Why does this image trigger leftists?

Why does this image trigger leftists?


Why does this trigger white people?

your mom



Why does Sup Forums hate white people?

Sup Forums pls go

Every time whites have developed a sense of racial cohesiveness and pride, a gigantic war/genocide has broken out
So no, it's not okay to be white

>It's ok to be white

Because it's not

Why do Americans microwave their shoes?

Because leftists hate European civilization

Because it doesn't mean anything, just like All Lives Matter.

Honestly, if you saw this on a wall as you were walking down the street what would you think of it if you hadn't seen it before and didn't know it's a Sup Forums meme? I think most people would be simply confused

Never return to this place again.



your mom

Same old Belize, busta, straight busta

Because it implies that there is there is a sentiment that "it isn't okay to be white" basically it's racebaiting garbage of a phrase.

Ryder! You sherm head!

It's okay to be white but it's not okay to have white children
All babies should be multiracial

tear it down!

That girl is half spanish

>Because it implies that there is there is a sentiment that "it isn't okay to be white"

There is though. It's so deeply embedded that no one really realizes it

No one bats an eye when someone talks about keeping Black countries Black or Asian countries Asian, but try that for White countries and you are an evil white supremacist. The double standard is very real


Okay, and?

>leftists and non-whites literally openly say they hate white people with every fiber of their being without any consequence


>No one bats an eye when someone talks about keeping Black countries Black or Asian countries Asian
Because no one says that.

Sup Forums is mostly non-white.

It's perfectly fine for Japan to want a homogenous ethnostate.

O-0h no...

Japan get's criticized all the time for their archaic immigration policy

Yeah fuck Japan and their low crime rates and united population.

People have been talking about Japan's aging population and how they need to take in more immigrants for a while.

and also their low birth rate and fucked up culture

You know what'd be easier, cheaper, and won't turn Japan into a nigger infested shithole? Incentive having kids.

Yeah stupid Japs not having 6 kids and being addicted to meth like us westerners.

You are evil



pic very related

Economic problems from a worker shortage sure is great

Natalist policies aren't cheap or easy.
Neither we or the Japanese have a lot of children. We're both under replacement rate, but the difference is we compensate with immigration. The Japanese may not have a drug problem, but their society is hostile to families hence their low birthrate.

I don't know, I think they're just wicked people.

And immigration policies are? Just admit you want muh diversity and one global mutt race.

You don't need to redistribute wealth with immigration. It's cheap and it's politically agreeable. You can't even get public healthcare and you're asking your country to set up natalist policies.

kek, im sure there was an updated amerimutt mutt version, can someone post it?

bottom two arent black, top two arent kangz

fucking omega male

That's not true. I'm a leftie and I fuck with other leftoes and literally none of them ever said something like "fuck white people", there has been some mentally ill twitter/tumblr amerimutt "activists" but they have less IRL influence on the left than Alex Jones has on the IRL right.

That "campaign" is the pinnacle of being butthurt.

it doesn't, you are just self-centered and delusional like the rest of Sup Forums

Notice how it's the non-whites who get mad


It is true. Poland is a right wing place so your overton window is way further to the right than in other places.

In Sweden, saying something like ''it's okay to be white'' would cause a mainstream-leftwing outrage, ESPECIALLY in a university setting.

The left will always put this new form of racism if it's at all possible, give it a couple of years and your ideology will be just as poisonous as it is in Sweden.

Begone, muttoid.


You're not white, Cletus.

Yes I am, Juan.

>Yes I am, Juan.

Stay mad, Pedro.

What are the next generation of Amerimutt children going to be like now that it's public knowledge that being white isn't OK in the USA?

wh*teoids are sick and disgusting.

we have incentives to have kids
all the happens is incredibly sub par people who are too retarded to realise that kids will cost more than the $2000 or something are affected

>Why does this image trigger leftists?
It triggers my sides because Americans aren't white

Says the nigger of europe

hello my fellow negroid


ma shaa allah


56% BLACK is not BLACK at all.


being a wh*Toid is never ok

Everyone is a nigger mutt whi*oid


>Why does Sup Forums hate white people?
Americans are neither



why does this image trigger Sup Forumstards?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being white
But on the other hand, americans believing they are white and that somewhat that makes them superior to everyone else even if they are incel neets is absolutely hilarious

post more COLONIZED pls
