Visa denied

I now have much more respect for immigrants. for the past year i tried to move to europe permanently but I have been denied visa. i tried through jus sanguis laws and also through other methods. Now I realize just how hard it is for immigrants to come to canada. The only reason I am allowed here is because i was born here, but if I tried to immigrate to canada from somewhere else i wouldn't be accepted either. i now see i am useless to the world. i belong no where and the only reason i am allowed to exist is because i was born in a country that generously grants me right to live.

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>tfw English dad so I'm a citizen of the US, UK, and a POOropean Union (thankfully not for much longer)

that's dumb, you aren't allowed to canada in a vacuum
you are there because your father and your father's father and so on, worked to live in canada and make it good

and they decided to give it to their children : you

now sure you can believe you are an individual, and absolutely not entitled to what your parents gave you, and the very concept of heritage is wrong, and the idea of giving something to your children is wrong because they'll have an advantage : this is called communism, and we know the results of it

my parents are only 2nd and 3rd gen immigrants

there are pakis that have been here longer than my family. it means nothing. my family build nothing. i dont deserve to live here. i should be deported to the middle of the arctic ocean, but now i realize how generous the government is to allow my existence. and also how hard immigrants work to get here.

Do you have to give a reason for such a visa.

In fact you can go even further : equal opportunities are profoundly unfair.
Trying to equalize everybody's opportunities is the dictatorship of genetics.

In a world where everybody has the same chances and nothing is transmitted from parent to child, then only the genetically smarter, or stronger, or more beautiful can succeed.

For example in a world where you are allowed to give to your children, a dumb blacksmith can make a living, and buy a house. His son is also dumb but he has a house, and then he buys land. His son is also dumb but now he has a house, land, and he is happy.
However in a world where there is no heritage, that blacksmith will not give the house to his child. He will work all his life for nothing to be transmitted over the generations. So will his son and his grandson. They will always stay at the bottom and have a miserable existence, forever. Creating a caste of oppressed peasants and another caste of oppressive nobility.

So with OP's logic, only the small percentage of genetic aristocracy can ever succeed. In this sense communism is exactly the same as nazism or monarchism.

This is why capitalism, freedom of enterprise and liberty are the best.
So long live France, long live the USA, long live the revolution, long live the red white and blue, long live democracy, better dead than red, thank you.

1, skin colour?
2, would you be ok with starting from zero?

Kek. I think most countries have citizenship laws only for recent immigration.

i am white. my parents are both irish

and yes i am ok with starting from zero. i have very little to begin with

I don't know if you are just shitposting, but if you really want to emigrate, get a degree from a good European university, in a field that's in demand there.

So you’re saying that your parents are irish. If they are, it shouldn’t be hard to get a citizenship. Ireland is in the EU, so you know what that means.
It would be way easier if you were brown, though.

Have you considered a student visa? Do your Master's in a country where you want to live in and try to find an employer willing to go through the necessary paperwork.

i shed a manly tear ;_;7
long live france, usa, and israel : the good guys of history

red, brown, or green ? totalitarians of all colors, we are coming for you

thread theme :
i will give my life for the free world, because freedom isn't free
god bless

they are of Irish descent. sorry for my dumb mistake. like i said earlier they are both 2nd and 3rd gen immigrants.

my grandparents are technically "canadian" and dont qualify under jus sanguinis laws

Publish Canadian government secrets on the internet and then Putin will let you go to Russia.

Is there any way you could make yourself look Semitic or Afghani?
If you travel to Austria, walk across the border to germany, throw your passport and make yourself look unrecognisable, there will be a high chance that you’ll get asylum. If you don’t, try the neighbouring country until you get it.

i don't see the point of eu citizenship if you are canadian, canada is better than eu

>tfw argentine passport requires no visa to go to EU countries
>tfw italian passport anyways

What are your skills? Why do you think Europe needs you?

clearly no one needs me. i feel like an sleddog in a pen.

i have a STEM degree, which may or may not have any use in europe (no use here).

i speak english, ok french, and i understand a bit of irish (muh heritage). I also have been learning german for 6 months now. my dream would be to move to austria, or in italy near austria (south tyrol). I wish i was italian because the jus sanguinis laws are more favourable.

>tfw argentine passport,
>plus US green card

so I can essentially go anywhere without having to pay bullshit fees like reciprocity visas (which i believe most countries lifted already anyway)

Idiot. Just claim you are from Syria. It works for niggers, spics, afghans, etc.

Dark green: no visa required
Blue: no passport required, entry with ID
Other greens: e-visa/on arriva

Feels good man

Hey OP, do this. Come here and get citizenship in a few months then move visa-free to Ireland


STEMfags are much needed in Germany. Get a job here and then apply for a visa.

God you're retarded, and I mean literally fucking retarded. OP wants to MOVE here not go on a fucking Eurotrip. Being able to travel visa-free to a country doesn't mean you're eligible to reside there permanently.

My god non-whites jfc.

The only retard are you krautnigger. You can remain there, it's easier than you think

>argentine couple in Bavaria, 2002
>the guy works 1 year
>the woman works 1 year
>declare bankrupt
>live on welfare
>go on trip on the Mediterranean, F1 in Monaco, swiss alps, etc
>the guy goes back to work (1 year)
>resigns again
>the woman goes back to work (1 year)
>resigns again
>repeat ad infinitum
>gained permanent residence meanwhile (maybe citizenship by now, idk)
>now live comfy in some small town and have a business

True story

Want another?

>be me
>go to Italy in 2010
>30 days to remain
>want to stay to do ius sanguinis paperwork there
>need 45 days
>day 30 arrives
>go to govt office
>they give me a paper where I must select an option to why I remain there more days
>"citizenship" is among the options
>30 more days, instantly
>can renew ad infinitum if needed
>btw also free healthcare because I registered at a job office

You cannot be a duel citizen past 25.

You can see this in northern Europe. Chads with low tier status (other than looks) get all the women, because women don't care anymore about the paycheck because the welfare state is too generous.

Is this true? Something I’ve been meaning to look into. I’m a resident of the US and eligible to become a citizen in a year and a half or so.

Will I have to completely renounce my birthright? I mean I’ll do it in a heartbeat... 29 btw.

Since 1967 dual citizenship is allowed in the U.S., there's no age limit.

Perhaps an autistic german who won't eat a cookie because the expire date is that same day will get deported due to its autism

We sudacas with our napolitan instincts and genius, as soon as we enter anywhere will use any flaw or hole on the laws that let us stay (and drown in gibs).

No doubt german women love swarty meds so much

I guess being Korean makes my situation different since I have to serve in the military.


What's your education level?

>israel : the good guys of history
who exist only during the last 70 years and has 75% of their state money/military spendings paid for by the US of A :^)

>good guys
them practicing racial biology on their immigrants (see: african blackskinned jews denied entrance) goes against the "humanitarian civilized laws" that the rest of the West has to follow tb fh

>who exist only during the last 70 years and has 75% of their state money/military spendings paid for by the US of A :^)
and ?

>them practicing racial biology on their immigrants (see: african blackskinned jews denied entrance) goes against the "humanitarian civilized laws" that the rest of the West has to follow tb fh
arabs enslave black people instead how is this better than denying entrance ?

denying entrance to a people (which isn't "racial biology" it's just denying entrance to a people) is not a fucking breach of humanitarian laws, they were just denied entrance
like wow big fucking deal, it's like the slave trade all over again
oh wait it isn't, denying entrance to somewhere is not and has never been a big deal until you started pretending it is

>(which isn't "racial biology" it's just denying entrance to a people)
that's not how the mainstream media narrative OR celebrity opinions OR Western Civilization/EU lobbyists go when white majority countries (including Scandinavia) tries to pull off something similar, tho

You can easily get a 2 year German visa and work permit if you are under 30

>mainstream media narrative
so, the communists

>OR celebrity opinions
so, the communists

>OR Western Civilization
generalization, if it was the case trump wouldn't be president

>/EU lobbyists
so yes, the communists it is

Incredibly dumb post, though capitalism is obviously best

they would have let you in if you were somali with tuberculosis

>it was the case trump wouldn't be president
Trump is more concerned with attacking Syria (for the benefit of Israel), having his biological chidlren married into jewesses (for the benefit of the tribe of Israel, ie the jewish ethnic group) and continuing the same old """"""""""""Greatest Ally""""" rhetoric and monetary spending that he overtook from his Swamp®-buddies that he was supposed to get rid of

its not as if a populist politician can't act in a deceptive two-faced
in order to get more votes :^), he had to pander to both White Nationalists and the GOP (among whom several GOP politicians made it into his current staff)... similar to how Hitler privately loathed Christianity [as recorded in private diaries by Goebbels and others 1940-45] compared to how he persuaded the Roman Catholic Church and its voters to support him, both when democratically elected in the 1930s AND while instituting a "Germanized Christianity" to trump up popular support (Despite the idea itself being that of Himmler's)

Many who voted for Trump can have done so because of the _____general_____ divide between High Taxation (Democrats) and Less Taxation (Republican Party) without even liking Trump himself

>fly to Yurop
>Throw away passport
>Go to seek refugee status
>Tell them your name is Shoebomb
It's pretty easy, desu

this but unironically

>Implying they have not been tracking your biometrics the moment you checked in.

Stay in your countries. Study hard and work hard. Have children and then die there in old age. Return to the soil and nourish the plants for the next generation. Do not go and shit up other countries. If you're a beta faggot in your homeland, what makes you think you'll do better elsewhere?

Sure Trump himself can be criticized and of course the nepotism in the jewish community and it's marriages with the upper classes are a problem, nobody said the opposite.

But anyways the fact that he was elected goes to show that "western civilization", whatever it means, i assume it means normal western population as a whole, is in fact not a profoundly self-hating group that wants Sweden destroyed because it is too white, go figure

>Many who voted for Trump can have done so because of the _____general_____ divide between High Taxation (Democrats) and Less Taxation (Republican Party) without even liking Trump himself
He didn't campaign on taxation he campaigned on identity and building a wall. Maybe you're right but honestly i think it is really doubtful and most Trump voters are probably close to some degree with his views

Anyways what makes you think a non-corrupt politician would automatically support Palestine ? Many mainstream political parties especially in Europe are very supportive of Palestine openly and hostile to Israel, such as the FDG here. I'm sure you have the same in Sweden.
Support for Palestine has long stopped being a mark of controversy and trustworthiness, far from it. Much like support for Israel is not a mark that you are conspiring against the west and it's people either.

how cucked is this? stay and work hard so your government can actively fund your own replacement. sorry, but any hardworking individual should go somewhere he doesn't feel like his government is actively agaist him. Canada is about 20 years away from becoming the next south africa.

with this logic, france would have a king, the wall of berlin would never have fallen and usa would still belong to uk

if your government is working against you, you don't run away : you stand and fight, citizen

Your grandparents and parents signed away their citizenship too? My family did that but my mom went back to Italy and somehow got back her citizenship, your parents can probably do the same

>Canada is about 20 years away from becoming the next south africa.
You people are delusional.