Buck toothed bitch...

Daisy Ridley > Felicity Jones

thanks yify!

Are you for real


What's it like having shit taste?

Who's the grandma?

Daisy Ridley is REALLY not attractive

What did he mean by this?

this is now a daisy ridley thread

I liked her honestly. Problem was the script was so bad there was no characterization at all.

SHE'S so fucking ugly

rogue one was shit but it was much better than "the force awakens a new hope 2"

Post Emilia acting

>A/10 V/10

She's fucking garbage.

Here's a second one in case you want to vomit from piss poor acting baka

I want her to give me a browjob



ey asshole im actin over here

The Empire have always been Space Nazis.

I'd let her act on my face

there is a different between isolation (want to be left alone) and supremacy (wanting to dominate over others)

a group that enforces their perceived supremacy will be challenged and rightly so

no she's great


I watched A Monster Calls and it showed to me that she can in fact act quite well so stop making fun of her. Now.

me on the left

why are dwarves always so angry?

not my fault you're a fucking birth defect

The fucking state of that

imagine what the cushion smells like

Like leather probably


surprise buttsex?



>tfw you nut inside her and she remembers she's not on birth control


>mfw this is the face she made for the entire running time of Force Awakens

How can Disney have so much money but hire tards that can't act without having their mouth open the entire movie?

Hi Acting, I'm dad.

She's infertile anyway...


Does Boyega have a gf? I wonder if he's already been friendzoned by Ridley.

He's gay

>>mfw this is the face she made for the entire running time of Force Awakens

Why there's a often posted collage of all the ridiculous faces she made during the movie then?

Is this a fact? Never heard it till now, and nowadays if you're gay in Hollywood you get paraded around by the faggy progressive media.

I don't think he's gay but he said on some radio show that he and his family are religious and that he's a virgin.

But if he is gay then he lucked out on the genetic lottery. I mean look at dem breeding hips, perfect for being impregnated by some white biker animal.

>and that he's a virgin
Oh shit, but if he's not gay it must be suffering for him, filming for weeks around Daisy Ridley's exposed hairless armpits, constantly smelling her sweat and trying to maintain eye contact while shooting. Poor man.