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I want all the tea in China.

I want my sister back

Jackie Chan is a massive piece of shit.

He openly supports the chinese communist party.

I hope he dies.

this is the face of a man awaiting death

I can't wait this movie comes out. It looks like Jackie Kino.

Foes that mean he's a good actor?


>t. taiwan/hong kong baby
lol care faggot.

>I honestly defend the PRC
Are you self hating or just a sociopath?

The entire PRC government needs to be thrown from helicopters.

kys autist

Is this Jackie Bourne or Jackie Wick?

I bet you're an Amerikek nu male that's never left his hometown and developed all his opinion on the outside world from Sup Forums

kys slavery loving bootlicker commie

>I bet you're an Amerikek
No fucking shit I am.
lmao what kind of third world shithole are you from where you actually like the PRC?

>nu male
nu males are leftists, much like yourself

The PRC is a fucking turd on this planet.

The sooner they abolish authoritarianism and embrace freedom the better.
Do you lick boots?

Wait do you actually support the anti-free speech and authoritarian as fuck policies of china?

lmao why?

doesn't the chinese government kill far more people than north korea or USA per capita?

china sucks lol

I dun know who you are.I dun know what you want. If you are looking for trabble, I can tell you I dun wan any. But wat I do have are a paticular set of kung fu. Kung fu dat make me nightmare for people liek you.

If you tell me who bomb my daughter, I no look for you. I no pursue you.

But if you dun, I find you, and you have bad day.

Well that's what happens when you try and fuck your sister.

You know that China is an authoritarian shithole and actual Chinese work their hardest to be able to leave it? If you were actually in China you probably only went to the tourist areas or Potemkin village tier places they put up to show the world they aren't a corrupt shithole.

uh oh guys we've got a badass alpha male on our hands

I grew up watching Jackie Chan dubbed in german. It was quite disappointing to find out that he sounded like a typical Chinese.

I like how he gets an Oscar for his life achievements right when Hollywood is opening the gates for China to get in.
Nonetheless, I like him as an actor. Or at least the "dont want no trouble" joke

It's a fucking bitch to even get into China. Once you arrived, you still have to fill out a form and wait in a line for around 30 minutes. They're actually kinda rude, even though most people outside the government are especially nice to foreigners (as long as they're not business people tryin to fuck you over).

And you're probably some patriotic Chinese that just happens to live in Canada, but will defend the CCP's crimes to the death.

The Chinese Dream is to make enough money to emigrate to the West. China nr.1 but more than 50% of rich people want out. Wonder why.

Uh oh guys we got a drooling leftist retard that supports his own enslavement here.
lmao you actually support the authoritarian regime known as the people's republic of china?
Not only does everyone here disagree with you strongly, but we laugh at you for your bootlicking shitty opinions.
The only reason you support them is because you enjoy being cucked by the government.


"Ching... chong... ping pong."

One day the PRC will collapse and china will be freed?

How did you get from him mocking the PRC (which is really low on lists regarding freedom, living standards and free speech) that he must be a Kekistani? You are just brainwashed to love the PRC even when it is a totalitarian regime.

>if you don't support china and their batshit insanity, repression of free speech and killing of innocents then you are an ebul alt right neo nazi


>You are just brainwashed to love the PRC even when it is a totalitarian regime.
It seems leftists love the PRC
They defend it in youtube comments too.
It takes 2 fucking seconds to destroy their argument.
they can't even explain why they support such slavery

>be Jackie Chan
>be from Hong Kong
>protest in support of free speech and other human rights in Hong Kong
>fast forward 10 years

If he was just another celeb shilling for a dictatorship, that would be one thing, like Neymar/Guardiola/Xavi supporting Qatar. But Chan is directly supporting the regime that's crushing his home city. He's a piece of shit.

>The Chinese Dream is to make enough money to emigrate to the West. China nr.1 but more than 50% of rich people want out. Wonder why.
Because economic freedom is much better than economic slavery
I still can't believe people don't support free markets when there is so much evidence for their success.
Switzerland is the best country on earth, yet people get angry when you say you want to be like them.

user, you really should stop giving a shit about actor's political opinions. They generally are stupid as fuck and like everyone else have no sway. I do agree with you though

>But Chan is directly supporting the regime that's crushing his home city. He's a piece of shit.

How the fuck did this shit happen?
They they threaten him?
They did offer him a large amount of money?

It's interesting to note that the government still supports and adores Mao to a very high degree. So it all crumbles very fast when they try to put up that facade, especially when even in Shanghai et al there's lots of propaganda posters. Albeit in Chinese, but still.

>user, you really should stop giving a shit about actor's political opinions.
But I have OCD really bad...
>They generally are stupid as fuck

All of the above.

The only reason butthurt americucks dont like the chinese communist party is because they made china strong again, and being the weak stupid insecure sore loser cucks they are, they cant deal with having actual serious competition.

Prove me wrong

Most people are illiterate when it comes to economics or politics. They have a vague, warped notion of how they work but don't actually understand them.

He sided with the wrong clique and the new leaders don't like him. They ''caught'' his son smoking weed and gave him six months. He's also kissing communist ass wherever he goes.

There is always that one faggot who has to bring politics into a thread.

You forgot to add 5000 years of culture and lifting billions out of poverty.

Better leave out the destruction of culture and even social cohesion and jailing people for internet posts.

He saw what piece of shits are growing up in a lefty shit evironment like his son did

I can't believe I'm actually seeing chink shills and trump shills having an argument on Sup Forums.

>leave my store alone... UNCLE, UNCLE

Leftists really do need to be killed.

Communism is a cancerous ideology that only results in slavery.

Why are we not killing these people? They are impossible to reason with.

reminder that jackie hates the rush hour movies, and most of his american movies too


Do any right wing ideologies have a proposal to deal with Capitalism becoming obsolete due in just a few decades?

And I mean a reasonable proposal that isn't 'let everyone die' or 'the market will sort itself out'.

>thread derailed in 3 posts

The Rush Hour movies were shit so I agree with him. Half of his Chinese movies are shit too.

The Chinese government is in for a big surprise when the long term effects of the one child policy fuck them in the ass as mass revolts come from all the beta males with no hope of climbing up the social class or getting a woman.

>Do any right wing ideologies have a proposal to deal with Capitalism becoming obsolete due in just a few decades?
Do you retarded leftists actually think capitalism will "collapse"?
This theory makes no sense, yet you seem to religiously believe it.

Automation will only strengthen capitalism, people will have to work much much less than they currently do today.
The only reason everything is so fucked up now is thanks to central banking. You leftists support central banking and the enslavement of the working class.

When we abolish central banking and kill all of the socialists, prices will dramatically come down as wages stay the same meaning people will work much much less and be able to afford many more things including homes.

Central bankers need to be killed and so do socialists.

You don't know what you're talking about, like most white people speaking about China.

The one child policy, to begin with, had plenty of rules and special cases, where a person wasn't restricted to a single child. If you didn't live in a massive city or were an ethnic minority, you could have more than one.

Also, it's now a two child policy, because they're more able to deal with their massive population. Without some level of control, China wouldn't be where it is today. There's actually a lot more women in China than even the government knows about. There are constant reports about "30 million+ people discovered in China today", because they just go unmentioned.

>Do you retarded leftists actually think capitalism will "collapse"?

A number of economists have spoken about this. But I guess intellectualism is just academic socialism, right?

>people will have to work much much less than they currently do today
Or literally not at all. Unemployment is going to skyrocket and I never see rightists talking about it. Most likely because the obvious conclusion is having a large welfare safety net, which you guys are fundamentally opposed to.

What the fuck are you talking about? Only in museums can you find propaganda art in shanghai. Statues in parks are an exception even though the shit is filled with signs

Judging from this thread, people here have never actually lived in china and seen the state of the country and the people. It's amazing how most of you are talking out of your asses, it's basically the same thing as with movies

>like most white people speaking about China.
Most white people speaking about china are RIGHT. Just like most white people speaking about how horrible north korea is.

>The one child policy, to begin with, had plenty of rules and special cases, where a person wasn't restricted to a single child. If you didn't live in a massive city or were an ethnic minority, you could have more than one.
Does that make it right?

>This thread.

>being either left or right
Bad enough the American system seems to only consist of two parties.

I lived in China, though. There's been propaganda posters, certainly not as many as there are in actual rural areas. But they're there

>Does that make it right?
Yes. White people need to get over themselves. China has a nationalistic government to keep the people united, which is right. On top of that, they have an authoritarian regime which means they don't waste frivolous time in debating obvious issues.

What does this have to do with anything?

First off real post scarcity is impossible because there are always things are are scarce.

Secondly capitalism itself is actively already creating a post scarcity economy though increases in economic production.

>A number of economists
Economics is a wide open field. You need to be specific. I bet the people you listened to were marxists or keynesians weren't they?

>But I guess intellectualism is just academic socialism
Socialists are pure pseudo-intellectuals.
Socialists have done nothing but HINDER post scarcity and economic production.
They HATE IT when society produces more goods and automates things.
Meanwhile libertarians like me love it when science, automation and economic efficiency advance.

>Or literally not at all.
Yes no shit.
If capitalism advances far enough, nobody would have to work.
Or maybe they would work 1 day a week. Or work for 2 years then never work again.
The future is very exciting.

>Unemployment is going to skyrocket
lmao prove it
Unemployment is caused by central banking, the thing YOU support.
Massive jobs in the consumer goods sector will be created when we implement a free market.

>I never see rightists talking about it
We do all of the time. Futuristic capitalism is one of our main and most exciting theories.

>Most likely because the obvious conclusion is having a large welfare safety net
But it only creates poverty and destroys economic production.
I thought you wanted MORE production?

Good goy, surrender your freedom of speech and other basic rights, it's all for the greater good.

Keeping your population at bay when it's overpopulated is necessary to the overall state, dude. And now it's abolished anyways.
That one was more or less justified.

No, it's wrong.
Authoritarianism is never right.
You are a self hating piece of shit.

>White people need to get over themselves.
White people are superior to you and created more technology.
Chinks can only copy poorly.

>China has a nationalistic government to keep the people united
LMAO how is brainwashing the people and keeping them STUPID AND IGNORANT a good thing?
lmao you are such a cumlicker it's hilarious
you LOVE to be enslaved

>they have an authoritarian regime which means they don't waste frivolous time
lmao that just means they are a shithole with zero empathy
which means they stagnate and the only growth they have comes from enslaving their population and lowering their wages
if the chinese allowed their currency to rise, chinese people would be insanely rich while americans would be poor

Were you people dropped as children? It's incredible you people actually exist?
Do you hate yourself and your freedom THIS much?

Japan is a million times better than the child killing shithole that is china.
You people should be gassed along with the rest of the PRC government.

Does he actually say that? That would be a cool twist.

People underestimate the savagery the chinese communist party is capable of.

They're so afraid of independent public opinion that they'd rather kill thousands of their people than make it possible for people to say anything bad about them in their media. They're basically in control of all forms of communication in China as well.

China is pretty much light North Korea.

>dude let's let this small group of unelected corrupt turds completely run our lives
>what could possibly go wrong

Why do you pieces of human excrement exist?

Where have you lived? You were specifically talking about shanghai so tell me where in shanghai

>inb4 propaganda art museum or longhua martyrs' cemetary

>China has a nationalistic government to keep the people united, which is right.
Why is free market and direct democractic Switzerland a far far better country than the absolute shithole that is China?
kill yourself desu

Completely ruining their lives by not giving them 10 children when they're barely supported by the government anyways?

>10 children
nobody would produce 10 children, it's unsustainable and would fuck over the parents

why do all other populations massively reduce their number of children as they become industrialized?

Why do western countries have low birth rates?

This policy was never necessary.

>when they're barely supported by the government anyways?
It's the government that fucks them.
What they need is a free market like Switzerland, or a least a mostly free market like Japan.

not really, the west tends to exaggerate things a lot and as a corrupt system it's often more liberal than the west so long as you can pay or have connections. If you have money you can do whatever you want, if you don't then you're a failure in the system and are just a drone.

>"Kill all people who disagree with me"
Gee you sure make yourself sound like the reasonable party.

Not to mention that you don't even have the balls to hit one of them. You just hope someone will "take care of the problem for you" because you are weak.

So how exactly is the chinese government different from the western one? The only difference i see is that the chinese gpvernment does it directly when western government does it indirectly by making people hate each others either through race wars or just letting in refugees, all of those things resulting in people killed

The west isn't any better if you actually care to take a look and read between the lines of what governments actually say and what they do. It's literally always about power, only that the chinese gpvernment actually has some balls and doesn't eat shit from their people in the meantime like western governments always do

So does Sup Forums still have mods or nah? Why is this derailed thread still up? I'll tell you that I'm sage-ing because moot removed the public sage for some retarded reason.

Didn't they harvest the organs of some dissidents at one point? That's pretty fucken gnarly.

>thread about Jackie Chan devolves into yet more Sup Forums shitposting in seconds

t. hong konger

>>"Kill all people who disagree with me"
It's not about disagreeing. It's about preventing people from actively pursuing policies which enslave other people.
I don't support killing leftist autists on the internet.
I do support killing leftists in government like Allende, Castro, Mao, Stalin, Maduro etc who are actually doing the enslavement.

>that you don't even have the balls to hit one of them
why does antifa get the shit kicked out of them in the street all of the time?

>that scene where he interrogates Brosnan by putting his wife on the treadmill
fucking brutal

>it's another americans call people 'good goy' and 'bootlicker' episode

>massively reduce the number of children as they become industrialized

no they don't you fucking moron. Reduction in number of children happens extremely late in an already totally industrialized first world country due to taxes and house prices among other things. Countries that are becomign industrialized have ,more children then ever before, and more of those children survive.

did I misunderstand your post or are you literally advocating for the state to have absolute control over its populace and for the individual to have no rights defending him from anyone high enough on the hierarchy of government

and somehow your """conspiracies""" about western governments justify CCP crushing all dissent, kidnapping and torturing everyone who dares to say that maybe the government is kinda bad

the fucking lengths people go to defend CCP

>So how exactly is the chinese government different from the western one?
they restrict free speech , heavily restrict economic freedom.

they kill more people for nonsense charges than the USA

>The west isn't any better
the west isn't great but they are a million times better when it comes to human rights of their own citizens
you would have to be an absolute retard to deny this

t. slaveland chinaer

>it's a leftist who wants daddy government to control all of his decisions whines about freedom episode


>at one point
AFAIK they still harvest prisoners organs. Plus it's extremely easy to end up in prison in China, especially for westerners who're under the false impression that there's rule of law there.

You can go to China for a trip to the Great Wall and all it takes is a pissed off cunt with enough connections to get you imprisoned for 20 years.

>no they don't you fucking moron
there is massive empirical evidence in favor of this
look at japan or europe for fuck sakes

>taxes and house prices
lmao bullshit
people used to breed massively because there was a good chance their kids would die

in industrialized countries this doesn't happen, also people are much more interested in having a good life for themselves then creating a fuckton of children

it happens in EVERY western nation

>Countries that are becomign industrialized have ,more children then ever before
This is emperically FALSE though.
Where are you getting your data.
Do you even live in a first world country?
My parents had 2 kids.
My grandparents had 6 kids.
My great grandparents had 13 kids.

>especially for westerners who're under the false impression that there's rule of law there.
sad idiot westerners

china is a SLAVE country where people are treated like human fucking garbage

yet there are still leftists on the internet which support this oppressive government
kill them all

Why the fuck would that affect my enjoyment of this kino?

How long till this great Chinese patriot makes a movie about beating up Tibetan buddhist radicals, Uyghur terrorists or Falun-Gong cultists?

>please enslave me corporations and authoritarian governments
>I love being a slave

lmao what a literal cuck

>How long till this great Chinese patriot makes a movie about beating up Tibetan buddhist radicals, Uyghur terrorists or Falun-Gong cultists?
I hope the chinese communist party collapses before then and every one of these leftist turds suffocates.

I hope it goes back straight to the times of warlords and their mini-states. Unified mainland China is kinda spoopy, even if they're still nowhere near the US in terms of force projection.

I have a fantasy of a free market dictator taking over china and turning it into a free market utopia and creating 1 hour work weeks, immortality and space elevators.

I am not advocating it but merely stating that the western government already has absolute control over its populace. if you had lived in China before, you would see that the people almost have literally the same rights as people in the west do although punishments are indeed harder than in the West

I am all for a proper democracy but you guys are insane if you think the west has actual textbook democracies going on. also, you can cry "muh conspiracy" all you want but that doesn't mean the West isn't doing all kinds of shit with its people. Try living in China first and then try and form an opinion instead of talking out of your ass

>they restrict free speech

you're right about that although you wouldn't think that was a bad thing if you actually saw how a lot of chinese people behaved. china is still a pretty traditional country so actually, values of confucianism (basically "shut the fuck up and be obedient) prevent people from saying what they sometimes think. that is basically an intrinsic factor for not saying jack shit

>they kill more people for nonsense charges than the USA

you are totally right there

>heavily restrict economic freedom

you're basically saying "why won't the government let the West conquer their country with companies?" because Chinese companies actually are being funded all around the place and from what I experienced, people are always encouraged to do business

>they are a million times better when it comes to human rights of their own citizens

yes, we have a different set of human rights but the government still walks all over us on a regular basis. don't get me wrong, I like to live in the west more than in China but the only human right we possess that Chinese people don't is saying something bad about the government and some official gay marriage stuff. that's about it

you would have to be an absolute retard to only judge a country from far away even though you haven't experienced it first hand

He should make a film where he has to hunt down the dalai lama to dash the hopes of any remaining nationalist Tibetans. There can be a side plot/ allegory with Tibet being visibly ethnically cleansed by Chinese replacement migration. Think of all the locations to film! They can even add in a bit about the CIA resucing the dalai lama historically and maybe a bit about the cleansing of Manchuria (by the Chinese rather than the Japanese.)

as someone who lived in Shanghai, I can pretty much confirm that although it's not quite THAT easy to stay in prison

>tfw a guy from the university talked to a chinese girl at a club
>apparently touched her shoulders or whatever
>her boyfriend or whatever got mad that western boy was talking to his girl
>outside the club
>western guy wants to go home but chinese guy comes from behind and sucker punches him straight in the mouth somehow
>chinese guy as well as bouncers call police and say western guy committed some kind of sexual assault by touching her shoulder or arm
>tfw bounders whisper with police men (probably convincing them to get the western guy to shut the fuck up about the sucker punching thing and not press charges)
>tfw western guy has to go to police station where the police men throw insults at him etc
>tfw he actually gets out after a while because there is no real evidence and they only probably wanted to scare him

the guy actually wanted to go home to europe after that shit

>you would have to be an absolute retard to only judge a country from far away even though you haven't experienced it first hand
This is such a retard statement. Do I have to visit every country on earth before I can make a judgement about it? Do you understand how informed judgements work? Do you need to suffer acid burns to judge that they are shit? Not that I'm arguing for or against the CCP but seriously, man. Think about what you're saying.

>although you wouldn't think that was a bad thing
It's always a bad thing.
chinese people are basically slaves that aren't allowed to know what is going on with their own corrupt government and the rest of the world
what kind of sycophantic bootlicking tool would defend such a thing?
>that is basically an intrinsic factor for not saying jack shit
Just because people have a culture of conformity doesn't people people wouldn't change their conformity and start questioning authority.
Look at the history of USA.
China is preventing any actual intellectual development in china.
You are a bootlicking cuck.

>"why won't the government let the West conquer their country with companies?"
If they had economic freedom they would still have their own companies and these companies would be a lot richer than american companies since america is a debt ridden shithole thanks to the federal reserve.
If the Chinese let their currency rise and allowed for free banking, the chinese would be rich as fuck and Chinese companies would OWN american companies.
What a tool you are.

>Chinese companies actually are being funded all around the place and from what I experienced, people are always encouraged to do business
Business is monopolized in the country, there is no free market. It's mercantilism pure and simple.
The people suffer because of this.

>government still walks all over us on a regular basis
China is far far worse.

> Chinese people don't is saying something bad about the government
That is the MOST IMPORTANT fucking right.
That is the main thing china is oppressing.

Why are you people like this?

>you would have to be an absolute retard to only judge a country from far away even though you haven't experienced it first hand
so I can't have an opinion on north korea because I never lived there
what an idiot you are

I'm a hong konger and the fact he supports the chinese government does nothing to change the fact that I grew up watching his movies and their awesome fight scenes.

I still think his last truly awesome movie was Who Am I

Will be keeping an eye on this one.

Don't care about Sup Forums bullshit.

Why is the CIA so based?
With all this leftist demonization of the agency they sure did some based shit like supporting Pinochet.

you are basically saying that you can always believe what the west writes about other countries and that HAS to be right

I am stressing again that China has a lot of negative sides to it but actually living there has shown me that even though there are downsides, if it wasn't for the hard-as-fuck work life, China would not be that different from the west. the state of life in China is extremely exaggerated in the West

you also have to understand that a lot of Chinese people behave like shit. In a country where it is normal to spit literally everywhere and push in lines, there needs to be control because otherwise, the people there would be even more retarded. people in the West have not that strict rules BECAUSE they act in a much more civilised way

Jackie Chan's upcoming movies:
>Tibet is Chinese Clay! (2017)
>Chinese Clay 2: Xinjiang (2018)
>Chinese Clay 3: Diaoyutai (2019, "Chinese Clay: Retribution" in the US)
>Rush Hour 4: Crush the Piggu Doggu (TBA)
>Clay (TBA)

>he wants to kill and enslave me but god damn I love his kino