How bad will It flop?

how bad will It flop?

iT won't

Its going to be better than the Dark Tower that's for sure. Could be better than the original movie too (besides Tim Curry's performance)

lmao have you even SEEN the trailers?
Its pretty brazy cuz It is just in the kids houses and likes fucking with them to scare them so they taste better and he can overpower them (since It is actually really weak unless they're afraid).

Like It just goes into their house and like into their bedrooms and trolls them all day. Like in that scene he has his brothers corpse and then he floods the basement and makes Will go into the basement and then he sock puppets the bros body and then jumps out like OOOGA BOOGA BOOGA STOOPID DOG and then Will runs away all scare and thats the whole point. sick sadistic childish shit to scare a child that the clown guy actually enjoys doing. hes like that tails gets trolled comic where bugs bunny acts all gay and retarded

why doeshe keep saying you'll float to? like balloons or what? i dont get this line

The only chance this movie has is to separate itself from Dark Tower. It's going to be hard because that fucking book is awful and came off as a Sanic the Hedgehog fanfic.

haha memes.

Don't you ever feel embarrassed for yourself? You never express yourself as a person, the only thing you know how to post is some shitty fucking meme. Sucks to be you, I'm glad I'm not as retarded as you.

what did he mean by this?

not yours fatty

haha memes guys

Do i fit in yet?

>lmao have you even SEEN the trailers?
Yeah. Looks pretty faithful to the book from what little i have seen and i can't jump the gun and criticize the performances based on 2 second cuts in a trailer edited to attract non-readers of the book mainly.

And neither should you.

not yours lardass
maybe you should be hittin the gym instead of the snackbar lmao

The trailer had more views than fucking Star Wars, it's gonna be a big hit

I don't think you realize how much hype there is for this. It's not going to flop at all. It's going to be one of the highest grossing R-rated horror films in a long time.

Okay kid.

lmao did I do it right? I called you kid, you can't really argue against that. I did that because you called me fat lmao. Did I get it right? Am I a 4channer yet? Should I have called you a beta male? Sorry I'm new.

All films flop.
Welcome to modern cinema.

Really sucks that it's not set in the 50s back when America was at its peak comfiness. Regardless IT looks fantastic.

Why exactly does he clown keep on terrorizing the kids when he could kill them at any second he wanted.

I wish David Robert Mitchell was directing. I feel like something really important to the magic of the book was how pedestrian It was at first glance, and I think the direction of it would need to be restrained to capture that. I don't get that vibe from the trailers though. Pennywise rushing at the camera with big loud scare chords playing. Maybe it'll be different in the final movie but it seems silly rather than scary.

Same reason cats play with its prey.
Pure autism.

FUCK you're cool.

It will be a huge success. Ask anyone in the 20-26 year old range and they will tell you they know of IT the clown and how it probably terrified them when they were children. I know it will probably just be a mindless jump scare flick, but this is more of my hyped movies of the end of the year. Even more so than Star Wars.

Me and most of the ST fans will watch IT

>it seems silly rather than scary.
This. We need more scenes with Pennywise playing with a noisemaker and talking about Prince Albert in a can.

How do they beat the clown in the original? From the trailers for the new one it looks like the clown is basically a god and can do anything. How do they kill it?

they just believe in themselves

I wish child-cravers weren't all too cowardly to hang themselves.

The girl shot it with some items with a slingshot.
I forgot what the significance of what the said items were.
It's been a while.

Pennywise is nearly powerless if he doesn't have fear to feed off of, they simply force themselves to face the fear

Because the more scared they get, the better they taste.

user please

There's a difference between constructing a scene to be silly and trying to construct a scene to be scary but it's done badly so it comes off silly

Why doesn't Bill stutter in the trailer?

All of them barely survive their first encounters with IT. IT sincerely tries to kill them. IT of course manages to kill Georgie and Eddie Cochran. Eddie Cochran's death is really disturbing if you listen to the audiobook. The kid tries to scream but he's too hurt to make any volume so it comes out a pathetic moan.

Why are there always people who sperg out when a child is mentioned?

>ST fans
How could you be a fan of such a piece of shit toothless show? My only takeaway from that show is that I want to fuck the mommy.

There is literally no way to make Pennywise scary to adults who don't already have a phobia of clowns.
The whole point is It feeds of what children fear. The scary part is that it drives them crazy before devouring them.


They use silver because that also kills werewolfs.

>is that I want to fuck the mommy.
So you just have bad taste, I understand

What is this


One of the props they used in the scene with Finn in it

It's a well done throwback to 80s-early 90s style horror. Since you were born in 2000 you won't get it

People born in the 80s are too young to know the 80s. People born in the 90s are too young to know the 90s. Why do Redditors like yourself fucking fail at basic math?

>That moment when Eddie is still reaching for the Creatures back to feel for a zipper while its squeezing his head off

You know you can watch movies after they come out right retard? Don't be mad little boy

Just because your stunted brain didn't start making memories until age 10 doesn't mean everyone else's brain works that way

>born in 90
>can remember the 90's
My existence proves a flaw in your logic

dont make me eat your ass boy

>and then I called him Reddit
Literally shaking right now

lol wtf is this from

92 here, I have one of those static shot memories of a classroom board with 1999 as the date written on it
Check mate faggot

Was Beverly under IT's influence when she raped all the boys?

Oh yeah buddy I am sure 7 year old knows shit.

When Stranger Thangs won ab Emmy, iirc

Why did the cast such a fucking cutie for Bev

this makes being a good hebe difficult

>Bevvie, I’ll fall on you!
>I think that’s sort of the idea.

>me in the back

They have an orgy.

they face their fear, the clown is a lovecraftian horror that feeds off fear, it literally scares people to death for a snack every few decades but mind fucking them and or shapeshifting into their greatest fear, it is powerless against genuine courage though

When you say 'original' do you mean Book or tv-movie?

it doesn't matter they beat him the same way in both

Yeah some nerd sucks through his inhaler and it totally destroys the monster. What courage, wow. Doesn't work unless you have a multicultural group of kids though.

Henry and his two cronies, Belch Huggins (Jake Sim) and Victor Criss (Logan Thompson), have chased Mike to a creekside, where they’ve pinned his face against the rocks. Outnumbered, Mike’s eyes search desperately for help. What he sees is a clown, watching him from the treeline.

The clown waves a hand… but it’s not his hand.

It’s a child’s hand, ripped off at the elbow. Pennywise (played by Bill Skarsgard) has been nibbling on the raw end, based on the blood smeared around his smile.

Mike squints. He can’t believe what he’s seeing. He doesn’t know it yet, but the demented glee the bullies are taking in beating on him is what drew It from its lair. Either they’re feeding off of It, or It is feeding off of their manic violence.

Maybe both.

The boys become even more unhinged. As Mike struggles, Henry lifts a softball-sized rock and raises it over his head, prepared to bash in the black boy’s skull.

Before he can bring it down, another rock whistles through the air and slams into the side of his own head. Henry reels back, stunned. The bullies look across the stream to see the six Losers.

Bev is standing closest, shoulders back, breathing hard. Braced for a fight. “Nice throw,” Stan tells her.

Ben, who has tasted violence from these guys before, isn’t about to let them do the same to another kid. He picks up another rock and hurls it across the stream.

“ROCK WAR!!!” Richie bellows as the bullies retaliate with a stone to the center of his forehead, knocking him on his ass.

After a barrage of rocks between the two groups, the bullies are wounded and Henry’s two friends limp off into the woods in retreat.

Richie, recovering from his hit, calls Bowers a “mullet-wearing a—hole!” as the bully recognizes defeat and chases after his friends.

But thats not true at all.
Do you even Ritual of Chud?

I doubt it will flop, but it might be a giant piece of shit of a movie

they left out the giant turtle but the gist of facing their fears is maintained

Don't you ever get tired of being a self-victimizing little faggot?

It won't flop but that doesn't mean it will be good.


I hope they call Mike a nigger in this version.

Ok the symbolism for facing your fear still is there but they miniseries kids dont even come close to what the book kids do in terms of fighting It. They just mesh the house on neibolt and a bit of the sewer searching.

I remember when princess Diana died and I was born in 93

Posting my favorite encounter (when Ben is an adult)


The racism angle will be very prevelant. They have made Henrys dad into the Derry Sheriff but he's gonna keep the racial hate for the Hanlons.


>interdimensional gigantic spider beaten by an asthma inhaler

Isn't the turtle only when they're adults?

In fairness, it bites off his arm when he sticks the inhaler down his throat

It's because the kids believe there's acid in it. Their belief transports magical power into the inhaler.

Nah the turtle dies while the grow into adults. Its not even THAT helpful to them

>how bad will It flop?

It will probably do quite well as far as horror movies go, obviously it depends somewhat on the budget but these movies typically don't cost more than $40-50 million, and it's not as if there is some star name attached to this one.

It's probably King's best selling book, so if you are going to make a movie from his material this is probably It (hehe.

Why does your pic have the aspect ratio of a YouTube thumbnail?

The thing I loved most about IT because it scares me the most is how fucking calm and obnoxious Derry's citizens / grown ups are. It's almost malevolent, on purpose. It's unbelievable how they apparently cannot see IT or just go on about their daily stuff even though kids get slaughtered in the most animalistic ways. Normally that would cause a county wide manhunt and fear but in Derry 'all's well'.

I meant oblivious, not obnoxious

>children saying "creepy" lines
>clowns are scary meme
>jump scares
>pennywise doing that stupid screaming run thing
>edgy bullshit
it has every bad horror cliche in the book so it is guaranteed to be a hit.

They're under Pennywise's influence. He could control them directly too, if he wanted.

Continued: I think it's a common child fear that 'the grown ups' don't believe you when you're having nightmares or seeing monsters. At least it was a fear of mine. The book IT portrays it chillingly perfectly. If it's not in the movie it will suck.

I know, but they shouldn't try to explain it in the movie. It's scarier when the reason remains unknown.

Oh yeah, definitely. They can't turn to anybody and it's not just because they won't believe them.

All of these replies are right, I'm serious. Plus there was an inhaler with imaginary acid involved.

I think the Losers become aware of Pennywise's influence over the adults in the town over time, it's not something they pick up on right away, I don't think. I don't remember exactly when they become aware of it.

probably worse than King Arthur and Justice League

I remember them talking about it a bit, something about Derry being It, but that's when they're adults.

why cant stephen king books be made into successful films? what is their shared problem? it has to be the same thing given they are all written by the same guy

>>What is The Green Mile?
>>What is The Shawshank Redemption?

The Shining
Shawshank Redemption
The Green Mile

> I don't remember exactly when they become aware of it.
Ben with the mummy on the ice. Eddie with the leper part II. Bill and Richie got a taste with Georgie's picturebook coming to life and almost costing Bill his fingers. Richie didn't really believe it until he and Bill went to the house on Neibolt Street after that and faced the teen werewolf. Stan saw dead kids I guess? Beverly was convinced with seeing her bathroom sink vomit blood. Pretty boring if you ignore the horror of her dad being so violently horny. Mike almost got killed by Rodan from Godzilla. I vaguely remember one of them mentioning their horror story at the creek and then the rest of them all unleashed their baggage at once for the most part.

>The Shining (Kubrick)
>Pet Semetary and its 17 sequels
>The Stand
There are some successful movies right there,except the stand if you wanna call it a miniseries