



If you like any of the movies in the DCU you're a pleb. But worse, your a manchild who thinks he has grown-up taste because his favorite hack-director puts a grainy filter on it.

Your imagine is shit.

Here is the Sup Forums edit
OP is the Sup Forumseddit version

Pretty accurate desu

Marvel is capeshit, DC is kino
If you don't like DC you are a pleb beyond saving

Why is DC good?

Breaking Bad has been one of the definitive Reddit pleb shows since season 4. That has nothing to do with personal opinion, it's just fact. Personally I saw the reddit flags as early as season 3. It went "full meme" and became artistically destructive trash.
That whole first magnet heist episode, the reddit upvotes and hot pockets just blasted out of the screen for the full duration, it was at that point that anybody who continued to support the show became my enemy.

If you're implying that Breaking Bad is "good" under any circumstances then you need to go back to where you came from and writhe in your video games and hot pockets.

I agree.

You obviously weren't here when it was airing. There were circlejerks about it every new episode. I would fuck off back to wherever you came from.

It's actually serious and artistic, while MCU is full of le EPIC quips XD and garbage, formulaic "storytelling."
I refuse to believe anybody can be this contrarian. Either you have utterly shit taste or are trolling

Is this a 'you rage you lose' thread?

Breaking Bad seriously jumped the shark with this scene. There is just no way this could have happened in real life.

I'll accept that even with that much damage to his head that he could still be alive and conscious for a few seconds. That seems within the realm of possibility, though unlikely. I am even willing to accept that he could have walked around a bit before collapsing from blood loss or whatever. But he walks forward out of the room, comes to a controlled stop, slowly straightens his tie, and then finally dies. No, just no.

He is not some highly trained super soldier who keeps going no matter what, he is a normal man. This scene was cliche beyond belief, unrealistic, and ruined the episode. Breaking Bad is apparently a James Bond style action show now, we just need the next villain to have a fluffy cat and the transformation is complete.

Now leave plebeian before I make you leave

>look mom im shitposting

>doesn't like one of the most kino scenes of BB because MUH REALISM
>doesn't understand the character of Gustavo Fring at all

Stop, you're embarrassing yourself. You obviously know nothing about television or film. Go back to Sup Forums.
The truth hurts, doesn't it sonny?

>I refuse to believe anybody can be this contrarian. Either you have utterly shit taste or are trolling
If somebody tells me they enjoyed Breaking Bad at all I can't look at them without seeing an autistic kid lying on the floor in the supermarket slapping himself on the head and shoving hot pockets into his face because his mother won't buy him the latest capeshit video game. It is one of the biggest monuments to cultural infantilization that has ever existed.

>putting DC in the same category as Tarkovsky

Fucking kill yourself. These threads are autistic poseur veiled self validation shite.

Ok so you're a troll, thanks for clearing that up.
If you can't appreciate DC, there's no way you can meaningfully apprecaite Tarkovsky.

there are circlejerks about GoT when it's airing and steady generals when it's not. that doesn't mean it's not quintessential reddit-core.

>It's actually serious and artistic
Its a poorly written, but competently shot comic book movie series about aliens who speak English.

Being a brand-loyal fag over nerdom is the sign of a turbo-pleb

>b-but muh seriousness (in comic book movies) IM AN ADULT!!! MY MOM SAID SO

>Ok so you're a troll, thanks for clearing that up.
I truly am not. I have about as much respect for Breaking Bad as I do for the dog shit on my shoe.

It is Reddit, it is capeshit, it is cheeto dust, it is video games. It's nothing more than meme's enjoyed by simplistic pledditors. I have ZERO respect for people who are not free thinkers and blindly enjoy the capeshit redditory Reddit show that is breaking bad. I'm literally screaming, slamming my arms on my desk right now just thinking about it.

explain why Nolan is bad. ill wait

>lynch is normie

fuck off dude.

btw, the dislike column isn't normie but it is pretty basic. definitely not patrician outside of tarkovsky and kubrick.

>haha i pretended bad movied were good and called them le kino xddd epic meme

All of the shit on the right is known and loved by normies tho...

Confirmed for shit taste
here's your (you)
watch one movie and you should understand. That is, if your taste isn't shit
>mad that the truth is out that lynch is a hack
also, just because something isn't some obscure hipster film that only 1000 people seen doesn't make it not patriciant

Kys, Breaking Bad was immensely popular here when it aired but you don't know that because you're a "2015 oldfag" from reddit who calls other people reddit to deflect from your own redditness

Chicken with its head cut off. Get it now?




gene wolfe