Thanos: Ironic isn't it, the grapefruit finally squeezes the human

>Thanos: Ironic isn't it, the grapefruit finally squeezes the human

I wonder if his legs tingle now that he's off the toilet.

>those armrests
It's so silly, it makes me laugh. If he lifts his arms, do they fly off into space?


Post yfw when the Captain finally says "Assemble!"


I thought it was funny

Its linked to the backrest...

Your mom is linked to your backrest

what PS1 game is this?


MCU has a good track record but I have a feeling that this movie will just be a mess of fanservice and character moments

>MCU has a good track record
of releasing shitty movies?

Nope, they've never made an actual 'bad' movie

Cling to DC harder

nonsense, thor 1 is shit, iron man 2 and 3 are shit, avengers 2 is shit

You need to stop having the mindset that there's nothing in between good and bad

How dafuq is GG better than Civil War.

You need to stop having the mindset that nothing is bad because your standards are so low

>It's the black spiderman
>Thanos spends an awkward 2 minutes explaining that he didn't mean 'boy' that way

>norton hulk lack luster

Swap Avengers 1 and Homecoming

Is this a comic predicting what the dialogue will be like in the movie? Am I that lost in the retardation?

I would have put Avengers 1 and GOTG2 in great, Strange in lackluster and The Dark World in bad.


Shit, from the thumbnail I thought this was Urza and Karn.

>doctor strange
*breathes in*

I for the most part liked the Marvel movies but I would say Age of Ultron was pretty bad

but Doormama I'm here to bargain


this list isn't too shabby