be a pussy

Me, I love animals.

intriguing... I've heard from many of these sources as well. perhaps we should exchange notes

After watching this hack stab a horse to death kinda yes

>"The state of California believes this post to be cancer and cause adverse affects to pregnant or nursing women."

I bet this broke a britlet slag's heart

I do. Before they did this Hollywood literally killed animals just for some dumb stunt in an action film. You don't have to be a PETA member to think that's stupid and wrong.

Remember when this was all a movies credits were?
One page for the actors. One page for the writers etc.

They didn't name every single extra or PA or set designer or make-up "artist" or advertiser

Why? It's just animals. They would do the same to us if they were intelligent enough to be able to do it. But they aren't. They're tools to us. They breathe air, doesn't change anything.

no animals were harmed during the making of this film

except for the animals that were killed and made into sandwiches for your lunch

Californian here, living in paradise AMA

did they actually burn livestock in the wicker man?

yes for many reasons, not least the fact that they feel all the same basic emotions as people but arent smart enough to know its all fake

Unironically you're probably a sociopath. It affects something like 1% of the population. Your brain is literally missing a function the rest of us take for granted. There is no cure or treatment. Hope that helps.

They used to kill tons of horses filming westerns back in the day and caused outrage.

Who cares? They will not do anything of importance with their lives. They don't understand because they're not intelligent. They only have natural instincts. It's no different from a tree just living its life.

So tell me how is killing a fly different than killing a horse for a movie that was born explicitly to do that?

I miss opening credits.

i think you do, but are too much of a faggot to admit it

>how is killing a fly different than killing a horse
A fly doesn't have emotions or really any kind of thought, it's entire nervous system is pretty much as complex as the human body would be without a brain