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like milk in the sun


Mary Elizabeth Winstead

literally perfect


>tfw she left her one true love to hop aboard the cock carousel
dropped, will never watch a film with her ever again tbqhwy


Quit worshipping stupid spoiled whores, pls.

except the glass eye

dumping that stupid cuck made me love her even more

pls sit on face

? Quick rundown please

beta orbiter confirmed, kys

>newfag pls

men have lost the ability to control women and as a defense mechanism they remove the blame from themselves and place it on women

not him, but waht's a newfag?





"your ass used to be beautiful"


mmm, imagine licking her puse!


I wish I could



delet this

i want to bite her ass wtf



>according to mr skin

nobody sleeps with their glass eye, and it would be really obvious if she had one

t. glass eye faggot :(

>why did she divorce me waaa
he probably did the same with the eyelid in her crotch
