What the fuck

LITERALLY a white skinhead running around in chicago killing black people... hello?! what the hell is wrong with hollywood?


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ok so i'm watching the trailer and this dude is literally killing any race of people so long as theyre fucking shit up with crime. What is so wrong about it?

Also don't call him a skinhead, Bruce Willis and other bald guys have it hard enough as it is having to make up for no hair

what the fuck is this and why is dean norris a cop for the 2371695392nd time

it's 2017
lincoln monument was built by slaves u know

It should be ILLEGAL to show "heroic" WHITE characters shooting People of Color no matter WHAT they may or may not have done.

This just normalizes the constant and often WHITE violence against PoC that we experience every day.

Wait, is this a reboot of Charles Bronson's Death Wish?

I want this to be as over the top as Death Wish 3

No t's a remake of James Wan's Death Setence

Can someone please explain why Eli Roth remaking Death Wish is more problematic than Eli Roth making a movie about South American natives torturing women and cutting off their clits and eating them?

It hits too close to home.

Fucksakes you littke bastards. Watch the old Death Wish movies first, then wait 'till you actually watch the new one (you WON'T, 'cause brainwashed cucks) THEN you can bitch and moan about it.
History, kids.
Basically it's this:
>Cop is going after spoiled/entitled/tweaker/corrupt something or other that murders or rapes someone Cop loves.
>criminal get off scot-free 'cause insanity/money/connections.
>system fails Cop. Cop goes vigilante.
These movies are about the system favouring the criminals and the one Cop/Detective that's had enough.
>pls learn how to think for yourselves.
>pls, for all our sakes.

gonna watch the fuck out of this

Hey, what's the problem?

>wife getting raped by bbc
>back in black starts playing
What the FUCK did they mean by this?

>killing someone for carjacking

Not cool tbqh

>Directed by (((Eli Roth))).

They DO WANT race-motivated vigilante happenings. The want social unrest. Divide and conquer is and has always been the agenda.

>Chicago, the home of black on black crime
> Shows white guy's family getting robbed by white guy
> Blacks shown as the victims


did you stop watching right before he shoots a black drug dealer in broad daylight to avenge a little black boy?

You guys are gonna create more fake outrage over this than any real outrage it's caused, aren't you

Mexican here.

Hope to see him shoot up beaners, skinheads, and nignogs.

America needs this movie.

because contrary to what people say themselves, no one cares about bush people and there is no group that could get offended on behalf of them either

> You haven't got the MINERALS to be a vigilante, Bruce, you're 65 years old for Christ sake

FFS he really is going to be milking that role for a while isn't he?

Yeah but I'm sure most of Sup Forums doesn't have a fucking clue who Charles Bronson is.

charles bronson entire facial vocabulary condensed into one picture.

i agree, shouldve tortured him beforehand

Who is that on the left?

Pretty sure SJWs trashed that movie too, it's just that nobody actually cared.

Kersey wasn't a cop though. He was a regular joe that got addicted so to killing so much, that he forgot to even go after the criminals that raped his wife. Then the sequels were just exploitation fun.

Eli said he made it as a 'fuck you' to SJWs.

You don't even know the film you're telling others to watch. He's not a cop, he's a bleeding heart NYC architect you fucking

Nigger, are you really gonna try to be pretentious about a b-list action schlock actor?

Oh. I could've sworn it was a "fuck you" to people who like horror movies.

The funny thing is that the original 1974 Death Wish film actually had a background character comment that the Mysterious Vigilante was a racist because he killed more black muggers than white ones. Another character responded that more muggers are black and does he want the Vigilante to move the racial proportion of muggers he kills for racial equality?

>all criminals that deserve to be shot are black
what did Eli Roth mean by this?

because it is the current year

>(((((Eli Roth)))))

Yes, truly this film will be redpilled. Nobody setting themselves up for disappointment here, no sir!

She actually said does he want more white people to become muggers and get themselves killed to equalize the representation.

Le edgy man

Genderswapped Android 19 next to Android 18


When did Bruce stop caring about his craft?

Sentence was better. The Bacon is GOAT

Surrogates. Definitely Surrogates

bruce willis has been bald for 20 years but all of a sudden hes a neo nazi. lol

this actually looks pretty cool

the tone makes no sense. Instead of being sad about his wife and daughter it turns into an action comedy?

what in the actual fuck is up with this trailer? It's starts like if this movie is serious, sad, then ac/dc starts playing and it turns into a action comedy....

>action comedy
Where the fuck is the comedy part please tell me


Back in Black coming out of nowhere made me laugh hard, not to mention all the "goofy" kills.

>I'm not going to kill you.."jack" will

too bad, if you die in the movie you die for real

I'm pretty sure PoC kill themselves more than white people

when Bruce Willis starts wise cracker and saying one liners

>Who are you?
>Your last customer


>80s style gratuitous violence mixed with social message about how shit chicago is

How do I preorder a movie? I'm at fucking half mast over here

You mean each other.

>quips now make a movie a comedy
Punisher truly is my favorite action comedy series

>jew director/actor/producer makes a racially insensitive movie that riles up the PoC against whites

what else is new

yes, my bad


>sway in the morning
>back in black starts playing
>bruce willis phoning it in

considering the first half of the trailer tried to make it look like Law Abiding Citizen it suddenly shifting gears with AC/DC blasting was still jarring as fuck.

My bad as well haha.
Well good thing you 3 showed up to set things straight.
I just got the ball rolling.
>pic sort of related

literally my fantasy.

>I just got the ball rolling.
With you trapped under it, you big idiot.

Liberals live in a land of fantasy, that's why muslims are the rebel alliance, Elizabeth Warren is the Mockingjay, Trump is literally Voldemort and Death Wish will turn every white man into a skinhead with a gun.

When you don't believe in anything you turn to jewish Hollywood and it's fairytales for enlightenment. Movies and television is church and gospel to liberals.

All trailers must have a classic rock song at some point. It's not negotiable

If not a classic rock song, then a mopey cover of a classic rock song with some Lorde-wannabe vocalist.

All the bitching over this is just an advertising campaign. Have to generate interest somehow

Hey, SOMEBODY had to leap into the Abyss.
>that WAS a good one though, haha.

The ice cream man is apparently a neighborhood kingpin

>can choose any model to follow
>choose Tarantino

He didn't act at all in Die Hard 4 . So much good lines he ruined by not giving a shit.

Looper is like the only good bruce willis movie in the last decade

This is going to make a killing at the box office.

yeah but DH4 is watchable anyway, Surrogates is complete fucking garbage, I could predict every single line of a character's mouth it was that clichéd and generic

looks hype af

yeah bro it's totally litty

>Death Wish remake with quips

just kill me



Death wish 4 is kino

My man

looks good but the trailer feels likes its giving alot away

fucking kek

hahaha... omg shut up.

Stop humping the news and SJW websites and go look at who's really doing crime in this country.

That's the worst explosion I've ever seen in a movie, it belongs in a cartoon and even then it's really bad.

>LITERALLY a white skinhead running around in chicago killing black people



so it's a sequel to Die Hard 3?

>those dummies

I wanna watch this with my dad, but I'm afraid that there'll be forreal on screen sex and not a cutaway before you see anything. Am I going to have to watch it by myself first?


Damn Sup Forums you need to talk about this show more I always forget to rewatch it.


I don't like how it tries to make Bruce Willis cool. I mean the point of Death Wish was Charles Bronson not being cool at all and killing kids trying to be cool.

>make a movie where blacks commit crime and are the bad guys

What did Hollywood mean by this?

Tarantino made a movie where the nazis are better than the americans