Charge $15 per ticket

>charge $15 per ticket
>still make don't make more money

How long will Hollywood last?

I wonder how much a movie actually costs. before the inflated paychecks and hollyjew accounting come in that is.

Give them a few more decades. By mid-century, Hollywood is going to be a shadow of itself.

Streaming has paved the way to bypass the middleman and go straight to the consumer. Nolan can bitch about Netflix all he wants, but why the fuck should people shell out 15 bucks to be in an overcrowded room full of loud smelly people. The "movie-going experience" is outdated as fuck.

>The "movie-going experience" is outdated as fuck

Where thew fuck do you live where tickets are $15?

Why the fuck should anyone want to go a theater nowadays when they can easily DL a movie in the comfort of their own home and sit back with their gf/wife or buddies?

15 bucks? Where the fuck do you live?? I'd love to pay 15 bucks

because people are desperate to escape the daily routine.

kys ignorant pig.

he didn't include the crablegs.

>$22 AUD for a regular ticket. $42 for gold class
Gold Coast Australia reporting in.

what the fuck is a gold class ticket?

You know to "get out " now and then, you should try it.

So that's like $3.50 in real money

The system was fucked up so I only got charged $5 to see Dunkirk

Go to sleep cunt it's like 5am

Not even worth it

Not OP, but Philly. I really don't know why I'm still here.

Because it's neat to go out to see things on a massive screen in the darkness with a huge soundsystem blaring around you

and anyone who gives a shit probably owns a big screen, a dark room, and a good sound setup. normal human beings don't go to the theater because of their feelies.

Do it every Friday night and Saturday night with my buddies at bars and games. Last week, I went to a place that allows you to throw tomahawks while you can drink beer.

Going to a theater is something that people had no choice but to do since that was the only venue to see new movies. Nowadays we have the tech to do it. I would like to go to a drive-in movie theater if I had the chance.

gold tickets include a seat with an ipad that has a Sup Forums gold account on it. this way you don't have to stop shitposting for 2 hours just because you're watching a movie.

Not him, but it's comfy fucking recliner seats with room service at the push of a button. Or seat service, whatever the cinema equivalent is

>Last week, I went to a place that allows you to throw tomahawks while you can drink beer.

what could go wrong?

You throw hatchets at targets. Only a retard would get themselves injured. It was actually pretty fun and a change of pace from bar hopping, clubbing, bowling, or going to a hockey game.

There's a difference between having a big screen, comfy chairs and decent soundsystem at home and the humungous screen, tiered theatre stalls and the hugely loud surround sound setups that cinemas offer
The former is the norm, the latter is an occasion

Forever, people get all bent out of shape if Hollywood doesn't BREAK RECORDS every year.

If Hollywood EARNS less than the year before, they get all worried that this is the end, without acknowledging that they're still generating billions per year.

To survive Hollywood just has to remain profitable, and it does and it will. Think about it, if your salary was $75,000 and you made it every year for your whole life, are you failing? If you had a commission based job and you made between $60 and 80,000 a year every year forever, are you failing?

That's Hollywood. Not every year has to be a growth year.