Which one was the better kingpin?

Which one was the better kingpin?

obviously the one who die last

Walter White? Looks more like Walter Green to me LMAO XD

Gus had arguably a far bigger operation going and sustained it for years; Walter had a smaller operation (albeit a bigger piece of the pie than when he was working under Gus) which he couldn't sustain for anywhere near as long as Gus.

Gus was the better kingpin, no question.

walter was a paranoid moron who made mess after mess and ended up geting caught on purpose
gus was clean and organized and could have easily kept everything going forever wichwould make him a shitty protagonist

Gus was the true king who basically got killed by a thug. Such is the life.

Is this even a question?


>the man who was unseen and friends with the enemy, making billions of dollars all the while under the DEA's nose and constantly one step ahead and unassuming


>the man who fucked up above and then shoddily made an empire for all of five months before getting caught because he left a fucking book on the shitter where his DEA brother could find it

Which one?

>all these gusfags
Walt killed Gus, remember? He took advantage of his personal vendetta towards Hector. Go eat some chicken.

Gus held his empire longer.

So what? Walt did plenty of clever stuff, but he's still a thug.

Great buddy you found the one weakness of Gus.
You want us to list Walt's?

OP dodnt ask which killed which, he asked who was the better kingpin.

Gus made more money, had a larger reach, was hidden in plain sight, he also held his empire longer than Walt too.

Walt is dumb ass.

>be Walt
>constantly outsmarted and humiliated by Mike
>keep Jesse around despite his unpredictability and then act surprised when he betrays your trust for the zillionth time
>use a band of neo-nazis as muscle even though they are extremely dishonest and deceitful fucks who have no emotional connection to you
>act surprised when aforementioned neo-nazis betray you by stealing your money
>horribly entangle your own family into your criminal empire and ruining their lives and making them hate you
>always lose composure when things don't go your way and cry like a little bitch
>have a poisonous and one-sided relationship with all of your subordinates
>have an empire that lasts for less than a year

Walt, obviously

>Ran his business for years, if not decades.
>Built up a successful front business just to obfuscate his dealings, an accomplishment in and of itself.
>Absolutely did not fuck around
>Died because he miscalculated a wildcard

>Bumbles his way through everything
>Flash in the pan business model that he has no long term plan on how to sustain
>Makes way too much noise, has way too many immediate ties to people who can put him under
>Ultimately dies because he made incredibly bad choices, fucked over those who could have genuinely helped him, and felt he could somehow sustain an operation of that size as if he were some 20 year old selling weed out of his apartment

And Caesar was killed by Brutus, but history remembers the former as the better man

1 perfect take.

better call saul sicking a show about how guss became what he is would be a better story

Walt killed everyone in his way.

Yeah, it's just like what Mike said.
"Just because you kill Jesse James, doesn't make you Jesse James."

Walter considering he was smart enough to make his money and quit the game.

>arguably a far bigger operation
Did you watch the show at all?

So you think if Walt hadn't Killed Gus then his operation wouldn't gotten huge? A fast food chain restaurant is a fucking perfect cover for a drug empire. Another decade or two and Los Pollos could've been a worldwide franchise on top of Gus being one of the most powerful crime lords in the world.

Irrelevant counterfactual. You can't claim to be a good kingpin when you get murdered by a high school chem teacher with zero knowledge of the criminal underworld.
Gus was the better businessman, Walt was the better kingpin. More ruthless, more cunning, more aggressive in expanding his territory and keeping his organization in line.

That doesn't answer my question. It was a hypothetical.

I answered your question by saying it was an irrelevant counterfactual. Gus couldn't expand his empire because he got murdered by an amateur.

Doesn't matter.
Gus's empire was rock solid and left a stronger legacy. He also had subordinates and henchmen who respected him and were utterly loyal to him.

Walt's empire may have been bigger in terms of geographic reach, but it's foundations were incredibly shaky, and his army of henchmen were unfaithful and conniving neo-nazis who betrayed him at the first opportunity. None of Walt's subordinates liked him because he didn't treat them with respect.

Gus = Roman Empire
Not the biggest empire in history, but the one with more prestige, grace, and competence.

Walt = Mongol Empire
It's bigger, but didn't last long and what legacy it left behind was totally flaccid and shitty compared to Rome.

This is the average postmodern brainbox, I've noticed. You can tell a show is good when it brings out these types in the audience.
"If you kill your enemy, they win."
"Just because you beat me, doesn't mean you're better."
"So what if I'm a virgin at 46 years old and haven't done anything? My IQ is 183."
"we wuz kings, we had space ships befor u was even out of yo caves."

If you die, you lose. If your genes or memes die, you lose. Gus got done in by a "bumbling, inept, smalltime chemistry teacher." That is fucking embarrassing.

>Gus had a bigger empire!
>No he didn't retard
>I-I really meant he had a better empire!


>Not the biggest empire in history, but the one with more prestige, grace, and competence

and now it's occupied by mongrel squatters and Asiatic mutts claiming "we built this!! we built these sewers!!!" and the average person couldn't even name a single ruler of the Roman Empire.

He glances up in that scene, I don't like it but I can stand it.

Gus didn't give a shit about the drugs he just wanted to genocide the cartel

>I am a big beta full of spooks
