
the Chad saudi edition

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Palestinians are not straight, we are gay settlers from Crete.


That's supposed to be hot in SA? lol

I'm a pirate now.

Learn 2 respect different tastes user.

You shouldn't be up this early

How so?

You went to bed late yesterday you should sleep until 11 at least

The later I sleep, the earlier I wake up. I don't function well.
I could tell you the same thing, you know? Though I'm sure
you have valid reasons.

I will try to go to bed early tonight, I'm not clear minded when I'm staying up too late

I can't do that. If I go to bed without being sleepy, I'll ruin the night.

I'll settle your ass with some gays.

my gf

and you?

Le le le le le le għadu kmieni wisq, għadu kmieni wisq...

3d > 2d

Rangebanning HK gook nigger piece of shit is the logical thing to do when you think about it. They have no UN seat and are not a real so they should not be allowed on the international board

and as you've surely noticed, there's only one poster from that cuck island who uses his internet for malicious intents. Now I'm all for foreign contact and exchange, but if it's just about some mentally ill spamming retard shitting up the place then I must disapprove of your counter productive moderation policy.

stop talking to yourself you moron

I will say this only once Hiroyuki, so you better listen up because I don't repeat myself for nobody. You rangeban Honk Kong forever, and you give me all the personal info you have stored about him plus a plane ticket and a gun. Or else there's going to be havoc in here

Dunno, I'd take this over shit like the German flag any day.

Are Arabs this white?

no next question

ok... I'll be nice with you because you're still freshly arrived and don't know the whole story. But I must warn you, you do not want trouble with me

No we're BLACK

>you're still freshly arrived
I'm starting to rot now.

Opinions on p*rsian arabs?

That's pretty hot user. Vielen dank for sharing this.

Yes. Most of them are. Levantine people are even lighter.

The ones I meet in real life are usually hardcore muslims, the kind who grow their beards, read the quran daily, listen to sheiks etc.

It's almost like they're robots, they just talk about religion and practice islam nonstop. But that's only the persians here, I'm sure they're different everywhere else.



Yes, Arabs are the semitic subrace of the Caucasoid race. The US census classifies Middle-Easterners as white. Pic related average Arab.

aaaaaah... I poop on your mother aaaaaahhhhh

i fukced your ;other lqste night

I fucked his mother at least 60 times, toasted her ass like a fucking bastard, he's too beta to confront me about it

I wish my parents were dead so that I can kill myself.

If you feel any suicidal urge reading this, please give in to it. I really want you to slit your wrists while shaking

well this turned sour pretty fast

tran*f*cker? or tn/alg

dumb frogposters

They're still alive.

I'm sorry, the real me leaked. But really.

the post was not for you

doesn't matter

The gf


How can wh*te ''women'' compete?


No no no no. Don't post this ever again. Who made that should be arrested for raping two religions.

Stop posting wom*n already

Recommend quality mena films.

yeah that sounds very weird, i havent seen that many religious persian arabs here, theyre mostly just like the other arabs, except that they sometimes have a bit of broken arabic and arent that much with the culture, or maybe thats just me

go the fuck back to instagram or something you fucking normies

Lawrence of Arabia.

can you play this ? these colors and graphics give me motion sickness so I get a day long headache
>tfw can't play doom

He might have asked for local movies. I don't think that's local right?

The gf

>Reminds me of a question.

So, we all know how well covered women can be in mena, we also know how
hot the temperatures can be over there. Are the clothing's material suited for such
heat? Or do the women boil?


They're pretty comfy

So the material does not make summer more hell? The textile does look thin. The fact that they're usually black doesn't help either.

why do arab girls turn me on?
Wh*Teoid women do not satisfy me at all.

instagram pls
i want an arabianbf

You've seen the light.

>Wh*Teoid women do not satisfy me at all.

Go away Western scum
This. Fuck woommmannzzzz

Kara boğa bless me with a çok güzel kadın

depends on what kind of brown
gypsy is a no, they smell of sweat and shit.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr stay away from our womanz we don't like outsiders

We all deserve one.

>gypsy is a no
They're good while under 30


bro please... you dont turn away a man in need do you?

They spoil like fucking milk... think it's their genes or something?

he will turn his back on any man in need

You either convert to the true religion or you fuck off, wh*Te man.

idk f a m
i used to live close to them and they only stole my shit, many of them suck off people next to the stores and have herpes.

Only the worst emigrate
i live next to some, it's not that bad


why must you be like this

Kont rajt tfajla Għarbija fuq tal-linja. Ma kienitx samra pero' għajnejja ħadu ħafna gost biha. Min hemm bdiet il-fissazzjoni tiegħi.

>i live next to some, it's not that bad
said no romanian, let alone any Wh*Teoid man ever.

genocid prin razboi civil cand

lol we have have gypsies here in the Levant I'm (not sure if they are called like that) but for some reason some have blue eyes

he just got lucky, 98% of them are pure unfiltered scum
the tr*Nsylvanian gypos with the big black hats are usually the closest to humans

gypsies dont have blue eyes though, that must be a rapebaby. (not sure why someone would rape a gypsy though)

bozgor genes maybe

Ungurii intai

believe what you want

>butthurt Moldovean

>Tfw you swipe right by accident on someone form uni
>it's a match
>you hate this guy's ass
>he is gonna be even more annoying now

pehaps it's the other way around
ma.. nu stiu, statul roman ar trebui sa inceapa o campanie de propaganda ca sa ii aduca mai aproape de noi. avand in vedere ca ei traiesc acolo de parca ar fi stat in stat spune totul de la sine

but who would want to keep a gypsy rapebaby?
maybe it was a gypsy woman raping a romanian man

Il-fissazzjoni issiġillat ruħha fuq l-'internet' meta sirt naf b' ċertu Persjana ta' ċertu daqs.
Hemmhekk indunajt illi n-nisa bojod m' huma xejn ħlief kruha; kruha li trid tinqered minn
fuq wiċċ id-dinja. In-nisa Ewropej JOĦOLMU li jkunu sbieħ daqs in-nisa Mediterranji,
speċjalment dawk tal-Afrika ta' fuq u tal-Ilvant Nofsani. U għalhekk, wara li indunajt
b'dan kollhu, jeħtieġ illi jien niżżewweġ ma waħda min dawn l-allat mixjin fostna, u
nagħmel ħafna tfal.

pls be qtie grill or female (male)

>nu vrea sa-i impuste pe bozgori
ei n-ar avea dubii daca ar lua transilvania

nu esti de aici, nu?

I'd never marry a gypsy but I'd def cum inside a qt and be the black american dad if you know what I mean

You mean you want his insta?

More pics pls

be wary of aids my nordic brother

Sorry bearer of the dubs but I'm not qt

Jien bniedem illi twelidt bla għan, bla skop. Imma nemmen illi l-għanijiet u l-iskop tiegħek kapaċi toħloqhom int.
Ngħid għalija jien hekk jħossni li qiegħed nagħmel bħalissa. Min mindu għaraft il-fatt illi f'ħajti jien nixtieq ikolli
familja ma' mara sabiħa mil-Afrika ta' Fuq. Mara, illi niżżewweġ u jkolli koċċ tfal magħha. U iva, jekk hemm bżonn, lest illi nitlaq minn fuq din il-misħuta gżira darba għal dejjem. Daqshekk jien determinat.