Is Shadowhunters™ really unwatchable?

is Shadowhunters™ really unwatchable?

post feet


Is it a romance show thinly veiled as an action show?

I guess? Basically a CW type of show except not on the CW

Damn she's like The rich man's Bella thorne



she's hotter, mcnamara is more beautiful

isn't this girl a literal genius?
too bad she can't act though.

I agree


that redhead is pure sex

giv vampire gf


>At the age of 14, McNamara graduated with honors from high school and graduated summa cum laude with a degree in business with an emphasis in finance from Drexel University's Le Bow School of Business at the age of 17. She is now pursuing a Master of Science in Literature at John Hopkins University as part of their advanced academics graduate degree program.

>Kat thred
>No one posted the webm

What a comic book character.




>tfw 'murrikan Yuru Yuri looks cheap...



She is then welcome into the exclusive club where only Rachel Nichols and Brit Marling are members so far.

got that webm of brit marlings ass?

it's fucking glorious


Damn. Talk about life on god mode.

Ok but I won't derail it further after this.


w-whats going on here


they put them in white dresses then got them wet

>posting a webm of aagif

Kek if she was in a comic book Sup Forums would complain about her being a Mary Sue

whatever you want user

oh my...

Kat as Brit's lesbian lover in season 2 of The OA plz.

I really want to see Kat lez out...too bad Shadowhunters is malefag central.
Thou Bane is pretty based

is teen bullshit, i can kind of watch it, but it's just like a bad version of buffy vampire hunter and the lead actress is not credible in her role



I like Zendaya in Homecoming but aesthically Kat would have looked great as Mary Jane.


>I like Zendaya in Homecoming but aesthically Kat would have looked great as Mary Jane.

It's not too late. As it is, it certainly can happen. It's pretty obvious at this point that whatever it was that they were trying with the Michelle character is clearly not working. So if they should decide to go the Mary Jane route, it's still very possible given the current setting.

I used to think so, but after being forced to watch Shadowhunters by my (11 years younger) wife, I now think she's not all that hot
