Does Sup Forums like Aubrey Plaza?

Does Sup Forums like Aubrey Plaza?

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I like how she is the only fappening celebrity with nudes uglier than jlaw

Did she hit the wall?

if by "like" you mean would i like for her to take a fat steamy shit on my chest, then sit on my face so i can lick her asshole clean, then yes, i quite like her

Honestly, after watching parks and rec: NO

1. She has the same act every time "I'm too cool for everyone despite being totally lazy and immature"
2. She literally does nothing except gets by with her looks
3. Her character progression of at first being really lazy, but then sort of caring about Dogs was fucking stupid. Typical female, has no relationships with any people but loves dogs
4. She honestly was cute for the first season or two (when she was like 28 probably) but as she aged into her 30's, as you can see in pic related, isn't really doing her face any favors
5. She hasn't been in anything besides parks and rec and that stupid footfag movie nobody saw, so she is a one-note character and can't act


She's got a kinda cute face and not fat, but she only has the one acting mode. Yeah, yeah I know stroke and everything, but I don't think people are going to tolerate old-lady April Ludgate in 20+ years.

If she were a man everyone would be irritated by her

>she is a one-note character
she was in mike and dave need wedding dates, and played a female version of a total bro-brah which we are getting way to much of these days.

so she now has a range of 2 characters.

everyone is irritated by her, hence the lack of career

but its a false comparison, no man would ever get a role of playing le smug edgy hipster in the first place

read #5. nobody saw that movie cause the faggot from workaholics is super annoying and unfunny, and not even audrey plaza and mousefu feets could make people wanna go see it

If a woman is that bad at masturbation it probably means she is a whore. She never had to learn how to pleasure herself because she was always on a dick.

are you trying to imply that JLaw is ugly?

>weird face
>weird personality
>can't act

>I Haven't Seen Legion: The Post

Yes user, jlaw nudes were totally ugñy

So hot

her nudes are top notch

>things virgins say

>emmy buzz, popular indie movies, she's on legion.

I don't know user, I think she'll be fine. Only person doing better than her is pratt, who was at her premiere supporting her.

she weirdly hot
this is an interesting trailer but the movie will probably be shit

I tolerated her in Parks and Rec and have hated her in everything else and am really angry at how much I wanted to fuck her in Legion.


She is like MEW's half sister that got in trouble a lot in high school.

But that's Amy Schumer

>and am really angry at how much I wanted to fuck her in Legion.

That dance sequence with her blowing the kiss at the end destroyed my penis

That's kind of weird user. Angry fucking someone.

Also what is with all the aubrey threads lately. do indie movies actually have shills? Or do agents have pr teams that know about Sup Forums?

It's all so strange

Important Question:
Does Aubrey have a porn lookalike? Asking for a friend.

I hate the way women dress in the 2010s, why do they insist on wearing those stupid shoes?

audrey plaza had a better career than amy poehler? no. even aziz has a standup and his own show. chris pratt was popular for a bit. not to mention joan calamezzo was on mad tv, and rashida jones has been in a lot of stuff

audrey plaza is by far the least known on the show

are you serious julie is aubrey plazas magnum opus

>audrey plaza is by far the least known on the show
you forgot gary

Aubrey's peculiar tastes are the only reason she isn't headlining a show right now. she got that horror show to pilot with nathan fillion on tbs.

she's up there with all of them user and while I agree amy/rashida are doing well, I'd argue more people know her, younger people that is. Amy being on SNL and other comedy shit isn't that well known outside of a small group. Rashida is in a similar boat.

I sort of agree with you about aziz though, comedy specials and his show do make him very popular though.

I don't know. it's all hard to gauge but I tend to gauge women based on what they're getting in and aubrey is headling festival movies, shes in biggest movie comedies, shes now in capeshit and looking to get into more capeshit.

I sort of stick to my statement.


She is sexy in legion

I agree.


you're dumb as fuck, amy poehler has written and produced a ton of stuff. rashida jones has many movies and shows. aziz has his own show. chriss pratt was the main star of like 4 movies in the last year and a half

but no aubrey plaza is the most famous because she is been in 1 arthouse movie and 1 normie movie that bombed

keep sticking to your stupid subjective criteria that might as well be headcanon

im half of the replies in this thread anyway, if she cant even produce a debate on tv her career is fucking dead

she can only play 1 role thats why she doesnt get cast in anything except a meme movie

tell literally anyone that rashida, poeler, aziz, pratt, COUNCILMAN JAM, fucking everyone from P&R has a better career

are you gay? that looks like a man

and nobody makes threads about any of those people and you're in here trying to insult me.

Irony is strong with you.

>le indie sexy girl who cares about nothing

never saw the appeal of her

the only threads about aubrey plaza are literally

"is she hot? i cant decide"
"is her career dead? or will this movie bomb too"



I think she is funny

You're both pathetic beta faggots.

These celebrities aren't going to suck your dick because you are defending them on a shitty image board.

Try swimsuitsuccubus