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eternal jonerys edition

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So if Gendry is going north of the wall with the lads, are they gonna stop off at winterfell so he can dick Arya

Azor Stan

At this point Euron is the only person who can redeem the show

Where is Euron? Why isn't he teleporting?


anyone have a link to the thing saying dany dies next season?

No, that's not her

Jaime almost did this episode

You told me the episode was good. Why did you lie?


>mfw she's his aunt

>tfw the only true knight remaining in westeros is the kingslayer

>little finger lies to everyone about everything
>"oh yeah I had Lady Olenna poison joffrey haha ;^)"
>this is the one time he wasn't lying

bravo grrm

>believing Reddit
Every episode is shit

>when the queen proclaims one king, and the hand proclaims another...whose peace do the goldcloaks protect? who do they follow?


itt post things from the books that were put into the show but lost most of their impact

i'll go first

>theon becoming reek

Now bend the knee and succ tiiny pecker womon

Daenerys kneeling and sucking Jon Snow's cock when?

He's never lied to Sansa


got dang that episode was crazy, to bad the good guys lost the battle.

I really, really hope he dies taking out a dragon in the most badass way possible.


Dragons > Technology


Whats Jorah The Cuck endgame?

Why was there only one ballista?

Why did Dany not just come from a different angle to more easily fuck shit up?

How fast was that dragon going anyways?

>Kelly C


You were already proven retarded by multiple people in the last thread, stop shitposting.

>Reminder that he was ready to Kamikazee Drogon or Kelly C until Bronn tackled him

Bronn is a secret Targ

She's only a young girl unfamiliar with the ways of warfare

is that an actual shot from the show? its pretty kino

how would Euron deal with Dany?

>Dragons > Technology
Tell it to one of Aegon sister.

I'm sure Dany will go full retard and unleash the dragons next episode, Cercei will use her ballist and Jaime will in this shot end the weakened dragon.

Screencap this.

>Finger in da baum

So I'm waiting for Sunday so I'm can watch it in hq, will someone just tell me if Dany forgot to wear armor to battle?

Same reason no one was manning it. There was no reason to think a dragon was showing up and they were probably just transporting it so there's one at each major battleground.

We need this exact shot in live action

She has armor

It's called Drogon

Why did he suddenly become a beta orbiter

He has the whole Vale army. He could threaten Sansa to suck his dick or else he'll retreat back to the Vale. I thought that was his plan all along. He was the hero in the Battle of the Bastards. Did the writer just forgot about him, say CIA you're done and kill him off?

>nukes planet

Wish we got more of this.

I think you know the answer to that

finger in the bum and axe in her throat

The Vale army is under Sweetrobin's control, and he likes Sansa better than Littlefinger

>Beta orbited one woman his entire life

If you were given the chance to ask the fat man one question he has to answer honestly what would it be?

Keep in mind he's just broken his 3 hour fast with plump sausages, blackened bacon, lemony doughnuts, and half a pizza.

>Arya back in Winterfell
The Burlington Hambeasts will be autistically clapping for hours

>its pretty kino
of course it's not in the show, i think someone drew this based on what we saw from the trailer

So no, then?
They even say in the script she almost gets pelted with arrows and then thinks Tyrion was right about it being too risky.

Ep 4 Leaked Online.

who else watchan?

What did Sophie's pussy look like back when she was a virgin?

Kelly C and her fucking rapist army are gonna save Westeros imma rite

>will someone just tell me if Dany forgot to wear armor to battle?

are you really asking this question? of course she did. she was wearing the same outfit she's been wearing all season. women don't need to wear armour when they go to war, shitlord.

Is NK going to use some dumb Arthas magic to kill a dragon boys?

She flies at 100 miles per hour without eye protection. Not even the first generation of pilots are dumb enough to do so

What is it about Arya that makes all guards treat her like the cunt she is?

Taken straight from Reddit. Laugh with me.

>"hey sansa I really think it would be a good idea for you to marry ramsay lmao"

Good job Slowpoke


>using your baby as a shield
Someone call Dragon Protective Services

>Dragons > Technology
>season 8
>Golden Company arrives
>ballistas mounted on war-elephants

You didn't notice the plot-clad armor she's been wearing since season 1????

nah he just throws a spear

Just what did Sibel Kekilli do to you to get the role of Shae?

Was it actually going that fast?


>being this slow
I watched it literally many hours ago.

i would be for this if she wasn't such a slut and fucked daniel naharis

It's actually ridiculous to think Tryion won't try to save his brother in that scene.

gimme dat source

Yes, it's plot armor

>your people can't fight


why is sex in this position always so arousing to see

Sure, lets betray the dragon queen while 5 Dothraki are within sword range

Seems sensible

She has the strongest plot armor D&D can forge

Why is Tyrion on the right?


Even on motorcycle, at 20-30 mph on a highway the wind shear mess up your eyes.

first for /team boatsex/

Implies woman wants it and is desperate for it

Because it feels great, why else?

>"Do you like thousand islands dressing?"
>"I always thought you would but you can never be to sure."

but jon fucked ygritte who literally used to fuck with bears.
who cares

>still marching

Here's another picture for the next one

Actual scene won't live up to this illustration

choke her to death with his fat cock

Why is Eddie Munster on the left?

your thirst knows no bounds. You're like a fish out of water who has never actually been in water

it's the most beautiful position

When was the moment you realized that Kelly C is the true Mad Queen and Cersei is a red herring?

>making retarded predictions when we have confirmed leaks