You got a substitute teacher today! What movie will they show, Sup Forums?

You got a substitute teacher today! What movie will they show, Sup Forums?

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Red Asphalt

Raimi's Spiderman or was it 9/11?

They showed The Blind Side a LOT when I was in school. I guess it's the "feel good/school related" movie of choice.

Trainspotting. If I've gotta look after little shits I'm putting something on for me


>not silently jerk off

Ice Age no joke... not sure why we had to in art class but whatever

It was this exact tv model.

I watched Remember the Titans to completion at least three times in middle school

Put on a random episode of Panty and Stocking for the kiddos

Requiem For A Dream because I was part of a class deemed 'at risk'.

JFK and watch the whole thing for a week and a half of class.

Back and to the left, mah nigga!

>American education

Back in my day we just watched NOVA documentaries or something that wasn't purely entertainment

The Neverending Story

>have teacher that is only a "teacher" so he can be a sport coach
>almost every day is movie day

i had a history "teacher" who was a football and basketball coach. as long as a movie took place pre-1990 we'd watch it because it's relevant to history.

Ghandi. Evey goddamn time.

Hopefully it's the based MASTODONS

Remember the Titans

the patirot

the day after tomorrow

an hour of heritage canada shorts recorded off tv

october sky, every time.

In my Spanish class in middle school, my teacher had us watch the Selena movie and La Bamba

We watched Holes twice in my class, and read the book. I miss young Shia.

Is this american education?
Watching cartoons in class?
We never watch anything like that

Anyday the band teacher wasnt there we watched Drumline, I can damn near quote Nick cannon in that film now

I'm Latino so my parents forced me to watch Selena.

When I was a freshman I had an earth science class that was pretty cool, one day we had a sub and he showed this documentary about how the world would be if humans were wiped off the face of the planet. How nature would take over and animals would run free everywhere, I found it so interesting but pretty much the rest of the class found it boring.
Fucking plebs.
I'll have to find that documentary it was great

No doubt drum substitutes are having their students watch Whiplash nowadays.

the first percy jackson movie

There's been a few of those types of shows but I think the first one and the one people will have probably seen is Life After People.

my sophmore english teachers husband died and we spent most of the year with a sub. we watched so much martin i still get a shiver down my spine everytime i hear the word martin.


probably some multicultural propaganda movie since i live in sweden

we watched asterix and obelix in french class though

jewish propaganda

>high-school substitute kino

Watched this and Finding Nemo a lot in elementary school.

Well I did have this british teacher that made us watch The Roots didn't help that the class was only like 10 kids in it since it was a charter school


Hamlet. The Kenneth Brannagh version. We laugh at the jokes that have been explained to us the weeks prior during the actual reading of the play; we cringe at Hamlet's indecisiveness; we mourn with Horatio.

International baccalaureate students are snobs.

When I was in junior high, I had to go to an inner city school for a year.

Every single time, my class would demand that we watch Honey. We watched Honey 5 times in one year.

Going to high-school in a 98% black school in the ghetto was the worst time of my life.

I never had sub teachers that showed us movies. Instead my woodshop teacher would just cal the class an hour early and we would spend the rest of the time watching his old VHS tapes like the lord of the rings and men in black. Shit was cash.

substitute art teacher once showed edward scissorhands, just because she liked the movie.

Probably some civil rights bullshit

2 was the best of the trilogy

These and any Adam Sandler movie

Freedom Writers. Every fucking time.

>that kid who would ride on the trolley when putting it back to the AV room
>it fell over on him and crushed him

because fate hates me it will be a documentary about the formation and rise to fame of nickleback one of the worst bands ever in my opinion they even make hanson seem talented in comparison

The Origin of the Indigenous Negro by Charles Darwin, narrated by LeVar Burton, with scenes from famous films such as Roots, c. 1962

>Student with the highest grade in the class got to bring a movie to show for free day
>I got to pick
>Bring in End of Evangelion
>Make everyone sit through 2 hours of Anno's madness in Japanese with subtitles

You madman

>not bringing in natural born killers and traumatizing your 5th grade class


We watched Selena in Spanish class when I was a Freshman.

if its anytime between October to December its going to be The Nightmare Before Christmas for the 100th time.

Sub French teacher once put on Amelie for us.
Think I was the only one who appreciated it.

>It's a barely visible SmartBoard episode


I remember them showing us Stand and Deliver once in the auditorium
>t. Los angeles fag

Lean on Me

I had to watch a video on biology in highschool and it shows a penis tip ejaculating

was pretty gay desu


Shrek, it's always fucking Shrek.

I've never even heard of this

starts playing

Full projector setup in gymnasium
Watership Down
Others I can't remember

This, put on the special bonus OVA with Stocking eating fried foreskins.

kek, they would show Watership down at your school? When I was at school there would be outrage from parents.
Fuck those shows were good, tfw week before Christmas, we had hot chocolate and all kinds of snacks at the cafeteria, then back to school and we watched Il était une fois la vie and Il étaits une fois l'homme

>tfw end of year
>Teacher wheeled this in
>Movie was... "Candyman"
>Never seen it, pretty trivial as I used to watch horror movies with my Dad
>The scene where she's pacing around the projects
>Jump scare with barking dog makes me fucking jump
>Class calls me a pussy, sticks for the next few months


Based guitar class teacher showed School of Rock on the bigass band room smartboard for the last week of school. It was the best.

>Tfw based year 4 teacher (probably 7-8 years old) put The Passion of The Christ on and made us turn our heads at the "rude" bits, lmao

If she did that now she'd probably be fired

Different time
Pretty sure they had release forms a week before movie day that went home with kids to make sure the movies we watched were OK with parents if not kids sat in library

I watched 'Der Untergang' in my german class. That movie was fucking awesome.

we watched roger and me complete with the rabbit skinning scene.

Stand by me
Watched some decent stuff in high school

Band of Brothers

Based Ms. Applequist and Mr. McNaughton

salo 120

>not watching The Lives of Others

They wouldn't show Candyman in school, wtf