Battle Royale

Is it kino?

No, Battle Royale 2 is though.

no it is shit

It's alright for what it is
Hunger games was better though, no bait

mmm want bloody azn pusy

Why lie


It's ok schlock that no one has cared about for ten years.

I didn't like Hunger Games but enjoyed battle royale, eat my ass

>Hunger games was better though, no bait
Just because you say "no bait" doesn't make your bait more subtle.

but that's where your wrong. Battle Royale was pretty much just Hunger Games without all the resistance or w/e political bs that wasn't even that interesting

Yes it is fucking kino in a way only J-kino can be and puts hackneyed derivative pozzed Hollyjew Westcuck shit to fucking shame, also features a great performance by Kitano and you literally can't spell his name without kino
>no one has cared about for ten years.
>literally countless ripoffs that pale in comparison

Is she /ourgirl/?

I bet you didn't even watch 2 and are just believing all the Western critics who were offended by its controversial takes on terrorism and the US government.


No. It was cringy. The acting sucked

God, you know the drill. Go back to lolddit


one of the most disappointing movies I've ever seen. dull and stupid

Name a good film then you probably like pozcuck Hollywood shit directed by a guy with a Jewish surname

She that semen demon from Kill Bill?

Yes. She got her role in Kill Bill because Battle Royale was Tortellini's favorite movie. Also known for her creepy child modeling career.

>state sanctioned school shooter
Where do I sign?

>state sanctioned school shooter
Do Americans really do this?

What was his fucking problem?

just watch the superior american remake

Where do you think the kinoma designated shooters study user?

A bunch of entitled spoiled brats off each other?
Should win allllllllll the acolades, really.

The amount of ammunition / lack of reloading this guy had almost ruined the movie for me.

>Also known for her creepy child modeling career
As if you didn't fap to those nude pictures like the rest of us.

I'm not a pedophile, sorry.

>Battle Royale: A harrowing tale, with strong characters and explicit violence. A study of the human psyche.
>Hunger Games: Disney kids version of BR. Kids being chased by CGI pigs and fog.

Garbage that inspired a generation of degenerates.

Those quints dont lie but to be fair The Hunger Games has some just off the screen implied violence (the first movie at least). I was surprised how much they did that when they ware essentially going for the Twilight crowd.


The manga is way better because it has based patrician frog man

Hot Topic-core

It had an alright spin, but it lacked the thrill of the first one. It was also much less cruel.
>but everyone gets bombed now n shit :(
Yeah, and the Death Star blows up planets but the scenarios given haven't been portrayed as overly signifcant or cruel.

>plebs actually think this film is just about teenagers killing each-other off

What kind of "creepy child modeling career" are you talking about? There are no pics of that on the net

No, it's not a meaningless movie.

I have the original DVD release and imported UK special edition here that goes for 200+€ now.
I think it's an amazing movie.

>mfw this is the first Fukasaku film anons on Sup Forums see.

Nothing wrong with that.
I personally would recommend his Graveyard movies after that.

No. It stinks. Only weeaboos likes that kind of shit.

Is this your way of asking for sauce without looking like a pedo?

Cute snek.

Why is it surprising that most people will see a directors mot famous film first? Esp since Fukasaku is a '70s genre meme director

I don't like people who talk shit on the internet without any proof, so it's better for him to provide the source. And I don't mean some interview

Superior violent Jap film from the early 2000s with a cult following of edgy teenagers.

Wrong, BR is far deeper and more beautiful than SC.
This board can't appreciate that which I guess is due to actual, literal autism.

smol snek makes me happy

Read the fucking book

>BR is far deeper and more beautiful than SC.

Neither are very deep. There is depth to it, but you both seem to jus exaggerate the fuck out of those movies.

I liked BR more. As far as "beauty" goes, Suicide Club was far better shot. But both suffer from exploitation.

>Is it kino?

In every possible way

Suicide Circle definitely isn't bad.
But it's not as cohesive as BR.

Seven Samurai