Admit it. This was a great episode

Admit it. This was a great episode.

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It was.

Movies can't fight with this.

You need prove?

Dark Tower is SHIT.

GoT in TV is great.

So. You can't say that Hollywood blockbusters can fight with this.

what did they mean by this?

unironically yes

this gave me an amazing laugh. thank you.

The set pieces were amazing, if only the writing and acting were any good

in fact i'm saving this.

Was ready to spoil myself. But only lasted 10 seconds until I heard music. In work canteen and laughed so hard had to close it

Is it actually almost 2 hours long?

No that's just on the screen, its an hour

I fucking HATE Arya


okay dude you had me rolling, good job

>family reunion
>cave romance 2.0
>seeing kelly c get btfo
>arya v brienne
>fields of fire
>dat jaime scene

yeah, ive been pretty critical of this season but ill admit it was a good episode

holy fuck I'm dying


>Arya anime fight scene
>Dany Ex Machina

Don't think so, user. Only good thing in this episode was Bronn and Jaime trying to take down that dragon cunt

>your men can't fight
>dothraki rapists take a resting army by surprise after a long day's march and taking a Tyrell fortress, Jaime still kills countless of their soldiers with his bad arm and Dany brought a fucking dragon and the Lannister men STILL stand their ground.
I'm so fucking glad that dragon ate shit after that line. I don't even like the Lannisters I just find myself liking Dany's forces even less.

It also ripped off Warcraft

Considering what was against them and the fact they're just a rear guard force, and they didn't run en mass. They're very well trained.

>point the cannon at you, lahd

you're not getting your (you) because you're a reddit spacing faggot.




Exactly, the Dothraki had every advantage and it was still close. We don't even know if it's over yet, since it cut to black after either Bronn or Dickon saving Jaime.

not watching no 360p leak....

I am glad we finally got a battle after the barely lit and poorly shot Greyjoy battle, and the non-battle of Highgarden

it was cool, it was just missing an important death

>Great Targaryan/Lannister war era film
>It Ain't Me starts playing

The leak has been right about literally everything hasn't it? If so, Bronn saves Jamie and they escape. Dickon gets burned to death next episode by Drogon

where 2 watch

I'm a britbong and finding shit like this is near impossible.

Full marks lad.

The Tarlys will die next episode, but there was no way Brann or Jamie was dying without fanfare.

Yeah, it was great. best in a long time. But that was the only episode that leaked?

Anyone have a link to the episode?

pretty sure randall tarly was one of the guys trying to douse their flames in water. Seeing as how thats the last we see of him he'll survive but burnt to shit or live long enough for Dickon to see him cark it, either was his son will have a massive hateboner for the targs.


For all the suspension of disbelief required of this show that would take the fuckin cake. They're literally surrounded by blood-thirsty Dothraki and are directly in front of a gigantic dragon that is furious as hell they just shot him. Oh and also the queen that wants nothing more than to mount every single Lannister head on a spike not named Tyrion. Unless they can hold their breaths for 10 minutes and swim away they should be completely fucked right now.

No can do, never watched Games of Thrones in my life.

It's just similar you fucking piece o' kek

why do people who don't watch got act like they deserve a medal for it

the pirate bay

im not even him but there was a lot of similarities, this was just the surface, if they kill and raise a dragon of ice then it's clearly visual cinematic stealing

46 min

>Dragon starts flying towards you
>it ain't me starts playing

wtf I love Daenerys now



this one or...

Why do you keep posting this?

The show is pure dumb hollywood entertainment now, and if you are are taking it seriously, you are stupid

search for couchtuner and go to the first link


Why the hell was dany flying directly at the projectile? Could have just circled around and wrecked their shit

>dragon's wing clips through a tree

punchline is funnier without the caption in the bottom panel

>he thinks that battle was "close"
Are you shit pants retarded?

go to any torrent tracker site and type: "game of thrones s07e04"

If you cant do this you dont deserve to see it

>you now understand the power of Targaryen^tm

lannisters were completely routed

Have you ever seen a large bird fly through trees? How much do you think leaves weigh, sport? Do you think birds fall down when flying through leaves?

No third panel needed

I fail to see how its their fault WoW dropped the ball so fucking hard

Was kinda cool. They have shown that they can shoot great action scenes and that the show can be good when they are not attempting to do any meaningful story.

Really, this was propably the best battle. Grim and gritty, but not ridicilous like the BoB. Lannisters actually using tactics and the shots of fighting dothraki were really cool

>fantasy setting
>dragons, death, knights, zombies

It was copied REEEE

Stop being an autist, it wasn't copied it's just similar just like every kissing scene in a romantic setting

>b-b-ut my warcraft is originaru

YEAH right 100รท oroginaru heh

thanks, I wasn't sure if it was communicated that the dragon was hit since my images were all poor quality.
good suggestion

pic related is a request from a previous thread

Is this all episode 4 spoilers or is this end season spoilers? I'm at vacation so i'm not up to date.

>tfw I have all episodes with similar quality than the one that was leaked
>probably every major broadcasting company around the world has them
honestly I'm surprised those leaks don't happen more often
I would never do such a thing though because I value my job (and freedom)

it was some Indian company where the leak originated from, right?

behave urself ill be watching u

> P.S Mod

sorry you can't watch it, it wouldn't be right

whats the best quality you could find? i could only find some grainy piece of shit



Are all these webms from the leaked ep 4? It seems like they would be later

Please, please user remake this with the final version on sunday.
>it ain't me/10
Bravo you motherfucker.


Honestly i try to keep the spoilers minimized but i have no idea about how these webms tie into the next episode... Are they from ep4 or not?

>tfw Lannister soldiers realized the dragon was gonna turn them into fried chicken

honestly the first good dany scene since the sack of astapor

Is he dead then??? He looks dead

Plot wise: garbage like usual

Character wise: Tired of Bron's character but overall it was decent

Action wise: Was good

It was a 7/10 episode if you are willing to discard the plot entirely

So fucking close to saving this whole show

That is so fucking awesome.


It is I Don Quixote the lord of la mancha my destiny calls and I go

Is there just get one episode leaked atm?
Not sounding ungrateful cause the episode was pretty cool, but just curious if there's more coming or w/e


HBO is terrible at keeping a lid on this shit

Not so much plot armor as a well established beast only getting wounded in the shoulder protecting its master
If anything Jaime is the stupid one here
Fuck Dany and the tumblr horse she rode in on but come on man

Fuck off reddit



The season has been great so far.


Seriously, can someone explain this meme?

a man looking down and smiling with a smug face

wtf thats me stop posting my pic

You have to pay twice the tv licence fee to watch it early

Is there a reason why she doesn't have a saddle or anything?

So, basically, you are a faggot

So the Lannisters got all the gold and a decent chunk of their army into Kingslanding, right?

You're pretty

How is the plot garbage? Insufferable neckbeard