I buy dvds and blurays

>i buy dvds and blurays

who is this guy? reverse image search doesn't show anything

Its OP. He buys DVDs and Blurays.

...is that Ben Brode?

This man was in a post last night too, is this the specter that protects the citizens of Sup Forums?


back to rëddit


I buy only the highest quality encodings of 4k UHD Blu-Ray Discs

*tips cap*

Todd Gack

>I buy only the highest quality encodings of 4k UHD Blu-Ray Discs

what do you suggest instead?


Torrenting camrips of camrips.


I buy physical copies only of movies I really like. Everything else I pirate. Come at me.


>not streaming the latest korean cams from fmovies

You sure have a lot of images of yourself OP.

I've got a giant box full of DVD's. I don't think I'll ever get rid of them. It's great to have a 'hard' copy on hand.

>not convincing everyone on the planet that movies suck so they stop making them and thus you never have to worry about watching any new ones

new movies are diversified tripe for the rëddit audience anyway

>someone should pay for my healthcare someone should pay for public transport someone should pay for sidewalks someone should pay for streetlights someone should pay for my education
>but I won't pay $5 for a DVD in the bargain bin



go to bed, grandpa