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Too bad everyone on Sup Forums is the opposite of cool kids with attitude

gave the movie and honest chance and it sucked fuck power rangers forever don't make #2

I thought it was good except for the same complaints everyone has; Not enough suit and Zord fighting. But at least the fights they did have were pretty cool.

Watching Lightspeed Rescue for the first time. Is this the worst acting in the whole franchise?

It's pretty bad. You should just move to the next season which is Time Force, arguably one of the best seasons period.

Goldar is /ourguy/

He's kind of terrifying for a kids show.

You haven't gotten to Samurai and Megaforce yet

Only good thing about Samurai was the first female Red Ranger.

Sup faggots, heard you talking Power Rangers.

Not even

And THAT one was in the japanese version

Side characters don't count.

I watch one episode every day on the bike.
Shit gets me through marathon withdrawals.

>implying Girl Samurai Red wasn't a side character
And she had even less screentime

Dude go back to sleep power rangers lost its magic years ago.

Best Ranger reporting in

Come on son, she's not even the Best Pink.

jason a cute

who here /blueranger/?

Kendrix or Karone?

Kendrix obviously.

Oops wrong picture

Green bullied the shit out of blue on set for being gay, and you can totally see it in his eyes.

We all know MagiPink is the cutest.

Having met Jason David Frank I can tell you it's nothing personal; he's just a low key dick to everyone. He was super fucking salty when I beat him at his video game.

I've always hated PR but I've always loved the first intro.

This dude actually scared the shit out of me at 4/5

I can see that if you were that young, you wouldn't pick up that he's a bumbling buffoon most of the time. Just that he's a big angry growling monster.

Watch Super Sentai instead.

I read somewhere that Tommy was one of the few who didn't bully him. But I never looked too far into Billy's situation because it's sad.

True. His voice was awesome and I really liked his design in the 95 movie. It makes me even madder that he wasn't truly in the new movie.

It was mostly production staff who fucked with Yost, not the actors. Tommy was just an asshole to everyone because he's a primma donna.

>tfw yellow ranger is dead now

pretty fucked up, man

More like Pooper Hentai, am i rite?

>new power rangers movie was actually good
>still flopped


How's it feel to be THIS wrong?

Muh dick says otherwise, user.

The toy and home sales have saved it, so talks of the sequel are still happening. Saban isn't afraid to throw money at shit.

>people die in other ways than old age
life is fucked up man

ok grandpa, this isnt the 90s... grow up

Dumbo replied to myself. Enjoy another pic of best ranger.

>not posting the nudes

I enjoyed it for what it was worth. The acting was what i expected. Hader wasnt totally shit. I thought it was a good way to modernize the franchise.

>But at least the fights they did have were pretty cool.

Not in the slightest. Goldar was atrocious and putties were meh.

>Tommy was just an asshole to everyone because he's a primma donna.
Sounds about right. People say he still doesn't like Jason irl. I don't know if it's accurate, but they said behind the scenes, Jason was bragging about killing someone in an underground fight club and Tommy wanted to fight him or some shit. I'll see if I can find where I saw that.

Jason is a firefighter and all around cool bro, even if he still acts like a kid some time. Their last beef was Jason made some comment on a fight video about how you shouldn't have a ponytail in a fight and Tommy assumed it was about him and went off all over his social media about it. Sad really.

Just watched the movie today. Thought it was pretty good and it definitely took me back to being a kid and watching it on T.V. Wish there was more suit fighting and Zord action but all in all I enjoyed it. Billy was best ranger for sure.

howd he go when you schooled him?

Watch Ex-Aid instead!

I was running the Pink Ranger so he just kept making jokes like "Well I had to let Kim win" and "Well I guess Tommys still whipped by her" and trying to be funny. Everyone else it was all "good game, thanks for playing" and being super nice.

>goldar got turned into literal gold

I felt like Rita became a real space witch but they shouldn't have changed goldar from a loyal minion

AIDS is right. Yeesh.

Have some more Ex-Aids!


It was kind of odd that they made him the main character of the movie but it worked. Instead of them rallying around a strong leader like you expect they do it around the weakest of them.

That's exactly how I felt. I was scared it would be trash like G.I.
Joe or Transformers, but this movie was handled well. I almost cried when they finally morphed.
>dat slow mo walk with Brian Tyler's score

Also, they should've used the theme from the show, it would've been nice to hear that opening guitar riff when they stepped out of the fire as the Megazord.

>toy sales
Were those even good? The shelves at every store around here are always full and shit's being clearanced out. It's like the Revenge of the Fallen toyline.

>Also, they should've used the theme from the show

They did.

>forced to live in secrecy for years to learn a spell that doesn't work in the end
>gets shunned by the other Samurai rangers because she's not Jayden, even though none of them bonded with Jayden much throughout the show
Lauren deserved better.

According to official numbers they've done well. Mind you they have a ton of toy lines like the Legacy shit.

>Trying to unlock Putty though the special weekend event
>Keep getting put up against bullshit rank 7000 Lord Drakkons who push my shit in

Sometimes I hate this shit.

How much of a time sink is this game? Cause I picked it up when it came out and saw that I'd either have to spend money or wait ages to do shit so I uninstalled it instantly

Once you learn to play it's honestly not that bad since there's a decent skill component. Common characters like MMPR Red and Yellow are still really good even at high tiers of play. Just figure out how to cancel your attacks and learn how to play mind games and you can do well without spending a dime.

That's like every single mobile game.

No, they used the theme from the 95 movie.

Sure but in the next update they are adding NINJOR. How many games let you play as NINJOR?

I guarantee you they did not since Fox owns everything for that.

I loved the movie. Yeah, it was light on actual ranger action, but it was so good it didn't matter. Hope they go forward for at least one sequel.

>That "Stand By Me" scene
I didn't expect a Power Rangers movie to actually make me tear up a bit.


Ok, prove what version it is.

I don't think he was even in the SNES game

>cock up the only hype scene in the movie with a shitty joke
I will forever be mad. This is on par with ME3 for me.

The 95 movie version youtube.com/watch?v=eM1nXm4e3oM


At least we all agree on the best opening theme.

You don't know the difference between the TV version and the movie version?

I did not watch the movie because the Red Ranger looks 40 years old and the makeup to try to make him look young just makes him look unattractively weird.

Keep in mind that some of the production staff was also gay. Just a reminder because people like to think it must have been solely out of homophobia.

underrated post

I dare you to find a more badass or aesthetically pleasing Ranger suit than SWAT Mode.

Alpha this faggot has escaped! Recruit a team of mods with attitude.

>Crossdressing Pink Ranger

How did you know my fetish?

Soooooo edgy kids with depression?

The movie was a piece of shit , kill yourself


MMPR = Turbo = In Space = Time Force >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else >>>>>>>>>> HERE COME THE POWER RANGERS

nigga! no theme will ever beat the first season theme and anybody that thinks otherwise is just trying to be a contrarian faggot.


You're close but you REALLY need to put Mystic Force at the very bottom.


Listen to that fucking shit. Fucking rap.

Wow, i'm dumb and totally can't read and realize that's what you did. Disregard

Frank identifies as a Christian, and says he began attending church with his wife after the death of his brother. He also had a hand in creating a Christian-based mixed martial arts company named "Jesus Didn't Tap". Frank has the slogan tattooed on his left forearm.

What a gigantic faggot

There was a time (don't remember what years/decades it started and ended) when camp femme gays made fun of straight gays (they always call them "straight-acting gays" or opposed to just calling them gays) telling them that acting straight means they're not being true to themselves.


Listening to the theme as an adult makes me realise how obviously synthed the whole thing was. Either that, or some fucked up compression pedals on that riff

> Jason looks high as fuck but damn dude is prime husbando material.

> both yellow and pink ranger looking cute af.

this show def give 90s feels.

how does a christian mma differ from normal mma? only christian members?

and what does jesus didn't tap mean? does tap refer to the tapping on arm or floor you do to signal you surrender?

i'm reminded of a news article i read a few years ago (less than five years, maybe it was three years ago) where one group of drag queens were attacking another group and the attacked group ran crossing a road and one of them was run over by a car. what made me remember the article was the vicious laughter (as described by witnesses) from the attacking group after seeing that gay run over. sent chills down my spine when i read that.

>does tap refer to the tapping on arm or floor you do to signal you surrender?

The latter. That Jesus was being tortured and dying on the cross and did not repent or give in.

He still knows what you're afraid of

>wild force not first
Pleb detected


It's not bad, I don't know about first though.

>Tommy was one of the few who didn't bully him

> around min 3

Stand back, we've got this!

his video game? which one power rangers fighting edition on SNES